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zbMath0449.53018MaRDI QIDQ3896182

Dietrich Kramer, Eduard Herlt, Hans Stephani, Malcolm A. H. MacCallum

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Bianchi type I cosmological models with variable \(G\) and \(\Lambda\), Space-time metrics inducing the radiation connection, Axisymmetric stationary solutions as harmonic maps, Solutions to the field equations and the deceleration parameter, Generalized-Finslerian connection coefficients for the static spherically symmetric space, Physical interpretation of vacuum solutions of Einstein's equations. II: Time-dependent solutions, A Newman-Penrose formalism for gravitational instantons, On the occurrence of naked singularity in spherically symmetric gravitational collapse, The gravitational and electrostatic fields far from an isolated Einstein- Maxwell source, Plane symmetric metrics associated with semi-plane symmetric electromagnetic fields in higher dimensions, On Huygens' principle for the Hodge-de Rham equations with Lorentzian gauge, General-relativistic model of magnetically driven jet, Solution generating with perfect fluids, The classical tests of cosmology with a simple Kantowski-Sachs model, A complete set of Riemann invariants, A quasi-spherical gravitational wave solution in Kaluza-Klein theory, The role of shear in expanding \(G_ 2\) orthogonal perfect fluid models, Geometrization of linear perturbation theory for diffeomorphism-invariant covariant field equations. II: Basic gauge-invariant variables with applications to de Sitter space-time, The Ernst equation and the Riemann-Hilbert problem on hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces, Ricci collineations for type \(B\) warped space-times, Integration in the GHP formalism. III: Finding conformally flat radiation metrics as an example of an `optimal situation', General non-rotating perfect-fluid solution with an abelian spacelike \(C_3\) including only one isometry, Nonlinear massive spin-2 field generated by higher derivative gravity, Stationary black holes: Uniqueness and beyond, Robinson manifolds as the Lorentzian analogs of Hermite manifolds., A complete classification of curvature collineations of cylindrically symmetric static metrics, A Rainich-like approach to the Killing-Yano tensors, A new algorithm for the Petrov classification of the Weyl tensor, Transverse frames for Petrov type I spacetimes: a general algebraic procedure, Naked singularities in dust collapse as an existence problem for ODE at a singular point., Boosted domain wall and charged Kaigorodov space, Classification of Petrov type D generalized Kerr-Schild transformations, Derivation of magnetized-wire metrics in 5-dimensional general relativity, Classification of cylindrically symmetric static spacetimes according to their Ricci collineations, Vacuum solutions which cannot be written in diagonal form, Affine collineations in Einstein-Maxwell space-times, Complex transformations of the curvature tensor, Vacuum type N space-times admitting homothetic vector fields with isolated fixed points, Real Kasner and related complex ``windmill vacuum spacetime metrics, Degeneracy in loop variables, On the isometric representations for multidimensional pseudoconic spaces, A new coordinate condition in general relativity, The problem of space-time symmetries in the theory of supergravity. 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in general relativity, Exact solutions of Bianchi I spacetimes which admit conformal Killing vectors, New charged dilaton solutions in \(2 + 1\) dimensions and solutions with cylindrical symmetry in \(3 + 1\) dimensions, A note on Einstein-Maxwell solutions and vacuum to electrovac solutions transforms, An asymptotically flat vacuum solution, Static cylindrically symmetric solution of the Kaluza-Klein equations, Static conformally flat spherically symmetric space-time in Einstein-Cartan theory of gravitation, On finding hypersurface orthogonal Killing fields, Homothety groups in space-time, Analytical solution of a wave equation in cosmology, Absolute objects and counterexamples: Jones-geroch dust, torretti constant curvature, tetrad-spinor, and scalar density, Explaining Leibniz equivalence as difference of non-inertial appearances: dis-solution of the hole argument and physical individuation of point-events, Stephani-Schutz quantum cosmology, A new class of exact solutions of the 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conformal symmetry, Exact solutions in \(U_ 4\) gravity. I: The ansatz for self double dual curvature, Multidimensional gravitational waves. I: Purely radiative spacetimes, Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. I: Projective actions, Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. II: Conservation laws, Thermal equilibrium of static and spherical structures in general relativity, Stationary two-black-hole configurations: A non-existence proof, The rotation problem, Conformal symmetries and integrals of the motion in pp waves with external electromagnetic fields, Regularity for Dirac-harmonic maps into certain pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Axisymmetric regular multiwormhole solutions in five-dimensional general relativity, Isotropic singularities and isotropization in a class of Bianchi type- VI\(_ h\) cosmologies, Power law singularities in orthogonal spatially homogeneous cosmologies, Symmetry generators for null geodesic motion, The equivalence of perfect fluid space-times and viscous magnetohydrodynamic space-times in general relativity, On axially symmetric solutions of Einstein's field equations in matter and an example of static gravitational shielding, Exact