
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0537.62075MaRDI QIDQ3323077

M. B. Priestley

Publication date: 1981

62M20: Inference from stochastic processes and prediction

62M10: Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)

62M15: Inference from stochastic processes and spectral analysis

62-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics

Related Items

Analysis of tidal data via the blockwise bootstrap, Residual variance estimation in moving average models, ASYMPTOTICS FOR THE LOW-FREQUENCY ORDINATES OF THE PERIODOGRAM OF A LONG-MEMORY TIME SERIES, Constructing NARMAX models using ARMAX models, Cascade non-linear system identification by a non-parametric method, ORDER IDENTIFICATION IN MISSPECIFIED AUTOREGRESSIVE TIME SERIES MODELS, ESTIMATION OF THE FRACTIONAL DIFFERENCE PARAMETER IN THE ARIMA(p, d, q) MODEL USING THE SMOOTHED PERIODOGRAM, SOME SIMPLE TESTS OF THE MOVING-AVERAGE UNIT ROOT HYPOTHESIS, SEMIPARAMETRIC TIME SERIES REGRESSION, PEAK-INSENSITIVE NON-PARAMETRIC SPECTRUM ESTIMATION, LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION OF A SHIFT IN LINEAR PROCESSES, LAG WINDOW ESTIMATION OF THE DEGREE OF DIFFERENCING IN FRACTIONALLY INTEGRATED TIME SERIES MODELS, ON THE MAXIMUM ENTROPY PROPERTY OF NONLINEAR AUTOREGRESSIONS, A GOODNESS-OF-FIT TEST FOR AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE MODELS BASED ON THE STANDARDIZED SAMPLE SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE RESIDUALS, Tests of periodicity with missing observations, BIAS-CORRECTED NONPARAMETRIC SPECTRAL ESTIMATION, TESTING EQUALITY OF VARIANCES FOR PAIRED TIME SERIES, The periodogram regression:correction and comments, Estimation of non-stationary spectra by simulated annealing, Optimizing Long‐term Hydro‐power Production Using Markov Decision Processes, Maximum likelihood estimation and model selection for locally stationary processes, Testing for dependence in the input to a linear time series model, Testing for a jump in the periodogram, Smoothing-based lack-of-fit tests: variations on a theme, A Review of Nonparametric Time Series Analysis, Estimation of the Asymptotic Variance in the CLT for Markov Chains, Bootstrapping unit root tests for integrated processes, Adaptive bandwidth choice, THE EXACT BIAS OF THE LOG-PERIODOGRAM REGRESSION ESTIMATOR, Recent developments in bootstrapping time series, Optimal window width choice in spectral density estimation, Wavelet scale analysisof bivariate time series ii:statistical properties for linear processes, MULTI-FREQUENTIAL PERIODOGRAM ANALYSIS AND THE DETECTION OF PERIODIC COMPONENTS IN TIME SERIES, A SIMPLE VARIABLE SELECTION TECHNIQUE FOR NONLINEAR MODELS, Spectral analysis with replicated time series, The tapered block bootstrap for general statistics from stationary sequences, ON THE LIMITS OF SPECTRAL METHODS FOR FREQUENCY ESTIMATION, Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit, REGRESSION OF SPECTRAL ESTIMATORS WITH FRACTIONALLY INTEGRATED TIME SERIES, VARIANCE ESTIMATION FOR QUADRATIC STATISTICS, Circulant matrices and time-series analysis, Modelling phase shifts among stochastic cycles, Asymptotically Stationary Processes on Amenable Groups, CONSISTENT ESTIMATION OF THE FOURTH-ORDER CUMULANT SPECTRAL DENSITY, Unnamed Item, The Misspecification of Arma Models, Minimax-robust prediction of discrete time series, Model reduction via the internally balanced state space representation, Analysis of multivariate arma processes with non-stationary innovations, Un algoritmo iterativo para la estimacion de modelos arma con ausencia de observaciones, Group delay, partial group delay and index-lag relationship for multidimensional processes, Haar–Fisz Estimation of Evolutionary Wavelet Spectra, Local Asymptotic Distributions of Stationarity Tests, Euler(p, q) Processes and Their Application to Non Stationary Time Series with Time Varying Frequencies, MSE of the best linear predictor in nonorthogonal models, Consistent statistical estimate of spectral measure discrete component for a class of random processes, Forecasting Composite Indicators with Anticipated Information: An Application to the Industrial Production Index, A Generalized Portmanteau Test For Independence Of Two Infinite-Order Vector Autoregressive Series, Bernstein polynomial estimation of a spectral density, Bayesian Inferences and Forecasts With Multiple Autoregressive Moving Average Models, CROSS-VALIDATORY CHOICE OF A SPECTRUM ESTIMATE AND ITS CONNECTIONS WITH AIC, THE ESTIMATION OF SPECTRUM, INVERSE SPECTRUM AND INVERSE AUTOCOVARIANCES OF A STATIONARY TIME SERIES, DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY OF ARMA MODELS, FISHER'S INFORMATION MATRIX FOR SEASONAL AUTOREGRESSIVE-MOVING AVERAGE MODELS, A NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICAL TEST FOR CHAOS: