Jonathan Richard Shewchuk

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open shewchuk.jonathan-richardMaRDI QIDQ705125

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Smarter Lions: Efficient Cooperative Pursuit in General Bounded Arenas2020-05-26Paper
Higher-Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Domains with Small Angles by Constrained Delaunay Refinement2018-04-23Paper
Mesh generation for domains with small angles2017-09-29Paper
Sweep algorithms for constructing higher-dimensional constrained Delaunay triangulations2017-09-29Paper
Updating and constructing constrained delaunay and constrained regular triangulations by flips2017-09-29Paper
Anisotropic voronoi diagrams and guaranteed-quality anisotropic mesh generation2017-09-29Paper
Fast segment insertion and incremental construction of constrained Delaunay triangulations2015-07-27Paper
Simulating liquids and solid-liquid interactions with lagrangian meshes2015-03-09Paper
Fast segment insertion and incremental construction of constrained delaunay triangulations2015-02-17Paper
Reprint of: Delaunay refinement algorithms for triangular mesh generation2014-06-27Paper
Vertex Deletion for 3D Delaunay Triangulations2013-09-17Paper
Delaunay Mesh Generation2011-01-07Paper
General-dimensional constrained Delaunay and constrained regular triangulations. I: Combinatorial properties2008-04-16Paper
Stabbing Delaunay tetrahedralizations2005-01-25Paper
Delaunay refinement algorithms for triangular mesh generation2002-06-24Paper
Large-scale simulation of elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media on parallel computers2001-06-05Paper
Adaptive precision floating-point arithmetic and fast robust geometric predicates1998-03-11Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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