Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Effective diffusivities in periodic KPZ | 2024-11-05 | Paper |
KPZ on torus: Gaussian fluctuations | 2024-10-08 | Paper |
On the behaviour of a periodically forced and thermostatted harmonic chain | 2024-03-04 | Paper |
Fluctuation exponents of the KPZ equation on a large torus | 2023-10-12 | Paper |
Fluctuations of the Winding Number of a Directed Polymer on a Cylinder | 2023-08-08 | Paper |
Effective diffusivities in periodic KPZ | 2023-06-19 | Paper |
Heat flow in a periodically forced, thermostatted chain | 2023-06-05 | Paper |
Heat flow in a periodically forced, thermostatted chain. II | 2023-05-23 | Paper |
Hopf type lemmas for subsolutions of integro-differential equations | 2023-03-22 | Paper |
Another look at the Balázs-Quastel-Seppäläinen theorem | 2023-03-13 | Paper |
On the Conversion of Work into Heat: Microscopic Models and Macroscopic Equations | 2022-11-30 | Paper |
Thermal boundaries in kinetic and hydrodynamic limits | 2022-10-24 | Paper |
Anomalous diffusion limit for a kinetic equation with a thermostatted interface | 2022-09-29 | Paper |
Gaussian fluctuations of replica overlap in directed polymers | 2022-09-26 | Paper |
Asymptotic scattering by Poissonian thermostats | 2022-09-19 | Paper |
Diffusion approximation for a simple kinetic model with asymmetric interface | 2022-05-04 | Paper |
Non-Gaussian limit of a tracer motion in an incompressible flow | 2022-03-30 | Paper |
High temperature behaviors of the directed polymer on a cylinder | 2022-03-17 | Paper |
Another look at the Bal\'azs-Quastel-Sepp\"al\"ainen theorem | 2022-03-07 | Paper |
Ergodicity for stochastic equations of Navier-Stokes type | 2022-02-25 | Paper |
Gaussian fluctuations of replica overlap in directed polymers | 2022-01-18 | Paper |
On the maximum principles and the quantitative version of the Hopf lemma for uniformly elliptic integro-differential operators | 2021-08-09 | Paper |
Hydrodynamic limit for a chain with thermal and mechanical boundary forces | 2021-07-21 | Paper |
KPZ on torus: Gaussian fluctuations | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
An open microscopic model of heat conduction: evolution and non-equilibrium stationary states | 2021-03-25 | Paper |
Gaussian fluctuations from random Schrödinger equation | 2021-03-18 | Paper |
Hopf type lemmas for subsolutions of integro-differential equations | 2021-02-17 | Paper |
Asymptotic Scattering by Poissonian Thermostats | 2021-01-12 | Paper |
A quantitative Hopf-type maximum principle for subsolutions of elliptic PDEs | 2021-01-12 | Paper |
Fractional diffusion limit for a kinetic equation with an interface | 2020-11-24 | Paper |
High frequency limit for a chain of harmonic oscillators with a point Langevin thermostat | 2020-10-15 | Paper |
High frequency limit for a chain of harmonic oscillators with a point Langevin thermostat | 2020-05-15 | Paper |
A probabilistic proof of a priori \(L^p\) estimates for a class of divergence form elliptic operators | 2020-04-28 | Paper |
Diffusion limit for a kinetic equation with a thermostatted interface | 2019-09-02 | Paper |
Homogenization of an advection equation with locally stationary random coefficients | 2019-05-21 | Paper |
Kinetic limit for a harmonic chain with a conservative Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic perturbation | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
Macroscopic evolution of mechanical and thermal energy in a harmonic chain with random flip of velocities | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
Fluctuations of Random Semilinear Advection Equations | 2018-10-08 | Paper |
High frequency limit for a chain of harmonic oscillators with a point Langevin thermostat | 2018-06-06 | Paper |
The weak coupling limit for the random Schrödinger equation: the average wave function | 2018-02-28 | Paper |
The Schrödinger equation with spatial white noise: the average wave function | 2018-02-13 | Paper |
Diffusive propagation of energy in a non-acoustic chain | 2017-02-24 | Paper |
Ballistic and superdiffusive scales in the macroscopic evolution of a chain of oscillators | 2016-05-25 | Paper |
A criterion for essential self-adjointness of a symmetric operator defined by some infinite Hermitian matrix with unbounded entries | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
Thermal conductivity in harmonic lattices with random collisions | 2015-09-08 | Paper |
Superdiffusion of energy in a chain of harmonic oscillators with noise | 2015-08-11 | Paper |
Homogenization Driven by a Fractional Brownian Motion: The Shear Layer Case | 2015-05-19 | Paper |
Homogenization of random diffusions in non-stationary environments | 2014-12-12 | Paper |
From homogenization to averaging in cellular flows | 2014-09-29 | Paper |
Principal eigenvalue of the fractional Laplacian with a large incompressible drift | 2014-09-05 | Paper |
Long time energy transfer in the random Schrödinger equation | 2014-07-03 | Paper |
On positivity of the variance of a tracer moving in a divergence-free Gaussian random field | 2014-06-12 | Paper |
The law of the iterated logarithm for passive tracer in a two-dimensional flow | 2014-05-07 | Paper |
Long time asymptotics of a degenerate linear kinetic transport equation | 2014-03-10 | Paper |
Asymptotics of the solutions of the stochastic lattice wave equation | 2014-01-24 | Paper |
Passive tracer in a flow corresponding to two-dimensional stochastic Navier–Stokes equations | 2013-07-31 | Paper |
Evolution of particle separation in slowly decorrelating velocity fields | 2012-12-29 | Paper |
Long time, large scale limit of the Wigner transform for a system of linear oscillators in one dimension | 2012-11-21 | Paper |