CUMULATIVE PERIODOGRAM UNDER AN ORDER TRANSFORMATION, SPECTRA AND FILTERING: A CLARIFICATION, Analyzing reciprocal relationships by means of the continuous‐time autoregressive latent trajectory model, Bayesian spatio-temporal models based on discrete convolutions, Estimation and forecasting hospital admissions due to Influenza: Planning for winter pressure. The case of the West Midlands, UK, Testing for spurious regression in a panel data model with the individual number and time length growing, Some remarks on the physical models concerning two different approaches to inference in statistical process control, Fixed-b asymptotic approximation of the sampling behaviour of nonparametric spectral density estimators, Bootstrapping the Local Periodogram of Locally Stationary Processes, Blind Signal Deconvolution as an Instantaneous Blind Separation of Statistically Dependent Sources, INVERSE AUTOCOVARIANCES AND A MEASURE OF LINEAR DETERMINISM FOR A STATIONARY PROCESS, Unnamed Item, EXAMPLES OF THE EVOLUTIONARY SPECTRUM THEORY, A DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR NONLINEAR SERIAL DEPENDENCE IN TIME SERIES FITTING ERRORS, DETECTION OF PERIODICITIES BY HIGHER-ORDER CROSSINGS, ON THE ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION OF BARTLETT'S Up-STATISTIC, A METHOD FOR GENERATING INDEPENDENT REALIZATIONS OF A MULTIVARIATE NORMAL STATIONARY AND INVERTIBLE ARMA(p, q) PROCESS, Model selection and validation methods for non-linear systems, Automatic selection of a linear predictor through frequency domain cross-validation, DIFFERENT REPRESENTATIONS FOR BILINEAR MODELS, SLOWLY CHANGING PROCESSES AND HARMONIZABILITY, ESTIMATION OF AUTOREGRESSIVE PARAMETERS AND ORDER SELECTION FOR ARMA MODELS, SUBORDINATION OF STATIONARY PROCESSES, AN ALTERNATIVE CONSISTENT PROCEDURE FOR DETECTING HIDDEN FREQUENCIES, On estimation of the walsh-fourier spectral density of two dimensional strictly homogeneous random fields, CONSISTENT ESTIMATION OF THE ASYMPTOTIC COVARIANCE STRUCTURE OF MULTIVARIATE SERIAL CORRELATIONS, Basic structure of the asymptotic theory in dynamic nonlinear econometric models, Estimating the Change in a Renewal Process When the Data are Counts, DETECTING SINUSOIDS IN NON-GAUSSIAN NOISE, SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF STATIONARY POINT PROCESSES USING THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ALGORITHM, FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ESTIMATION OF BILINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS, CLASSIFICATION OF TEXTURES USING SECOND-ORDER SPECTRA, ESTIMATION OF AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE MODELS VIA HIGH-ORDER AUTOREGRESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS, Estimation of product moments of a stationary stochastic process with application to estimation of cumulants and cumulant spectral densities, CONTRIBUTIONS TO EVOLUTIONARY SPECTRAL THEORY, Bootstrap-based evaluation of markov-switching time series models, Sur la convergence uniforme presque complète dans l'estimation de la densité spectrale d'un processus à temps continu après échantillonnage du temps (On the almost complete and uniform convergence of spectral density estimation for a continuous-parameter process from time sampling), A practical guide to the spectral analysis of spatial point processes, Testing for unit roots in flow data sampled at different frequencies, Asymptotically efficient autoregressive model selection for multistep prediction, Effect of dependence on statistics for determination of change, Bandwidth selection in nonparametric spectral density estimation of the stationary Gaussian process, Estimation of the mixed AR and hidden periodic model, FFT-based exponentially weighted recursive least squares computations, On the extreme eigenvalues of Hermitian (block) Toeplitz matrices, The analysis of chaotic time-series data, Modeling autocorrelation functions of self-similar teletraffic in communication networks based on optimal approximation in Hilbert space, A statistically and computationally efficient method for frequency estimation, The periodogram at the Fourier frequencies, Mean square error of the empirical transfer function estimator for stochastic input signals., On consistent testing for serial correlation of unknown form in vector time series models., Autoregressive-aided periodogram bootstrap for time series, Testing conditional moment restrictions, Analyzing musical structure and performance -- a statistical approach, The spectral envelope and its applications., The Box--Jenkins analysis and neural networks: Prediction and time series modelling, The effects of temporal aggregation on tests of linearity of a time series., Finite sample performance of density estimators from unequally spaced data, The influence of