
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0078.35703MaRDI QIDQ3245768

Hugo Hadwiger

Publication date: 1957

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II, Dissection of the path-simplex in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) into \(n\) path-subsimplices, Intrinsic volumes and f-vectors of random polytopes, Processes of flats induced by higher dimensional processes, On the Gaussian representation of intrinsic volumes, Valuations and Busemann-Petty type problems, Plurisubharmonic functions on the octonionic plane and \(Spin (9)\)-invariant valuations on convex sets, Affine congruence by dissection of intervals, Integral geometry of tensor valuations, Tilted Euler characteristic densities for central limit random fields, with application to ``bubbles, Valuations on lattice polytopes, Continuum damage mechanics: Combining thermodynamics with a thoughtful characterization of the microstructure, The intrinsic diameter of the surface of a parallelepiped, A width-diameter inequality for convex bodies, Extremalität von Ellipsoiden und die Faltungsungleichung von Sobolev, On two finite covering problems of Bambah, Rogers, Woods and Zassenhaus, Integral representations of quermass-integrals and Bonnesen-Style inequalities, Mittlere Schattengrenzenlänge konvexer Körper, Zur Affinoberfläche konvexer Körper. 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X: Projection functions of parallel convex bodies, Zur Charakterisierung konvexer Körper: Über einen Satz von Rogers und Shephard, Pointwise limits for sequences of convolution operators, Zur axiomatischen Begründung der Eikörperfunktionale, Zusammenhängende Lagerungen konvexer Körper, Eine allgemeine Extremaleigenschaft der Kugel, Scissor congruence, Halbeikörper und Isoperimetrie, Graßmann angles of convex polytopes, Zur axiomatischen Charakterisierung des Steinerpunktes konvexer Körper, Symmetrisierung an Unterräumen, Mengenalgebra und Eulersche Charakteristik, Eine Verallgemeinerung des Differenzenkörpers, A statistical study of random packing of unequal spheres, Zur axiomatischen Charakterisierung des Steinerpunktes konvexer Körper. Berichtigung und Nachtrag, Grundgleichungen der Stereologie. I. (Fundamental equations in sterology. I.), Eulersche Charakteristik, Projektionen und Quermassintegrale. (Euler characteristics, projections and mean cross-sectional measures.), Krümmungsschwerpunkte konvexer Körper. I. (Barycenters of curvature of convex bodies. I.), Über Folgen und Reihen von Punktmengen, The mean volume of boxes and cylinders circumscribed about a convex body, Gitterperiodische Punktmengen und Isoperimetrie, Grundgleichungen der Stereologie. II, Gitterpunktanzahl konvexer Rotationskörper, Erweiterter Polyedersatz und Euler-Shephardsche Additionstheoreme, Boundary evaluation algorithms for Minkowski combinations of complex sets using topological analysis of implicit curves, Convex bodies and convexity on Grassmann cones. I-IV, Inequalities between successive minima and intrinsic volumes of a convex body, Approximation and characterization of generalised Lipschitz-Killing curvatures, Tilings of polygons with similar triangles, A Characterization of all Loglinear Inequalities for Three Quermassintegrals of Convex Bodies, Ungleichungen für Umfang, Flächeninhalt und Trägheitsmoment konvexer Kurven, An Inequality for Sections and Projections of a Convex Set, Minkowski functionals of Poisson processes, Sausage‐skin problems for finite coverings, Addition theorem of Abel type for hyper-logarithms, Cellular topology and its applications in image processing, Curvature Measures, A General Isepiphanic Inequality, Dimensionality and morphology of particle and bubble clusters in turbulent flow, Convolutions and multiplier transformations of convex bodies, Computing the Minkowski Value of the Exponential Function over a Complex Disk, Unnamed Item, Translative and Kinematic Integral Formulae for Curvature Measures, Homomorphismen von Zerlegungsstrukturen in Größensysteme, Supermodular and Tight Set Functions, Unnamed Item, The average measure of the intersection of two sets, On some unsolved problems of zero-gravity hydromechanics, Kantenkrümmung und Umkugelradius konvexer Polyeder, Absolute curvatures in integral geometry, Bonnesen-Style Inequalities for Minkowski Relative Geometry, Construction géométrique des idempotents eulériens. 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II, Some Means of Convex Bodies, An integral‐geometric meaning for lower order area functions of convex bodies, Curvature measures for piecewise linear manifolds, Zerlegungsrelationen zwischen regulären Polyedern des \(E^d\), Integral-geometry morphological image analysis, Isoperimetric Inequalities for Convex Cones, Zerlegungsrelationen zwischen regulären Polyedern des \(E^d\), Kinematische Berührmaße für konvexe Körper und Integralrelationen für Oberflächenmaße