Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
An extension of Bremner and Macleod's theorem | 2024-08-30 | Paper |
Quaternion algebras and square power classes over biquadratic extensions | 2024-08-08 | Paper |
Galois module structure of some elementary \(p\)-abelian extensions | 2024-08-08 | Paper |
On the Paley graph of a quadratic character | 2024-06-27 | Paper |
Lifting \(\bmod p\) Heisenberg representations to \(\bmod{p^2}\) | 2024-04-25 | Paper | | 2023-12-08 | Paper |
Further insights into the mysteries of the values of zeta functions at integers | 2023-08-18 | Paper |
Fekete polynomials of principal Dirichlet characters | 2023-07-27 | Paper |
On the joins of group rings | 2023-05-02 | Paper |
On the Paley graph of a quadratic character | 2022-12-04 | Paper |
Fekete polynomials, quadratic residues, and arithmetic | 2022-09-30 | Paper |
Mild pro-\(p\) groups and the Koszulity conjectures | 2022-09-14 | Paper |
On the arithmetic of generalized Fekete polynomials | 2022-06-23 | Paper |
Galois module structure of some elementary $p$-abelian extensions | 2022-03-04 | Paper |
Quaternion algebras and square power classes over biquadratic extensions | 2021-12-13 | Paper |
Mild pro-p groups and the Koszulity conjectures | 2021-06-07 | Paper |
Koszul algebras and quadratic duals in Galois cohomology | 2021-02-15 | Paper |
Enhanced Koszul properties in Galois cohomology | 2020-05-26 | Paper |
Relations in the maximal pro-𝑝 quotients of absolute Galois groups | 2020-03-02 | Paper |
Special unipotent groups are split | 2018-05-02 | Paper |
Counting Galois \(\mathbb{U}_4(\mathbb{F}_p)\)-extensions using Massey products | 2017-03-28 | Paper |
Triple Massey products and Galois theory | 2017-02-08 | Paper |
Triple Massey products vanish over all fields | 2017-02-01 | Paper |
Description of Galois unipotent extensions | 2016-11-18 | Paper |
Construction of unipotent Galois extensions and Massey products | 2016-10-21 | Paper |
Dimensions of Zassenhaus filtration subquotients of some pro-\(p\)-groups | 2016-07-25 | Paper |
Triple Massey products over global fields | 2016-04-22 | Paper |
The kernel unipotent conjecture and the vanishing of Massey products for odd rigid fields | 2015-02-13 | Paper |
Embedding problems with local conditions and the admissibility of finite groups | 2013-10-31 | Paper |
On the essential dimension of unipotent algebraic groups | 2013-04-18 | Paper |
Galois Cohomology of Unipotent Algebraic Groups and Field Extensions | 2012-08-17 | Paper |
On Galois cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over local fields | 2012-03-22 | Paper |
On \(p\)-embedding problems in characteristic \(p\) | 2011-08-19 | Paper |
On an analog of Serre's conjectures, Galois cohomology and defining equation of unipotent algebraic groups | 2008-08-11 | Paper |
On the Galois and flat cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over local and global function fields. I | 2008-07-29 | Paper |
On the Galois and flat cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over non-perfect fields | 2006-02-21 | Paper |
On the Surjectivity of Localization Maps for Galois Cohomology of Unipotent Algebraic Groups Over Fields | 2005-01-24 | Paper |
On the arithmetic of the join rings over finite fields | N/A | Paper |
On prime Cayley graphs | N/A | Paper |
On certain properties of the $p$-unitary Cayley graph over a finite ring | N/A | Paper |