Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Dimension is polynomial in height for posets with planar cover graphs | 2024-01-15 | Paper |
Treedepth vs circumference | 2023-10-04 | Paper |
Cliquewidth and dimension | 2023-08-23 | Paper |
Reconfiguring Independent Sets on Interval Graphs | 2023-08-08 | Paper |
Colouring bottomless rectangles and arborescences | 2023-07-31 | Paper |
Boolean dimension of a Boolean lattice | 2023-07-31 | Paper |
The grid-minor theorem revisited | 2023-07-06 | Paper |
Tight bound on treedepth in terms of pathwidth and longest path | 2023-02-06 | Paper |
Adjacency Labelling for Planar Graphs (and Beyond) | 2022-12-08 | Paper |
Bounded-Degree Planar Graphs Do Not Have Bounded-Degree Product Structure | 2022-12-05 | Paper |
Excluding a ladder | 2022-11-09 | Paper |
Boolean dimension and dim-boundedness: Planar cover graph with a zero | 2022-06-14 | Paper |
Improved bounds for weak coloring numbers | 2022-04-04 | Paper |
Improved Bounds for Centered Colorings | 2021-11-05 | Paper |
Tight bounds on the clique chromatic number | 2021-09-28 | Paper |
Seymour's conjecture on 2-connected graphs of large pathwidth | 2021-04-16 | Paper |
Erdös--Hajnal Properties for Powers of Sparse Graphs | 2021-03-30 | Paper |
Boolean dimension and tree-width | 2021-03-20 | Paper |
Improved bounds for centered colorings | 2021-02-02 | Paper |
Planar Graphs Have Bounded Queue-Number | 2020-11-11 | Paper |
Boolean dimension, components and blocks | 2020-07-17 | Paper |
Tight Bounds on the Clique Chromatic Number | 2020-06-19 | Paper |
Enumerating minimal dominating sets in the (in)comparability graphs of bounded dimension posets | 2020-04-15 | Paper |
Excluding a ladder | 2020-02-02 | Paper |
Nowhere dense graph classes and dimension | 2020-01-17 | Paper |
Planar cubic graphs of small diameter | 2019-08-15 | Paper |
Separating tree-chromatic number from path-chromatic number | 2019-07-17 | Paper |
Making Octants Colorful and Related Covering Decomposition Problems | 2019-06-20 | Paper |
The queue-number of posets of bounded width or height | 2019-02-15 | Paper |
Sparsity and dimension | 2019-02-01 | Paper |
Sparsity and dimension | 2018-07-16 | Paper |
Burling graphs, chromatic number, and orthogonal tree-decompositions | 2018-02-22 | Paper |
Burling graphs, chromatic number, and orthogonal tree-decompositions | 2018-01-18 | Paper |
Planar Posets Have Dimension at Most Linear in Their Height | 2018-01-04 | Paper |
Topological Minors of Cover Graphs and Dimension | 2017-12-01 | Paper |
On-line coloring between two lines | 2017-10-10 | Paper |
On the dimension of posets with cover graphs of treewidth 2 | 2017-10-06 | Paper |
Tree-width and dimension | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
Graph Sharing Game and the Structure of Weighted Graphs with a Forbidden Subdivision | 2017-06-30 | Paper |
An on-line competitive algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs without long induced paths | 2017-05-02 | Paper |
Making triangles colorful | 2017-03-09 | Paper |
Pathwidth and nonrepetitive list coloring | 2017-01-18 | Paper |
A note on concurrent graph sharing games | 2016-10-28 | Paper |
Graph Drawings with One Bend and Few Slopes | 2016-05-03 | Paper |
Lower Bounds for On-line Graph Colorings | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
An On-line Competitive Algorithm for Coloring $$P_8$$-free Bipartite Graphs | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Making Octants Colorful and Related Covering Decomposition Problems | 2015-04-17 | Paper |
Coloring intersection graphs of arc-connected sets in the plane | 2014-10-29 | Paper |
An extremal problem on crossing vectors. | 2014-10-07 | Paper |
Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number | 2014-08-27 | Paper | | 2014-06-11 | Paper |
Outerplanar graph drawings with few slopes | 2014-04-09 | Paper |
Towards an on-line version of Ohba's conjecture | 2014-03-25 | Paper |
Note on the number of edges in families with linear union-complexity | 2013-12-05 | Paper |
Triangle-free geometric intersection graphs with large chromatic number | 2013-11-06 | Paper | | 2013-10-02 | Paper |
Nonrepetitive Choice Number of Trees | 2013-06-27 | Paper |
On-line dimension of semi-orders | 2013-06-26 | Paper |
On-line chain partitions of up-growing semi-orders | 2013-03-20 | Paper |
New approach to nonrepetitive sequences | 2013-03-12 | Paper |
On-line version of Rabinovitch theorem for proper intervals | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
Graph Drawings with One Bend and Few Slopes | 2012-09-25 | Paper |
Parity in graph sharing games | 2012-05-30 | Paper |
On-line chain partitions of orders: a survey | 2012-03-23 | Paper |
A Graph-Grabbing Game | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
How to eat 4/9 of a pizza | 2011-08-08 | Paper | | 2010-07-28 | Paper | | 2010-07-28 | Paper |
On-line chain partitioning of up-growing interval orders | 2007-10-12 | Paper |