Compact matrix pseudogroups

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DOI10.1007/BF01219077zbMath0627.58034MaRDI QIDQ1092490

Stanisław Lech Woronowicz

Publication date: 1987

Published in: Communications in Mathematical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

58Z05: Applications of global analysis to the sciences

58H05: Pseudogroups and differentiable groupoids

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A remark on the Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns for symplectic groups, Quantum mechanics, knot theory, and quantum doubles, Compact quantum groups and groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras, The \(q\)-deformed vector and \(q\)-deformed outer product, Coherent states for quantum compact groups, Fourier duality as a quantization principle, Method of orbits for \(SU_ q(N)\), Representations of the coordinate ring of \(GL_ q(3)\), Three lectures on quantum groups: Representations, duality, real forms, Quantum Poincaré algebra with standard real structure, Non-commutative Poisson boundaries and compact quantum group actions, On the theory of quantum groups, On the Wigner-Eckart theorem for tensor operators connected with compact matrix quantum groups, A remark on compact matrix quantum groups, Some applications of the quantum Weyl groups, Algebras of functions on compact quantum groups, Schubert cells and quantum tori, Integration over quantum permutation groups, Construction of \(\theta\)-Poincaré algebras and their invariants on \(\mathcal M_{\theta}\), Universal R-matrix of the quantum superalgebra osp(2\(| 1)\), Noncommutative geometry and theoretical physics, Quantum 2-spheres and big q-Jacobi polynomials, Differential calculus on quantum spheres, Quantum deformation of Lorentz group, Twisted second quantization, Quantum and classical pseudogroups. I: Union pseudogroups and their quantization, Quantum and classical pseudogroups. II: Differential and symplectic pseudogroups, Two-parameter deformed SUSY algebra for Fibonacci oscillators, Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles. II, C\(^*\)-bialgebra defined by the direct sum of Cuntz algebras, A duality theorem for ergodic actions of compact quantum groups on \(C^*\)-algebras, Integration over the Pauli quantum group, A note on free quantum groups, Tannaka-Krein duality for Hopf algebroids, Quantum spheres, Tannaka-Krein duality for compact matrix pseudogroups. Twisted SU(N) groups, Multiparametric quantum deformation of the general linear supergroup, Twisted \(\text{SU}(2)\) group. An example of a non-commutative differential calculus, \(q\)-oscillator realizations of the quantum superalgebras \(sl_ q(m,n)\) and \(osp_ q(m,2n)\), On the implementation of \(S_{\mu{}}U(2)\) action in the irreducible representations of twisted canonical commutation relations, The concept of a quantum semisimple group, Quantum deformations of the Heisenberg group obtained by geometric quantization, Hamiltonian group representations and phase actions, On a possible origin of quantum groups, Twisted canonical anticommutation relations, Representations of the quantum group \(SU_ q(2)\) and the little q-Jacobi polynomials, Quantum deformation of flag schemes and Grassmann schemes. I: A \(q\)- deformation of the shape-algebra for \(GL(n)\), Bicovariant differential calculus on quantum groups \(SU_ q(N)\) and \(SO_ q(N)\), Differential calculus on quantized simple Lie groups, On the spherical and zonal spherical functions on a compact quantum group, Differential calculi on quantum vector spaces with Hecke-type relations, \(R\)-commutative geometry and quantization of Poisson algebras, Star products and quantization of Poisson-Lie groups, Examples of compact matrix pseudogroups arising from the twisting operation, New quantum deformation of \(SL(2,\mathbb{C}{})\). Hopf algebra level, Classifying spaces for quantum principal bundles, The classification of differential structures on quantum 2-spheres, Complex quantum group, dual algebra and bicovariant differential calculus, A Galois correspondence for compact groups of automorphisms of von Neumann algebras with a generalization to Kac algebras, Hopf algebras and subfactors associated to vertex models, An algebraic framework for group duality, Quantum \(\text{SL}(3,\mathbb{C})\)'s with classical representation theory, Differential structures on quantum