
From MaRDI portal

Basic Info

Attendees: Eloi, Larissa, Moritz Johannes

Protocol by: Johannes


  • Larissa: zbMATH ID is within description, 3.5 of 4.5 Records are there
  • Eloi: 5000 items merged, cran packages and items with swMATH id, Formula extraction from arXiv documents, discussion about adding extracted formulas from there to KG
  • Johannes: Poster and diagram, initial slides for Wikidata Workshop

Organizational Topics

  • editorial board: the display shall be made new way, after the new design is done
  • Performance check Math and Mathsearch extension: Process with TexVC PHP based grammar takes long, detail: creation of literal elements takes long, other parts like MathML conversion are ok, xdebug profiler
  • creation of software pages, they shall be created with MaRDI ID.