Central limit theorem for Markov processes with spectral gap in the Wasserstein metric | 2012-06-01 | Paper |
Fluctuations of solutions to Wigner equation with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck potential | 2012-05-11 | Paper |
Fluctuations in Markov Processes | 2012-04-27 | Paper |
Limit theorems for some continuous-time random walks | 2011-10-10 | Paper |
Asymptotics of the solutions of the random Schrödinger equation | 2011-10-04 | Paper |
A sharp bound on the \(L^2\) norm of the solution of a random elliptic difference equation | 2011-06-28 | Paper |
Kinetic limits for waves in a random medium | 2011-04-05 | Paper | | 2010-09-02 | Paper |
On ergodicity of some Markov processes | 2010-08-30 | Paper |
On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the heat equation with a random, long-range correlated potential | 2010-07-24 | Paper |
Limit theorems for additive functionals of a Markov chain | 2010-01-13 | Paper |
Limit of fluctuations of solutions of Wigner equation | 2010-01-11 | Paper |
Non-markovian limits of additive functionals of Markov processes | 2009-05-13 | Paper |
Transport of a passive tracer by an irregular velocity field | 2009-04-08 | Paper |
On superdiffusive behavior of a passive tracer in a random flow | 2009-02-10 | Paper |
Regularity of the effective diffusivity of random diffusion with respect to anisotropy coefficient | 2008-11-14 | Paper | | 2008-10-23 | Paper | | 2008-07-01 | Paper |
The stochastic acceleration problem in two dimensions | 2008-02-22 | Paper |
A finite dimensional approximation of the effective diffusivity for a symmetric random walk in a random environment | 2008-02-06 | Paper |
Passive tracer in a slowly decorrelating random flow with a large mean | 2007-07-11 | Paper |
Finite time approach to equilibrium in a fractional Brownian velocity field | 2007-06-21 | Paper |
Diffusion in a weakly random Hamiltonian flow | 2007-01-25 | Paper |
A Note on an Application of the Lasota–York Fixed Point Theorem in the Turbulent Transport Problem | 2006-09-12 | Paper |
On the asymptotic behavior of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with random forcing | 2006-03-21 | Paper |
Invariant measures for passive tracer dynamics in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck flows. | 2005-11-29 | Paper |
Einstein relation for random walks in random environments | 2005-09-02 | Paper |
On mobility and Einstein relation for tracers in time-mixing random environments | 2005-05-25 | Paper |
On stationarity of Lagrangian observations of passive tracer velocity in a compressible environ\-ment | 2005-03-21 | Paper | | 2005-03-21 | Paper |
Lagrangian dynamics for a passive tracer in a class of Gaussian Markovian flows. | 2005-02-25 | Paper |
Computation of the Effective Diffusivity Tensor for Transport of a Passive Scalar in a Turbulent Incompressible Flow | 2004-12-13 | Paper | | 2004-09-29 | Paper | | 2004-05-18 | Paper |
Self-averaging of Wigner transforms in random media | 2003-12-16 | Paper |
Frozen Path Approximation for Turbulent Diffusion and Fractional Brownian Motion in Random Flows | 2003-09-28 | Paper |
Correction: An invariance principle for diffusion in turbulence | 2003-05-06 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motions in a limit of turbulent transport. | 2003-05-06 | Paper |
The law of large numbers for ballistic, multi-dimensional random walks on random lattices with correlated sites | 2003-04-27 | Paper |
On the sector condition and homogenization of diffusions with a Gaussian drift | 2003-04-09 | Paper |
On the superdiffusive behavior of passive tracer with a Gaussian drift | 2003-03-11 | Paper |
Diffusion in long-range correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck flows | 2003-02-13 | Paper |
Stationarity of Lagrangian velocity in compressible environments | 2002-12-01 | Paper |
Random walk in a random environment with correlated sites | 2002-10-29 | Paper |
On homogenization of time-dependent random flows | 2002-10-23 | Paper | | 2002-09-02 | Paper |
Diffusion approximation for the convection-diffusion equation with random drift | 2002-08-11 | Paper |
On the existence of invariant measure for Lagrangian velocity in compressible environments | 2002-06-11 | Paper |
Diffusive and Nondiffusive Limits of Transport in Nonmixing Flows | 2002-04-17 | Paper | | 2002-02-07 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motions and enhanced diffusion in a unidirectional wave-like turbulence | 2001-03-19 | Paper | | 2000-11-05 | Paper |
Turbulent diffusion in Markovian flows | 2000-09-04 | Paper | | 2000-06-25 | Paper | | 2000-06-22 | Paper |
The parametrix method approach to diffusions in a turbulent Gaussian environment | 1999-11-18 | Paper |
An invariance principle for diffusion in turbulence | 1999-11-09 | Paper |
A martingale approach to homogenization of unbounded random flows | 1998-12-02 | Paper |
Motion in a Gaussian incompressible flow | 1998-01-07 | Paper |
Diffusion approximation for the advection of particles in a strongly turbulent random environment | 1997-01-05 | Paper | | 1992-10-04 | Paper |
Asymptotic periodicity of some stochastically perturbed dynamical systems | 1992-09-27 | Paper | | 1992-06-26 | Paper |
Piecewise convex transformations with no finite invariant measure | 1992-06-26 | Paper |
A remark on the retracting of a ball onto a sphere in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian Motion Limit for a Model of Turbulent Transport | N/A | Paper |
Taylor-Kubo Formula for Turbulent Diffusion in a Non-Mixing Flow with Long-Range Correlation | N/A | Paper |
Homogenization of L\'evy type operators with random, ergodic coefficients | N/A | Paper |