principal bundles, Bicovariant quantum algebras and quantum Lie algebras, Fusion structures from quantum groups. II: Why truncation is necessary, Quantum deformation of BRST algebra, Quantum Grassmann manifolds, Duality for a Lorentz quantum group, The quantum double as quantum mechanics, The hidden group structure of quantum groups: Strong duality, rigidity and preferred deformations, Quantum groups: A review, Complex quantum groups and their real representations, Quantum matrices in \(N\) dimensions, \(R\)-matrix method for Heisenberg quantum groups, An explicit description of the fundamental unitary for \(SU(2)_ q\), Quantum group \(\text{SU}(1,1)\rtimes\mathbb Z_ 2\) and ``super-tensor products, Classification of three-dimensional covariant differential calculi on Podles' quantum spheres and on related spaces, CQG algebras: A direct algebraic approach to compact quantum groups, More on quantum groups from the quantization point of view, The quantum group of plane motions and the Hahn-Exton \(q\)-Bessel function, Contraction rule of \(q\)-deformed Levi-Civita symbol, Endomorphisms of \(\mathcal{B(H)}\). II: Finitely correlated states on \(\mathcal{O}_n\), Quasi-\(*\) structure on \(q\)-Poincaré algebras, Generalized braided quantum groups, A generalization of the Cuntz algebras and multiplicative unitaries, Gel'fand pair associated with the quantum group of motions of the plane and \(q\)-Bessel functions, Lie groups and quantum groups applied as a tool in finding solutions in some field theories, Quantum principal fibre bundles: Topological aspects, Application of a two-parameter quantum algebra to rotational spectroscopy of nuclei, Quantum principal bundles and Tannaka-Krein duality theory, Cosemisimple bialgebras and discrete quantum semigroups, Toward a \(q\)-deformed standard model, Polynomial Lie algebras and associated pseudogroup structures in composite quantum models, Amenability and co-amenability of algebraic quantum groups II., Deformed field theory on \(\kappa\)-spacetime, Quantum group invariant fermionic gases: \(\text{GL}_{p,q}(2)\) and \(\text{SU}_{p/q}(2)\) invariances, Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras related to the Latin square, General frame structures on quantum principal bundles, Method of orbits for \(\text{SU}_q(N)\), Galois reconstruction of finite quantum groups, Hopf stars, twisted Hopf stars and scalar products on quantum spaces, On Fock-space representations of quantized enveloping algebras related to noncommutative differential geometry, Symplectic leaves and deformation quantization, Déformations de $C\sp*$-algèbres de Hopf, Geometry of the quantum complex projective spaceCP q (N), Differential calculus on the quantum superspace and deformation of phase space, Abstract carrier space formalism for the irreducible tensor operators of compact quantum group algebras, A duality for endomorphisms of von Neumann algebras, On q-deformed supersymmetric classical mechanical models, Irreducible tensor operators in the regular coaction formalisms of compact quantum group algebras, Integration on quantum Euclidean space and sphere, FRAME FORMALISM FOR THE N-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM EUCLIDEAN SPACES, Quantum groups, differential calculi and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian, Compact quantum group actions on C*-algebras and invariant derivations, ON UNITARY TRANSFORMATIONS OF ORTHOFERMION ALGEBRA THAT FORM A QUANTUM GROUP, On Smash Products Of Hopf Algebras, Unnamed Item, Linear functionals on the Cuntz algebra, Algebraic differential calculus for gauge theories., Subfactors associated to compact Kac algebras, On the equality of \(q\)-dimension and intrinsic dimension, Noncommutative string theory, the \(R\)-matrix, and Hopf algebras., Cosovereign Hopf algebras, A quantum \(GL(2,\mathbb{C})\) group at roots of unity, Thermodynamics of a two-parameter deformed quantum group boson gas, Co-amenability of compact quantum groups, Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras, A pairing theorem between a braided bialgebra and its dual bialgebra, Locally compact quantum groups, Quantum field theory on noncommutative spaces, Topology and noncommutative geometry. Transl. from the Russian, Compact Kac algebras and commuting squares, Thermodynamics of two parameter quantum group gases, A description of Kac-systems of multiplicative