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zbMath0237.35001MaRDI QIDQ2552619

Haim Brezis

Publication date: 1972

Published in: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série (Search for Journal in Brave)

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Time discrete approximation of weak solutions to stochastic equations of geophysical fluid dynamics and applications, On characterizations and regularity of the solution of bilateral obstacle problems, Convergence results for elliptic quasivariational inequalities, Dynamic history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications to contact mechanics, Unbounded critical points for a class of lower semicontinuous functionals, Functional a posteriori error estimates for the parabolic obstacle problem, On the optimal control of variational-hemivariational inequalities, Virtual element approximation of two-dimensional parabolic variational inequalities, Nonlinear gradient estimates for parabolic problems with irregular obstacles, A method using the approach of Moreau and Panagiotopoulos for the mathematical formulation of non-regular circuits in electronics, Some results on non-linear optimal control problems and Hamilton-Jacobi equations in infinite dimensions, 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I, The semi-discretisation method and nonlinear time'dependent parabolic variational inequalities, On nonlinear hyperbolic evolution equations with unilateral conditions dependent on time, Wellposedness of kinematic hardening models in elastoplasticity, Necessary conditions for nonconvex distributed control problems governed by elliptic variational inequalities, Regularity of solutions of abstract variational inequalities, Nonlinear boundary value problems for second order differential equations, Gli Operatori Monotoni: Teoria ed Applicazioni, Error estimates for the approximation of some unilateral problems, Global attractors for multivalued random dynamical systems generated by random differential inclusions with multiplicative noise, Solutions with compact support for some degenerate parabolic problems, Regularity properties for the heat equation subject to nonlinear boundary constraints, Global solution to a Frémond model for shape memory alloys with thermal memory, Error estimates for the implicit Euler approximation of an evolution inequality, Coerciveness for second-order elliptic differential equations with unilateral constraints, Penalty method for variational inequalities with multivalued mappings. I, Existence and uniqueness of global solutions to an extended model of the dynamical developments in shape memory alloys, Unnamed Item, Sur des problèmes d'asservissements stratigraphiques, Unnamed Item, Numerical precision for differential inclusions with uniqueness, Global attractors for multivalued random dynamical systems, Some results about an elastic-plastic torsion problem, Nonlinear interaction problems, An Extended Variational Theory for Nonlinear Evolution Equations via Modular Spaces, Reactive transport through an array of cells with semi-permeable membranes, A Generalized Strange Term in Signorini's Type Problems, Unnamed Item, Quasi-regular Dirichlet forms and the obstacle problem for elliptic equations with measure data, Control and estimation of the boundary heat transfer function in Stefan problems, On a class of parabolic unilateral problems, Unnamed Item, Compactness methods for an abstract nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equation, Numerical analysis of hemivariational inequalities in contact mechanics, Loss of stability at turning points in nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities, On nonlinear parabolic equations with abruptly changing nonlinear boundary conditions, Some remarks on the coincidence set for the Signorini problem, Homogenization of a nonlinear monotone problem with a big nonlinear Signorini boundary interaction in a domain with highly rough boundary, Dissipativity in the sense of Levinson for a class of second—order nonlinear evolution equations, Invariant sets for functional differential equations in Banach spaces and applications, On some stochastic parabolic variational inequalities, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Régularité $W_0^{1,p} \left(2 < p < +\infty \right)$ de la solution d'un problème unilatéral, A penalty method approach to strong solutions of some nonlinear parabolic unilateral problems, An existence result for a class of nonlinear evolution equations in Banach spaces, $L_\infty $-error estimates for variational inequalities with Hölder continuous obstacle