perceived stock value price histories in the mean-variance-instability model, Block length selection in the bootstrap for time series, SEMIFAR models -- a semiparametric approach to modelling trends, long-range dependence and nonstationarity, On lag windows connected with Jacobi polynomials, Normalizing bispectra, Regression theory for categorical time series, Testing axial symmetry and separability of lattice processes, Parameter estimation in a stochastic model of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism in a rat nephron, Changes in the behavior of output in the United Kingdom, 1856-1990, Theoretical comparisons of block bootstrap methods, Asymptotic normality of \(L\)-statistics based on \(m(n)\)-decomposable time series, Distinguishing random and deterministic systems: Abridged version, Nonparametric high resolution spectral estimation, A systems approach to recursive economic forecasting and seasonal adjustment, On asymptotic quasi-likelihood estimation, The estimation of the bispectral density function and the detection of periodicities in a signal, Frequency-domain method for separating signal and noise, A likelihood approximation for locally stationary processes, Identification of discrete-time state affine state space models using cumulants, AIC, overfitting principles, and the boundedness of moments of inverse matrices for vector autotregressions and related models., Higher order approximations for Wald statistics in time series regressions with integrated processes., Maximum of entropy and extension of covariance matrices for periodically correlated and multivariate processes., The maximum of the periodogram for a heavy-tailed sequence., Is the North Atlantic Oscillation just a pink noise?, A Wiener-Wintner theorem for \(1/f\) power spectra., An intensity-expansion method to treat non-stationary time series: An application to the distance between prime numbers, Densities, spectral densities and modality., Autoregressive spectral analysis when observations are missing, Consistent nonlinear dynamics: identifying model inadequacy, Quantification of uncertainty in transfer function estimation: A mixed probabilistic-worst-case approach, Response function estimation from multi-input systems, A note on autocovariance estimation in the presence of discrete spectra, A comparison of frequency domain methodology and conventional factor screening methods, How difficult is the frequency selection problem?, Detecting low-dimensional chaos in time series of finite length generated from discrete parameter processes, On estimating integrated squared spectral density derivatives, Exploratory spectral analysis of hydrological times series, Optimal and self-tuning white noise estimators with applications to deconvolution and filtering problems, Mixed order response function estimation from multi-input nonlinear systems, On the Kullback-Leibler information divergence of locally stationary processes, Assessing a Bartlett plot, On flat-top kernel spectral density estimators for homogeneous random fields, Spectral and wavelet methods for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary time series, Monte Carlo error estimation for multivariate Markov chains, The pivot algorithm: a highly efficient Monte Carlo method for the self-avoiding walk., Nonlocal Monte Carlo algorithm for self-avoiding walks with fixed endpoints., Perturbation of a dynamic planar crack moving in a model elastic solid, Covariance matrix estimation for estimators of mixing weak ARMA models, Variance and bias reduction techniques for the harmonic gradient estimator, A solution to the positivity problem in the state-space approach to modeling vector-valued time series, Moderate deviations for quadratic forms in Gaussian stationary processes, On the equivalence of least costly and traditional experiment design for control, Evaluating financial time series models for irregularly spaced data: a spectral density approach, Portfolio performance sensitivity for various asset-pricing kernels, Clustering of biological time series by cepstral coefficients based distances, Asymptotic spectral theory for nonlinear time series, Convex combinations of long memory estimates from different sampling rates, Characterization of periodically correlated and multivariate stationary discrete time wide Markov processes, On the statistical properties of a stationary process sampled by a stationary point process, Testing nonparametric and semiparametric hypotheses in vector stationary processes, Non-Gaussian positive-definite matrix-valued random fields for elliptic stochastic partial differential operators, Critical dynamics of the three-dimensional Ising model: a Monte Carlo study, Critical dynamics of cluster algorithms in the dilute Ising model, Bias correction for outlier estimation in time