unitary operators, Twisted product structure and representation theory of the quantum group \(U_q(2)\), Quantum multilinear algebra, Irreducible unitary representations of quantum Lorentz group, On the Haar measure of the quantum \(SU(N)\) group, Quantum dressing orbits on compact groups, Topological models on the lattice and a remark on string theory cloning, A \(q\)-Lorentz algebra from \(q\)-deformed harmonic oscillators, A non-associative deformation of Yang-Mills gauge theory, Noncommutative differential geometry related to the Yang-Baxter equation., Differential calculus on compact matrix pseudogroups (quantum groups), \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials and the oscillator quantum group, Lie algebras and recurrence relations. III: \(q\)-analogs and quantized algebras, Some remarks on the construction of quantum symmetric spaces, Graded Poisson-Lie structures on general linear groups, Algebra of functions on the quantum group SU(2), Deformation quantization of Heisenberg manifolds, \(C^*\)-algèbres de Hopf et théorie de Kasparov équivariante. (Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras and equivariant Kasparov theory), Differential calculi over quantum groups and twisted cyclic cocycles, The analytic structure of algebraic quantum groups., From subfactors to categories and topology. II: The quantum double of tensor categories and subfactors, Extensions of locally compact quantum groups and the bicrossed product construction., The Drinfel'd double versus the Heisenberg double for an algebraic quantum group., \(K\)-amenability for amalgamated free products of amenable discrete quantum groups, A von Neumann algebra framework for the duality of the quantum groups, On unitary representation theories of compact quantum groups, Free products of compact quantum groups, Symmetries of quantum spaces. Subgroups and quotient spaces of quantum \(SU(2)\) and \(SO(3)\) groups, The \(q=0\) quantum plane, \(q\)-Lorentz group and braided coaddition on \(q\)-Minkowski space, Construction of field algebras with quantum symmetry from local observables, On M. G. Krein's works in the theory of representations and harmonic analysis on topological groups, Integration over the group space of \(SU_ q(2)\), Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and related identities, A star-product approach to noncompact quantum groups, Transformation theory of \(q\)-quantum mechanics, Interrelations between quantum groups and reflection equation (braided) algebras, \(q\)-transformation theory, Gel'fand pair criteria for compact matrix quantum groups, Crossed products in bimodules, Geometry of quantum principal bundles. I, Non-compact quantum groups associated with Abelian subgroups, Leaf-preserving quantizations of Poisson SU(2) are not coalgebra homomorphisms, Quantum spin chains with quantum group symmetry, Some examples of \(q\)-regularization, Energy spectrum of the two-dimensional \(q\)-hydrogen atom, New quantum Poincaré algebra and \(\kappa\)-deformed field theory, A Gelfand pair of compact quantum groups, Two dimensional lattice gauge theory based on a quantum group, The quantum structure of spacetime of the Planck scale and quantum fields, Eigenfunction expansion associated with the Casimir operator on the quantum group \(SU_ q(1,1)\), A counterexample on idempotent states on a compact quantum group, Quantum mechanics as a matrix symplectic geometry, Induced representation and Frobenius reciprocity for compact quantum groups, Spectral analysis and the Haar functional on the quantum \(SU(2)\) group, About nonlinear realization of quantum \(\text{SL}_ q (2, \mathbb{R})\) group, Theory of q-deformed forms. I: q-deformed alternating tensor and q-deformed wedge product, Theory of q-deformed forms. II: q-deformed differential forms and q-deformed Hamilton equation, Theory of q-deformed forms. III: q-deformed Hodge star, inner product, adjoint operator of exterior derivative, and self-dual Yang-Mills equation, Exact calculability, semigroup of representations, and the stability property for representations of the algebra of functions on the quantum group \(SU_ q (2)\), Compact quantum groups of face type, On the classification of quantum Poincaré groups, Deformations of compact quantum groups via Rieffel's quantization, Galois quantum groups of \(II_1\)-subfactors, Inhomogeneous quantum groups without