Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
On the spectral gap in the Kac-Luttinger model and Bose-Einstein condensation | 2024-01-29 | Paper |
On bulk deviations for the local behavior of random interlacements | 2023-12-21 | Paper |
On the cost of the bubble set for random interlacements | 2023-06-28 | Paper |
Excess deviations for points disconnected by random interlacements | 2022-03-03 | Paper |
On the \(C^1\)-property of the percolation function of random interlacements and a related variational problem | 2021-09-15 | Paper |
Solidification of porous interfaces and disconnection | 2020-08-04 | Paper |
On macroscopic holes in some supercritical strongly dependent percolation models | 2019-10-08 | Paper |
On coupling and ``Vacant set level set percolation | 2019-05-16 | Paper |
Level-set percolation for the Gaussian free field on a transient tree | 2018-06-01 | Paper |
Disconnection, random walks, and random interlacements | 2017-02-17 | Paper |
Coupling and an application to level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field | 2016-05-23 | Paper |
Zur Verleihung des Abel-Preises 2007 an S. R. Srinisava Varadhan | 2016-01-21 | Paper |
Disconnection and level-set percolation for the Gaussian free field | 2016-01-12 | Paper | | 2015-07-13 | Paper |
Large deviations for occupation time profiles of random interlacements | 2015-02-23 | Paper |
On scaling limits and Brownian interlacements | 2014-06-24 | Paper |
A lower bound for disconnection by random interlacements | 2014-02-14 | Paper | | 2014-02-11 | Paper |
Phase transition and level-set percolation for the Gaussian free field | 2013-06-19 | Paper |
Random interlacements and the Gaussian free field | 2012-12-10 | Paper |
An isomorphism theorem for random interlacements | 2012-06-22 | Paper |
Topics in occupation times and Gaussian free fields | 2012-05-15 | Paper |
Decoupling inequalities and interlacement percolation on \(G\times \mathbb Z\) | 2012-04-04 | Paper | | 2011-11-25 | Paper |
A lower bound on the critical parameter of interlacement percolation in high dimension | 2011-09-27 | Paper |
Connectivity bounds for the vacant set of random interlacements | 2011-03-10 | Paper |
On the critical parameter of interlacement percolation in high dimension | 2011-02-09 | Paper |
Course 4 Random motions in random media | 2010-06-21 | Paper |
Vacant set of random interlacements and percolation | 2010-05-27 | Paper |
On the domination of a random walk on a discrete cylinder by random interlacements | 2009-11-20 | Paper |
Upper bound on the disconnection time of discrete cylinders and random interlacements | 2009-11-04 | Paper |
Random walks on discrete cylinders and random interlacements | 2009-09-02 | Paper |
Percolation for the vacant set of random interlacements | 2009-05-13 | Paper | | 2008-11-10 | Paper |
Giant component and vacant set for random walk on a discrete torus | 2008-03-28 | Paper |
How universal are asymptotics of disconnection times in discrete cylinders? | 2008-01-22 | Paper |
On the disconnection of a discrete cylinder by a random walk | 2006-09-14 | Paper |
An invariance principle for isotropic diffusions in random environment | 2006-06-16 | Paper |
On the static and dynamic points of view for certain random walks in random environment | 2005-09-27 | Paper | | 2005-01-04 | Paper |
On the diffusive behavior of isotropic diffusions in a random environment | 2004-11-23 | Paper |
Quenched invariance principles for walks on clusters of percolation or among random conduc\-tances | 2004-10-05 | Paper |
On the anisotropic walk on the supercritical percolation cluster | 2003-12-16 | Paper | | 2003-08-24 | Paper |
Cut points and diffusive random walks in random environment | 2003-05-25 | Paper |
On a class of transient random walks in random environment | 2003-05-06 | Paper |
On new examples of ballistic random walks in random environment | 2003-05-06 | Paper | | 2003-01-06 | Paper |
An effective criterion for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment | 2002-07-29 | Paper |
Slowdown estimates and central limit theorem for random walks in random environment | 2001-12-10 | Paper |
A law of large numbers for random walks in random environment | 2001-07-25 | Paper |
Slowdown and neutral pockets for a random walk in random environment | 2000-03-30 | Paper |
On Ruelle's probability cascades and an abstract cavity method | 1999-06-02 | Paper | | 1998-11-10 | Paper |
Brownian motion and random obstacles | 1998-08-05 | Paper |
Stochastic cascades and 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations | 1997-12-11 | Paper |
Fluctuations of principal eigenvalues and random scales | 1997-12-10 | Paper |
Capacity and principal eigenvalues: The method of enlargement of obstacles revisited | 1997-11-17 | Paper |
Distance fluctuations and Lyapunov exponents | 1997-09-24 | Paper |
Cascades aléatoires et équations de Navier-Stokes | 1997-07-15 | Paper |
Brownian confinement and pinning in a Poissonian potential. I | 1997-07-07 | Paper |
Brownian confinement and pinning in a Poissonian potential. II | 1997-07-07 | Paper | | 1996-05-28 | Paper |
Quenched critical large deviations for Brownian motion in a Poissonian potential | 1996-03-20 | Paper |
Crossing velocities and random lattice animals | 1995-12-05 | Paper |
Annealed Lyapounov exponents and large deviations in a poissonian potential. I | 1995-11-22 | Paper |
Annealed Lyapounov exponents and large deviations in a poissonian potential. II | 1995-11-22 | Paper | | 1995-06-30 | Paper |
Shape theorem, lyapounov exponents, and large deviations for brownian motion in a poissonian potential | 1995-01-29 | Paper |
Brownian motion with a drift in a poissonian potential | 1995-01-29 | Paper |
Brownian motion in a Poissonian potential | 1994-08-15 | Paper |
Brownian asymptotics in a Poissonian environment | 1994-07-14 | Paper |
Brownian survival among Gibbsian traps | 1993-06-29 | Paper |
On the confinement property of two‐dimensional Brownian motion among poissonian obstacles | 1992-09-27 | Paper | | 1992-06-26 | Paper |
Lifschitz tail on hyperbolic space: Neumann conditions | 1992-06-25 | Paper | | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
Lifschitz tail and Wiener sausage. I | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Lifschitz tail and Wiener sausage. II | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Long time asymptotics for the shrinking wiener sausage | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
A limiting result for the structure of collisions between many independent diffusions | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Lifschitz Tail and Wiener Sausage on hyperbolic space | 1989-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Some connections between excursion theory and the discrete Schrödinger equation with random potentials | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Some bounds and limiting results for the measure of Wiener sausage of small radius associated with elliptic diffusions | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Propagation of chaos for a system of annihilating brownian spheres | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
A propagation of chaos result for Burgers' equation | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
A multidimensional process involving local time | 1986-01-01 | Paper | | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Nonlinear reflecting diffusion process, and the propagation of chaos and fluctuations associated | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
[ �quations de type de Boltzmann, spatialement homog�nes] | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions | 1984-01-01 | Paper | | 1983-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Martingales dépendant d'un paramètre: une formule d'Ito | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1981-01-01 | Paper | | 1981-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1978-01-01 | Paper |