series, Testing for serial correlation of unknown form in cointegrated time series models, Accumulative prediction error and the selection of time series models, Testing the means of independent normal random variables, Gaussian limit fields for the integrated periodogram, A frequency selective filter for short-length time series, Spectral density estimation with amplitude modulation and outlier detection, ARCH models as diffusion approximations, Linear modeling of multidimensional non-Gaussian processes using cumulants, Asymptotic expansions for sums of block-variables under weak dependence, A goodness-of-fit process for ARMA(\(p\),\(q\)) models based on a modified residual autocorrelation sequence, ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTIONS OF LIKELIHOOD RATIOS FOR OVERPARAMETRIZED ARMA PROCESSES, Optimized regression models for time series, ON EMBEDDING A DISCRETE-PARAMETER ARMA MODEL IN A CONTINUOUS-PARAMETER ARMA MODEL, Estimation in long memory time series models, Instrumental variable based unit root tests when both ARMA (p,q) orders are chosen to be too large, Determining mixed linear-nonlinear coupled differential equations from multivariate discrete time series sequences, Simulation factor screening using cross-spectral methods, Nonparametric regression with long-range dependence, Some contributions on the characterization of one-dimensional spatial processes, A vector autoregressive moving average time series approach for describing asymmetries of antennal control of two millipede species, Spectral density estimation for stationary stable processes, The application of parametric multichannel spectral estimates in the study of electrical brain activity, A univariate model for long-term streamflow forecasting. II: Application, Some evidence on the accuracy of Phillips-Perron tests using alternative estimates of nuisance parameter, A test for independence of two stationary infinite order autoregressive processes, Stochastic processes evolutionary spectrum estimation via harmonic wavelets, Selecting models with different spectral density matrix structures by the cross-validated log likelihood criterion, HAC estimation and strong linearity testing in weak ARMA models, Spectra of bivariate \(\mathrm{VAR}(p)\) models, Long run variance estimation and robust regression testing using sharp origin kernels with no truncation, An introduction to volatility models with indices, Dynamic critical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for the three-dimensional Ising model, Test to compare two population logspectra, An efficient algorithm for scalar PDF modelling in incompressible turbulent flow; numerical analysis with evaluation of IEM and IECM micro-mixing models, Convergence rates in density estimation for data from infinite-order moving average processes, Hypothesis testing for nearly nonstationary autoregressive models, Peak-insensitive parametric spectrum estimation, Correlated and uncorrelated fitness landscapes and how to tell the difference, Using three methods to investigate time-scaling properties in air pollution indexes time series, Stochastic analysis of recurrence plots with applications to the detection of deterministic signals, Spectral density estimation for linear processes with dependent innovations, Superoptimal estimator of the spectral density by adaptive projection: an application to the estimation of a moving average order, An \(L_2\)-test for comparing spatial spectral densities, Winding number criterion for existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in linear rational expectations models, On robust testing for conditional heteroscedasticity in time series models, Multivariate lag-windows and group representations, A corrected Akaike criterion based on Kullback's symmetric divergence: applications in time series, multiple and multivariate regression, Random field priors for spectral density functions, A local spectral approach for assessing time series model misspecification, On the asymptotic joint distribution of sample space-time covariance estimators, Shrinkage estimation in the frequency domain of multivariate time series, On parameter estimation for locally stationary long-memory processes, Identification of the coefficients in a non-linear time series of the quadratic type, Relationships between linear systems theory and covariance structure modeling, On confidence intervals and tests for autocorrelations, Estimation of nonlinear transfer functions for fully developed turbulence, A Galerkin multiharmonic procedure for nonlinear multidimensional random vibration, Asymptotic error rates of the W and Z statistics when the training observations are dependent, Time series analysis of chaotic signals, A bound for estimation in nonlinear time series models by independence testing methods, Circulant matrix methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations by FFT convolutions, Testing for cointegration using principal components methods, Application of multivariate autoregressive modelling for analysis of immunologic networks in man, On estimating the hidden periodicities in linear time series models, An algorithm for tracking fluid particles in numerical simulations of homogeneous turbulence, An improved estimation method for univariate autoregressive models, Trends and random walks in macroeconomic time series, Current developments in time series modelling, Differencing as an approximate de-trending device, Approximation and numerical treatment of an autoregressive equation with stochastic coefficients, Maximum entropy interpretation of autoregressive spectral densities, Curve estimation for \(m_ n\)-decomposable time series including bilinear processes, Fourier and Taylor series on fitness landscapes, State space reconstruction in the presence of noise, Time series analysis via rank order theory: Signed-rank tests for ARMA models, ARCH modeling in finance. A review of the theory and empirical evidence, Stochastic sensitivity analysis, Use of the Gibbs sampler in expert systems, Some properties of solutions of Yule-Walker type equations, Central limit theorems for sequences with \(m(n)\)-dependent main part, On the sample variance of linear statistics derived from mixing sequences, Boundary-layer receptivity due to distributed surface imperfections of a deterministic or random nature, On the estimation of optimal batch sizes in the analysis of simulation output, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. I: Discrete finite signals, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. II: Infinite duration and continuous signals, Uniform convergence of the empirical spectral distribution function, Multivariate density estimation with general flat-top kernels of infinite order, Dynamical critical behavior of the Swendson-Wang algorithm: The two-dimensional three-state Potts model revisited, Dynamical critical behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-type algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller model, On least-squares estimation of the residual variance in the first-order moving average model., Estimation of the population spectrum with replicated time series., The estimation of systems of joint differential-difference equations, Some results on two-level factorial designs with dependent observations, Estimation of spectral density of a stationary time series via an asymptotic of the periodogram, Self-affine time series: Measures of weak and strong persistence., Maximum likelihood estimators for ARMA and ARFIMA models: a Monte Carlo study., Higher-order approximations for frequency domain time series regression, Discrete and continuous time cointegration, Assessment of numerical accuracy of PDF/Monte Carlo methods for turbulent reacting flows, Mixed spectra and rotational symmetry, A central limit theorem for autoregressive integrated moving average processes, Nonparametric prediction for random fields, Testing for a unit root by frequency domain regression, A single server queue with cyclically indexed arrival and service rates, Fast iterative methods for least squares estimations, Optimal mean squared error analysis of the harmonic gradient estimators, Poisson compounding of dependent random variables: A stochastic model for total claim costs, Conditional empirical, quantile and difference processes for a large class of time series with applications, Some reduction methods of problems of nonlinear stochastic dynamics, Asymptotic behavior of \(L\)-statistics for a large class of time series, Testing for nonlinearity using redundancies: Quantitative and qualitative aspects, Approximate, saturated and blurred self-affinity of random processes with finite domain power-law power spectrum, Employment cycles in search equilibrium, A new preliminary estimator for MA(1) models, Unnamed Item, Time-domain estimation of time-varying linear systems, THE EXACT ERROR IN ESTIMATING THE SPECTRAL DENSITY AT THE ORIGIN, TESTING CHANGE-POINTS IN THE EXPLOSIVE GAUSSIAN AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESSES, Estimation of time delay and lag relationship of quadratic systems, A NOTE ON EMBEDDING A DISCRETE PARAMETER ARMA MODEL IN A CONTINUOUS PARAMETER ARMA MODEL, Some restrictions of the non-causal impulse response functions, SPECTRAL RATIO DISCRIMINANTS AND INFORMATION THEORY, Trispectrum deconvolution of linear processes with randomly missing observations, A Bayesian Curve Fitting Approach to Power Spectrum Estimation, Bayesian Identification of Seasonal Autoregressive Models, DATA-DRIVEN NONPARAMETRIC SPECTRAL DENSITY ESTIMATORS FOR ECONOMIC TIME SERIES: A MONTE CARLO STUDY, SMOOTH TRANSITION AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS — A SURVEY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, Bayesian Variable Selection and Regularization for Time–Frequency Surface Estimation, Long-memory continuous-time correlation models, Inference for Autocorrelations in the Possible Presence of a Unit Root, A Non‐Gaussian Spatial Process Model for Opacity of Flocculated Paper, ON THE SELECTION OF RANDOM SAMPLING SCHEMES FOR THE SPECTRAL ESTIMATION OF CONTINUOUS TIME PROCESSES, Estimation of mixing proportions in the presence of autoregressively correlated training data:the case of two univariate normal populations, AN APPLICATION OF THE SCHUR‐COHN ALGORITHM TO TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Model validation tests for multivariable nonlinear models including neural networks, LOGSPLINE ESTIMATION OF A POSSIBLY MIXED SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION, RATE OF CONVERGENCE FOR LOGSPLINE SPECTRAL DENSITY ESTIMATION, Some aspects of maximum likelihood estimation of multistage cancer dose-response odels with application, Bayesian classification with multivariate autoregressive sources that might have different orders, A modified prony algorithm for estimating sinusoidal frequencies, EXACT MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION IN AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESSES, WAVELETS AND TIME-DEPENDENT SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF A STATIONARY BIVARIATE POINT PROCESS WITH APPLICATIONS TO NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS, LOCALLY ADAPTIVE LAG-WINDOW SPECTRAL ESTIMATION, Estimation du comportement asymptotique des autocovariances et autocorrelations empiriques de processus multivariéeas, A characterization of the inverse autocorrelation function, Hnbue property in a shock model with cumulative damage threshold, A CORRECTED AKAIKE INFORMATION CRITERION FOR VECTOR AUTOREGRESSIVE MODEL SELECTION, YULE‐WALKER ESTIMATES FOR CONTINUOUS‐TIME AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS, ON THE INVERTIBILITY OF MULTIVARIATE LINEAR PROCESSES, A NEIGHBORHOOD SELECTION METHOD FOR CELLULAR AUTOMATA MODELS, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Linear Continuous Time Long Memory Processes with Discrete Time Data, COMPARING TIME-VARYING AUTOREGRESSIVE STRUCTURES OF LOCALLY STATIONARY PROCESSES, Bayesian Identification of Moving Average Models, Nonmonotonic power for tests of a mean shift in a time series§, On consistent testing for serial correlation in seasonal time series models, A Class of Sparse Invertible Matrices and Their Use for Nonlinear Prediction of Nearly Periodic Time Series with Fixed Period, Bayesian Identification of Multivariate Autoregressive Processes, How can we Define the Concept of Long Memory? An Econometric Survey, Large sample properties of spectral estimators for a class of stationary nonlinear processes, Estimating the Rank of the Spectral Density Matrix, Robust and powerful serial correlation tests with new robust estimates in ARX models, Outlier Detection And Estimation In NonLinear Time Series, Assessing Persistence In Discrete Nonstationary Time‐Series Models, Testing the Fit of a Vector Autoregressive Moving Average Model, Temporal Aggregation of Stationary And Nonstationary Discrete‐Time Processes, Quasi‐Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Class of Continuous‐time Long‐memory Processes, Temporal Aggregation of Stationary and Non‐stationary Continuous‐Time Processes, On a localization property of wavelet coefficients for processes with stationary increments, and applications. I. Localization with respect to shift, Improved nonparametric confidence intervals in time series regressions, Statistical Methods for Regular Monitoring Data, EXPLORING MULTI-RESOLUTION AND MULTI-SCALING VOLATILITY FEATURES, Bahadur exact slopes of some tests for spectral densities, A high performance architecture for computing the time-frequency spectrum, On the pseudo cross-variogram, Multidimensional spectrum estimation for nonstationary processes, Adaptive smoothing methods for frequency-function estimation, Large-sample inference in the general AR(1) model, A test for volatility spillover with application to exchange rates, Tomato firmness estimation using vibration measurements, Analytic derivatives of the matrix exponential for estimation of linear continuous-time models., The statistics of time-frequency analysis, GENERAL LINEAR PROCESSES:A PROPERTY OF THE EMPIRICAL PROCESS APPLIED TO DENSITY AND MODE ESTIMATION, Generalized spectral estimation of the consumption-based asset pricing model, Local spectral analysis using wavelet packets, Note on the bias in the estimation of the serial correlation coefficient of AR(1) processes.