dilatations, The canonical partition function for quons, Weak Hopf algebras. I: Integral theory and \(C^*\)-structure, An algebra for ordered particles, Random sets, \(q\)-distributions and quantum groups., Uniqueness of the bosonization of the \(U_ q(\text{su}(2)_ k)\) quantum current algebra., Quasi-classical limit in \(q\)-deformed systems, non-commutativity and the \(q\)-path integral., Connections between finite dimensional corepresentations of \(U_q(2)\) and \(S_qU(2)\), Subalgebras of infinite \(C^*\)-algebras with finite Watatani indices. II: Cuntz-Krieger algebras, Amenable tensor categories and their realizations as AFD bimodules, Strong connections on quantum principal bundles, On the quantum group and quantum algebra approach to \(q\)-special functions, Haar measures on Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras, Graphs having no quantum symmetry, A characterization of right coideals of quotient type and its application to classification of Poisson boundaries, An explicit formula for a strong connection., The quantum group of a nondegenerate bilinear form., Quantum automorphism groups of vertex-transitive graphs of order \(\leq 11\), From multiplicative unitaries to quantum groups. II, Geometry of noncommutative algebraic principal bundles, An operator-theoretic approach to invariant integrals on quantum homogeneous \(\text{SU}_{n,1}\)-spaces, Compact quantum ergodic systems, A pseudo-cocycle for the comultiplication on the quantum SU(2) group, Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs, Large commutative subalgebras of quantum algebras., Twisted homology of quantum \(\text{SL}(2)\), Probabilistic fuzzy sets and a related operator algebra, \(q\)-deformed quantum Lie algebras, A coassociative \(C^*\)-quantum group with nonintegral dimensions, The compact quantum group \(U_q(2)\). I, Takesaki--Takai duality theorem in Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, Quantization of the Poisson SU(2) and its Poisson homogeneous space - the 2-sphere, Algèbres enveloppantes quantifiées, groupes quantiques compacts de matrices et calcul différentiel non commutatif. (Quantized enveloping algebras, compact quantum matrix groups and noncommutative differential calculus), Relating the approaches to quantised algebras and quantum groups, Pairing and quantum double of finite Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras, Uq(2) YANG–MILLS THEORY, Quantum group structure on the quantum plane, 2 + 1 EINSTEIN GRAVITY AS A DEFORMED CHERN-SIMONS THEORY, A FINITE QUANTUM SYMMETRY OF $M(3, {\Bbb C})$, Actions of multiplier hopf algebras, On coquasitriangular bialgebras, Universal arrows to forgetful functors from categories of topological algebra, Representations of the quantum algebra suq(2) on a real two-dimensional sphere, Almost commutative algebra and differential calculus on the quantum hyperplane, Noncommutative differential geometry on deformed quantum mechanical phase spaces, Finite-dimensional representations of the quantum superalgebra U q[gl(2/2). I. Typical representations at generic q], De Rham complexes of q-analog of general linear group GLq(N), On the noncommutative Riemannian geometry of GLq(n), Geometry of Quantum Principal Bundles II, The Haar measure on finite quantum groups, Linear connections on graphs, Actions of compact quantum groups on 𝐶*-algebras, Compact quantum groups associated with monoidal functors, The twisted Heisenberg algebra Uh,w(ℋ(4)), On the geometric quantization of Jacobi manifolds, The quantized universal enveloping algebras Uq(iso(N)), Uq(e(3,1)) and Uq(e(N)) and the representation theory of Uq(e(3)), Mesure de haar sur une algebra de hopf et groupes quantiques reels, Compact quantum groups and their corepresentations, Finite Dimensionality of Irreducible Unitary Representations of Compact Quantum Groups, Coalgebras Over the Higher Rank Symplectic Groups, A REMARK ON QUANTUM GROUP ACTIONS AND NUCLEARITY, Multiple Noncommutative Tori and Hopf Algebras, THE ANTICOMMUTATOR SPIN ALGEBRA, ITS REPRESENTATIONS AND QUANTUM GROUP INVARIANCE, The Jaynes-Cummings Model with a q Analogue of a Coherent State, Dynamics of aQ-analogue of the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, No generalized statistics from dynamics in curved spacetime, NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY, QUANTIZATION AND TOPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF