Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A First-Order Primal-Dual Method for Nonconvex Constrained Optimization Based on the Augmented Lagrangian | 2024-03-05 | Paper |
The equivalence of three types of error bounds for weakly and approximately convex functions | 2022-06-03 | Paper |
On iteration complexity of a first-order primal-dual method for nonlinear convex cone programming | 2022-05-10 | Paper |
New method for solving Ivanov regularization-based support vector machine learning | 2022-03-09 | Paper |
Level-set subdifferential error bounds and linear convergence of Bregman proximal gradient method | 2021-08-18 | Paper |
Linear Convergence of Randomized Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Large-scale Linear Constrained Convex Programming | 2020-08-29 | Paper |
Linear Convergence of Variable Bregman Stochastic Coordinate Descent Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization by Level-set Variational Analysis | 2019-05-26 | Paper |
A Variational Approach on Level sets and Linear Convergence of Variable Bregman Proximal Gradient Method for Nonconvex Optimization Problems | 2019-05-21 | Paper |
Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method with Large Step Size for Composite Optimization with Composite Cone-constraints | 2019-05-02 | Paper |
An MPEC reformulation of an EPEC model for electricity markets | 2018-09-28 | Paper |
Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Nonlinear Convex Cone Programs | 2018-04-02 | Paper |
First-Order Primal-Dual Method for Nonlinear Convex Cone Programming | 2017-12-31 | Paper |
Auxiliary Problem Principle of augmented Lagrangian with Varying Core Functions for Large-Scale Structured Convex Problems | 2015-12-14 | Paper |
Existence of strongly valid tolls for multiclass network equilibrium problems | 2013-06-20 | Paper | | 2012-06-01 | Paper | | 2012-01-27 | Paper |
New Necessary Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Programs by Combining the MPEC and Value Function Approaches | 2010-12-03 | Paper |
Traffic network equilibrium with capacity constraints and generalized Wardrop equilibrium | 2010-10-14 | Paper |
Convergence theorems for the unique common fixed point of a pair of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in generalized convex metric space | 2010-04-13 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper | | 2009-11-11 | Paper | | 2009-11-11 | Paper |
Existence and computation of optimal tolls in multiclass network equilibrium problems | 2009-08-14 | Paper |
Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities | 2009-06-16 | Paper |
Generalizations of fixed point theorems and computation | 2009-05-19 | Paper |
Sequential Lagrange multiplier condition forϵ-optimal solution in convex programming | 2009-01-23 | Paper |
Mathematical structure of a bilevel strategic pricing model | 2008-12-02 | Paper | | 2008-11-24 | Paper |
System of vector quasi-equilibrium problems and its applications | 2008-09-01 | Paper |
A system of variational inclusions with \(P\)-\(\eta \)-accretive operators | 2008-04-28 | Paper |
Existence of solutions and convergence of a multistep iterative algorithm for a system of variational inclusions with \((H,\eta )\)-accretive operators | 2008-02-21 | Paper |
On \(D\)-preinvex-type functions | 2008-02-19 | Paper |
Generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems with set-valued mappings | 2008-02-19 | Paper |
The \(p\)-step iterative algorithm for a system of generalized mixed quasi-variational inclusions with \((H,\eta)\)-monotone operators | 2007-11-14 | Paper |
Three-step iterative algorithm for a system of set-valued variational inclusions with \((H,\eta )\)-monotone operators | 2007-11-09 | Paper |
Existence of solutions and convergence of iterative algorithms for a system of generalized nonlinear mixed quasi-variational inclusions | 2007-11-07 | Paper | | 2007-08-22 | Paper | | 2007-01-26 | Paper |
A new system of generalized mixed quasi-variational inclusions with \((H,\eta )\)-monotone operators | 2007-01-09 | Paper | | 2006-10-04 | Paper |
Lower order calmness and exact penalty function | 2006-08-10 | Paper | | 2006-08-09 | Paper | | 2006-03-10 | Paper | | 2006-02-08 | Paper | | 2006-01-26 | Paper |
A homotopy method for solving bilevel programming problem | 2004-10-04 | Paper |
Finding a minimal efficient solution of a convex multiobjective program | 2004-08-06 | Paper |
A continuation method for solving fixed points of self-mappings in general nonconvex sets | 2003-03-11 | Paper |
On the Existence of Solutions to the Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem | 2002-10-17 | Paper |
A trust region algorithm for nonlinear bilevel programming | 2002-07-03 | Paper |
A cutting plane method for solving quasimonotone variational inequalities | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
Conditions ensuring the applicability of cutting-plane methods for solving variational inequalities | 2000-12-03 | Paper |
Weak Sharp Solutions of Variational Inequalities | 1999-02-22 | Paper |
An analytic center cutting plane method for pseudomonotone variational inequalities | 1998-11-18 | Paper |
Coupling the auxiliary problem principle with descent methods of pseudoconvex programming | 1998-06-11 | Paper |
Convergence properties of feasible descent methods for solving variational inequalities in Banach spaces | 1998-04-13 | Paper | | 1997-09-10 | Paper | | 1997-09-04 | Paper |
Exact Penalization and Necessary Optimality Conditions for Generalized Bilevel Programming Problems | 1997-06-12 | Paper |
Exact and inexact penalty methods for the generalized bilevel programming problem | 1997-01-12 | Paper |
Co-Coercivity and Its Role in the Convergence of Iterative Schemes for Solving Variational Inequalities | 1996-10-14 | Paper |
New classes of generalized monotonicity | 1996-05-21 | Paper |
Global convergence of descent processes for solving non strictly monotone variational inequalities | 1995-05-15 | Paper |
An extended descent framework for variational inequalities | 1994-04-27 | Paper |
Modified descent methods for solving the monotone variational inequality problem | 1994-03-24 | Paper |
Using central prices in the decomposition of linear programs | 1993-09-14 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |