Wavelets, approximation, and statistical applications

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zbMath0899.62002MaRDI QIDQ1389387

Dominique Picard, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Gérard Kerkyacharian

Publication date: 24 June 1998

Published in: Lecture Notes in Statistics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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present, A Legendre multiwavelets approach to copula density estimation, Adaptive test on components of densities mixture, A note on the adaptive estimation of a bi-dimensional density in the case of knowledge of the copula density, On minimaxity of block thresholded wavelets under elliptical symmetry, Convergence of Hermite interpolatory operators, Adaptive estimation of a distribution function and its density in sup-norm loss by wavelet and spline projections, Degenerate \(U\)- and \(V\)-statistics under weak dependence: asymptotic theory and bootstrap consistency, Compression approaches for the regularized solutions of linear systems from large-scale inverse problems, Wavelet density deconvolution estimations with heteroscedastic measurement errors, The convergence of wavelet expansion with divergence-free properties in vector-valued Besov spaces, Wavelet estimation of conditional density with truncated, censored and dependent data, An extension of Rosenthal's inequality, Vitesse de convergence uniforme presque sûre de l'estimateur linéaire par méthode d'ondelettes. (Rate of almost sure uniform convergence of the linear wavelet density estimator), Transfer function models with time-varying coefficients, Comportement asymptotique d'un estimateur de la densité adaptatif par méthode d'ondelettes. (Asymptotic behavior of an adaptive wavelet density estimator), Wavelet designs for estimating nonparametric curves with heteroscedastic error, Non-linear wavelet-based density estimators under random censorship, Nonparametric estimation of density under bias and multiplicative censoring via wavelet methods, Supersmooth density estimations over \(L^p\) risk by wavelets, Semi-supervised wavelet shrinkage, The selection of the number of terms in an orthogonal series cumulative function estimator, Rates of contraction for posterior distributions in \(L^{r}\)-metrics, \(1 \leq r \leq \infty\), Poisson intensity estimation for the Spektor-Lord-Willis problem using a wavelet shrinkage approach, On the adaptive wavelet deconvolution of a density for strong mixing sequences, Are regression series estimators efficient in practice? A computational comparison study, Wavelet based estimation for the derivative of a density by block thresholding under random censorship, A note on the adaptive estimation of a multiplicative separable regression function, Ridgelets: estimating with ridge functions, Adaptive estimation of an additive regression function from weakly dependent data, On adaptive inference and confidence bands, Nonparametric estimation of a two dimensional continuous-discrete density function by wavelets, Locally adaptive estimation of evolutionary wavelet spectra, Characterizations and representations of the \((P, Q)\)-outer generalized inverse, Cross-validation for selecting a model selection procedure, On the block thresholding wavelet estimators with censored data, Wavelet estimation in varying coefficient models for censored dependent data, Adaptive estimation of the hazard rate with multiplicative censoring, Independent multiresolution component analysis and matching pursuit, Quantitative central limit theorems for Mexican needlet coefficients on circular Poisson fields, A note on the adaptive estimation of a conditional continuous-discrete multivariate density by wavelet methods, Minimax estimation of the integral of a power of a density, A-minimax and D-minimax robust optimal designs for approximately linear Haar-wavelet models, Asymptotic normality of wavelet density estimator under censored dependent observations, Bernstein-von Mises theorem for linear functionals of the density, Adaptive wavelet estimation of a biased density for strongly mixing sequences, An adaptive wavelet shrinkage approach to the Spektor-Lord-Willis problem, Minimax estimation of the conditional cumulative distribution function, Higher order inference on a treatment effect under low regularity conditions, On convergence rates equivalency and sampling strategies in functional deconvolution models, Adaptive density estimation: A curse of support?, Wavelet based estimation of the derivatives of a density for a negatively associated process, A deconvolution approach to estimation of a common shape in a shifted curves model, SPADES and mixture models, Mean integrated squared error of nonlinear wavelet-based estimators with long memory data, Iterative feature selection in least square regression estimation, Functional deconvolution in a periodic setting: uniform case, On convergence and convolutions of random signed measures, Shannon wavelets theory, Projection density estimation under a \(m\)-sample semiparametric model, Robust designs for series estimation, Wavelet regression in random design with heteroscedastic dependent errors, Copula estimation through wavelets, Stein block thresholding for image denoising, Nonparametric estimation for pure jump Lévy processes based on high frequency data, Sharp linear and block shrinkage wavelet estimation., Wavelet threshold estimation of a regression function with random design, Multivariate wavelet density and regression estimators for stationary and ergodic continuous time processes: asymptotic results, \(L^{p}\) convergence rate of wavelet estimators for the bias and multiplicative censoring model

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