A FERMION, GEOMETRY OF QUANTUM HOMOGENEOUS VECTOR BUNDLES AND REPRESENTATION THEORY OF QUANTUM GROUPS I, DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS AND CONNECTIONS ON A QUANTUM PLANE AT A CUBIC ROOT OF UNITY, QUANTUMax+bGROUP AS QUANTUM AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OFk[x], FINITE-DIMENSIONAL REPRESENTATIONS OF QUANTUM GROUP, A TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMED SUSY ALGEBRA FOR SUp/q(n)-COVARIANT (p,q)-DEFORMED FERMIONIC OSCILLATORS, Unnamed Item, Quommutator deformations of spl(N,1), Unnamed Item, Quantum Clifford algebras from spinor representations, Quantum automorphism groups of finite graphs, THE JORDANIAN Uh(2) YANG–MILLS THEORY, LOCALLY COMPACT QUANTUM GROUPS IN THE UNIVERSAL SETTING, AN ALGEBRAIC DUALITY THEORY FOR MULTIPLICATIVE UNITARIES, REGULAR OBJECTS, MULTIPLICATIVE UNITARIES AND CONJUGATION, Aspects of compact quantum group theory, TWISTED ENTIRE CYCLIC COHOMOLOGY, J-L-O COCYCLES AND EQUIVARIANT SPECTRAL TRIPLES, Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1), Noncommutative phase and unitarization of GLp,q(2), Decomposition of tensor product representations of the unitary matrix quantum group SUq(2), Clebsch–Gordan coefficients and related identities obtained by an integration over the group space of SUq(2), Bicovariant 3D calculus for SLq(2) from Poisson–Lie structures, Quantum group covariant noncommutative geometry, Quantum Poincaré group without dilatation and twisted classical algebra, Unitary continuous representations of compact quantum groups, Duals of quasitriangular Hopf superalgebras and the classical limit, Quantization of Lie group and algebra of G2 type in the Faddeev–Reshetikhin–Takhtajan approach, q-deformed Chern characters for quantum groups SUq(N), On Poisson–Lie structure on the external algebra of the classical Lie groups, Finite-dimensional representations of the quantum superalgebra Uq[gl(2/2). II. Nontypical representations at generic q], REPRESENTATIONS OF QUANTUM LORENTZ GROUP ON GELFAND SPACES, The operator algebra approach to quantum groups, Induced representations of the two parametric quantum deformation Upq[gl(2/2)], Tensor product of principal unitary representations of quantum Lorentz group and Askey–Wilson polynomials, Nonstandard comodules for quantum matrix bialgebras, Stereographic variables for multidimensional quantum group covariant q-oscillators, Invariant integration on classical and quantum Lie supergroups, Krein duality for compact quantum groups, Coactions of Hopf algebras on Cuntz algebras and their fixed point algebras, Continuous functions on compact groups, Unitaires multiplicatifs et dualité pour les produits croisés de $\mathrm{C}^*$-algèbres, On the structure of quantum permutation groups, ANALYSIS ON q-DEFORMED QUANTUM SPACES, s-DEFORMED PARTICLE ALGEBRAS AND THE ADDITION OF s, EMBEDDING ERGODIC ACTIONS OF COMPACT QUANTUM GROUPS ON C*-ALGEBRAS INTO QUOTIENT SPACES, Cartan calculi on the quantum superplane, Universal T-matrix, representations of OSpq(1∕2) and little Q-Jacobi polynomials, SATURATED ACTIONS BY FINITE-DIMENSIONAL HOPF *-ALGEBRAS ON C*-ALGEBRAS, ALGEBRAIC QUANTUM PERMUTATION GROUPS, q -quaternions and q-deformed su(2) instantons, INHOMOGENEOUS QUANTUM GROUP GENERALIZATION OF IO(2n,ℂ) AND ISp(2n,ℂ), Unnamed Item, On Clebsch–Gordan coefficients and matrix elements of representations of the quantum algebra U q(su2), q-oscillator realizations of the metaplectic representation of quantum osp(3,2), On the quantum differential calculus and the quantum holomorphicity, The metaplectic representation of suq(1,1) and the q-Gegenbauer polynomials, Some exceptional compact matrix pseudogroups, Bicovariant differential calculus on the two-parameter quantum group GLp,q(2), Duality for the matrix quantum group GLp,q(2,C), Representations of quantum matrix algebra M q(2) and its q-boson realization, Unnamed Item, Quadratic Transformation Formulas for Basic Hypergeometric Series, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Braided momentum in the q-Poincaré group, Coherent states for the quantum complex plane, A family of quantum projective spaces and related $q$-hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials, Introduction to Quantum Groups, Infinitesimal Generators on the Quantum Group SUq(2)

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