Florian Lehner

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open lehner.florianMaRDI QIDQ278885

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Tipsy cop and tipsy robber: collisions of biased random walks on graphs2024-04-16Paper
Universal planar graphs for the topological minor relation2024-04-09Paper
Hamiltonian decompositions of 4‐regular Cayley graphs of infinite abelian groups2023-10-05Paper
Distinguishing infinite graphs with bounded degrees2023-10-05Paper
Asymmetric colouring of locally compact permutation groups2023-09-15Paper
A note on classes of subgraphs of locally finite graphs2023-05-02Paper
Self-avoiding walks and multiple context-free languages2023-03-31Paper
A Stallings type theorem for quasi-transitive graphs2022-09-23Paper
Corrigendum to: ``A bound for the distinguishing index of regular graphs2022-01-13Paper
On fixity of arc-transitive graphs2021-12-14Paper
Bounding the Cop Number of a Graph by Its Genus2021-11-04Paper
On the cop number of toroidal graphs2021-09-16Paper
Counterexamples to “A conjecture on induced subgraphs of Cayley graphs”2021-06-11Paper
Distinguishing numbers of finite 4-valent vertex-transitive graphs2021-06-11Paper
Comparing consecutive letter counts in multiple context-free languages2021-05-10Paper
Invariant spanning double rays in amenable groups2020-12-04Paper
Distinguishing density and the distinct spheres condition2020-09-15Paper
A bound for the distinguishing index of regular graphs2020-09-15Paper
On symmetries of edge and vertex colourings of graphs2020-07-08Paper
Trees with distinguishing index equal distinguishing number plus one2020-04-28Paper
Hamilton decompositions of one-ended Cayley graphs2020-01-15Paper
Firefighting on trees and Cayley graphs2019-12-19Paper
On tree‐decompositions of one‐ended graphs2019-05-23Paper
Non-reconstructible locally finite graphs2018-10-11Paper
Clique trees of infinite locally finite chordal graphs2018-05-25Paper
Breaking graph symmetries by edge colourings2017-09-29Paper
A counterexample to the reconstruction conjecture for locally finite trees2017-09-13Paper
Distinguishing graphs with intermediate growth2017-08-25Paper
A counterexample to montgomery's conjecture on dynamic colourings of regular graphs2017-07-27Paper
The Cartesian product of graphs with loops2016-12-02Paper
Pursuit evasion on infinite graphs2016-11-29Paper
Extending cycles locally to Hamilton cycles2016-05-03Paper
Fast factorization of Cartesian products of (directed) hypergraphs2016-01-21Paper
Local finiteness, distinguishing numbers, and Tucker's conjecture2015-11-02Paper
Distinguishing graphs with infinite motion and nonlinear growth2014-10-02Paper
Endomorphism breaking in graphs2014-09-04Paper
On spanning tree packings of highly edge connected graphs2014-08-27Paper
Random Colourings and Automorphism Breaking in Locally Finite Graphs2014-02-24Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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