Brans-Dicke-Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-Bianchi-Kantowski-Sachs vacuum solutions, Two simple solutions to Einstein's field equations, Sufficiency of the Ricci equations for characterizing the Riemann tensor, Cartan's chains and Lorentz geometry, Physical structure of the energy-momentum tensor of a dust of spinning particles, General vacuum solution for Brans-Dicke-Bianchi type-II, Space-time isomorphism problem is intractable (NP-hard), Finslerian and higher-order structure of space-time: Lie-invariance in fibres, Quartic equations and classification of Riemann tensors in general relativity, Algebraic geometric solutions of Einstein's equations: Some physical properties, Self-interacting scalar fields on a conformally flat background, On an alignment condition of the Weyl tensor, Spinning particles in gravitational wave spacetime, The Hopf fibration --- seven times in physics, Self-interacting gas in a gravitational wave field, Self-similar static spherically symmetric scalar field models, Hyperelliptic theta-functions and spectral methods, Cantorian \(\mathcal E^{\infty}\) space-time in Cartan, de Broglie and field theories, On uniqueness of conformally compact Einstein metrics with homogeneous conformal infinity, Solutions of gravitational field equations, The Infeld/Schild approach to the geodesic motion of test particles in general relativity, The interpretation of the \(C\) metric. The vacuum case, Integrability analysis of a conformal equation in relativity, A family of cylindrically symmetric solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations, The parameters of the Lewis metric for the Weyl class, Killing pairs constructed from a recurrent vector field, Symmetries of heterotic string theory, Thermodynamics of black holes with gauge cosmic strings and global monopoles, Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\) with prescribed curvature, Expanding spherically symmetric models without shear, The evolution of the Dirac field in curved space-times, Space-times admitting a three-dimensional conformal group, The embedding of general relativity in five dimensions, Optical geometries and related structures, Geometric interpretation of the mixed invariants of the Riemann spinor, A connection dynamic theory of gravity, Stationary axisymmetric solutions of the Einstein equations with rigidly rotating perfect fluid and nonlinear charged sources, Ricci collineations of the Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX space-times, Integration in the GHP formalism. I: A coordinate approach with applications to twisting type \(N\) spaces, Isomonodromic quantization of dimensionally reduced gravity, Vacuum spacetimes with a two-dimensional orthogonally transitive group of homothetic motions, Perfect fluid space-times with a two-dimensional orthogonally transitive group of homothetic motions, Symmetries of type D pure radiation fields, Bubbling analysis for approximate Lorentzian harmonic maps from Riemann surfaces, On shearing fluids with homogeneous densities, Revisiting the Darmois and Lichnerowicz junction conditions, Noether symmetries of Bianchi type II spacetimes, The stability of relativistic stars and the role of the adiabatic index, Cylindrically symmetric gravitational-wavelike space-times, Remarks on the charged, magnetized Tomimatsu-Sato \(\delta=2\) solution, The GHP formalism and a type \(N\) twisting vacuum metric with Killing vector, Stationary solutions and closed time-like curves in \((2+1)\)-dimensional gravity, A reinterpretation of the Taub singularity, Energy conditions in non-Riemannian spacetimes, A torus-like black hole, Birkhoff's theorem with \(\Lambda\)-term and Bertotti-Kasner space, The interior field of a magnetized Einstein-Maxwell object, Quantum fields interacting with colliding plane waves: Particle creation., Integrals of motion in the two-Killing-vector reduction of general relativity, Plane gravitational waves in string theory, Einstein equations for a fluid sphere and the mass function, The structure of the extreme Schwarzschild-de Sitter space-time, Conformally flat metrics with anisotropic pressure, Aspects of solution-generating techniques for space-times with two commuting Killing vectors, On conformal Killing 2-form of the electromagnetic field, The big bang and its dark-matter content: whence, whither, and wherefore, On regular rotating black holes, Rotating metrics admitting non-perfect fluids, Quasi-local energy-momentum and angular momentum in gr: a review article, 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spintensor for the Gödel metric, Charging symmetries and linearizing potentials for gravity models with symplectic symmetry., Extremal rotating dipole solution in four-dimensional heterotic string theory., Perfect fluid spacetimes with a purely magnetic Weyl tensor, Qualitative properties of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, Global properties of warped solutions in general relativity, Conformal internal symmetry of 2d \(\sigma \)-models coupled to gravity and a dilaton, NP: A maple package for performing calculations in the Newman-Penrose formalism, Some real and complex solutions of Einstein's equations, The verification of Killing tensor components for metrics in general relativity using the computer algebra system SHEEP, Plane-symmetric universes in general relativity, Some new Bianchi type-I perfect fluid solutions, Quadratic Poincaré gauge theory of gravity: A comparison with the general relativity theory, Radial conformal Killing vectors in spherically symmetric shear-free space-times, Local and global algebraic structures in general relativity, Space-time of class one, Geometric algebra techniques for general relativity, Exact Bianchi type \(VI_ 0 \)cosmological models with matter and an electromagnetic field, Third-order tensor potentials for the Riemann and Weyl tensors, Gauged/massive supergravities in diverse dimensions, The cosmological constant and the deconstruction of gravity, Homogeneous plane waves, On the nonexistence of a Lobachevsky geometry model of an isotropic and homogeneous universe, Adiabatic models of the cosmological radiative era, Matter collineations in Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi types I and III spacetimes, A cylindrically symmetric solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity, Slowly, rotating non-stationary, fluid solutions of Einstein's equations and their match to Kerr empty space-time, Spinning particles in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetime, An approximated solution of the Einstein equations for a rotating body with 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Phys. 2 8, 1019 (1987)], Reduction of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations to simplified involutive forms, LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model in \(f(R,T)\) theory of gravity, THE ISRAEL THEOREM: WHAT IS NATURE TRYING TO TELL US?, COLLAPSING FLUID WITH SELF-SIMILARITY OF THE SECOND KIND IN 2 + 1 GRAVITY, Integrability and Explicit Solutions in Some Bianchi Cosmological Dynamical Systems, The angular momentum of plane-fronted gravitational waves in the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, Perfect-fluid sources for the Levi-Civita metric, BLACK HOLES IN TOLMAN-BONDI SPACETIMES, Equivalence classes of perturbations in cosmologies of Bianchi types I and V: Propagation and constraint equations, Isotropization of two-component fluids, On geometrical and physical consequences of using certain special classes of comoving physical frames of reference, A new class of bulk viscous universe with time dependent deceleration parameter and \(\Lambda\)-term, Axially symmetric non-static domain walls in scalar-tensor theories of gravitation, On a class of solutions of the Einstein–Maxwell field equations in scalar-tensor theories of gravity, Non-singular Bianchi type VIIh solution of no-scale supergravity, Lambda perturbations of Keplerian orbits in the expanding universe, Algebraic Computation of Spin Coefficients in Newman-Penrose Formalism using Mathematica, Topological quantization of gravitational fields, New spherically symmetric monopole and regular solutions in Einstein–Born–Infeld theories, Unnamed Item, Thermodynamical laws and spacetime geometry, Algebraic classification of the gravitational field, Rotation and pseudo-rotation, Regular axisymmetric description of the Kerr spacetime, Complex relativity and real solutions. I: Introduction, Petrov type D Einstein space–times of embedding class two, On the problem of algebraic completeness for the invariants of the Riemann tensor: I, Algebraic classification of higher dimensional spacetimes, On static spherically symmetric solutions of the vacuum Brans-Dicke theory, The similarity hypothesis in general relativity, On properties of vacuum axially symmetric spacetime of gravitomagnetic monopole in cylindrical coordinates, Wave mechanics and general relativity: a rapprochement, An exact spherically symmetric space-time in Einstein-Cartan theory, The dynamical behaviour of test particles in a quasi-spherical spacetime and the physical meaning of Superenergy, Traveling waves in strongly gravitating cosmic strings, Global existence of the harmonic map heat flow into Lorentzian manifolds, Twistor-beam excitations of black holes and prequantum Kerr-Schild geometry, Symmetries and geometry in general relativity, Invariants of the Riemann tensor: a classical approach, Computer algebra: from the visible to the invisible, Unnamed Item, Asymptotically flat spinning scalar, Dirac and Proca stars, Cosmological solution of Einstein’s equations with uniform density and nonuniform pressure, Gravitational radiation and nonlocal electrodynamics, Matter collineation classification of Bianchi type II spacetime, Elliptic boundary value problems for the stationary vacuum spacetimes, Emergence of the Dirac equation in the solitonic source of the Kerr spinning particle, LRS Bianchi type II tilted barotropic fluid cosmological model with heat conduction in general relativity, Conformal cylindrically symmetric spacetimes in modified gravity, Republication of: On the Newtonian limit of Einstein's theory of gravitation, Conformal and traversable wormholes with monopole and perfect fluid in f(R)-gravity, Ellipticity of Bartnik boundary data for stationary vacuum spacetimes, A global weak solution to the Lorentzian harmonic map flow, POSSIBLE WAY OUT OF THE HAWKING PARADOX: ERASING THE INFORMATION AT THE HORIZON, GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE OF A MASSLESS SCALAR FIELD AND A PERFECT FLUID WITH SELF-SIMILARITY OF THE FIRST KIND IN 2+1 DIMENSIONS, Global structure of spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations with an electromagnetic field, A Modified Gravity Theory: Null Aether, Lorentzian Geometry and CR-Submanifolds, On geometrical and physical consequences of using certain special classes of comoving physical frames of reference II, The second-order correction to the energy and momentum in plane symmetric gravitational waves like spacetimes, Classification of static plane symmetric spacetime via Noether gauge symmetries, Plane gravitational waves, the kinetic energy of free particles and the memory effect, A cosmological solution with acceleration caused by an annihilation shock wave, A Radiation Scalar for Numerical Relativity, Chains on CR Manifolds and Lorentz Geometry, Dilatonic (anti-)de Sitter black holes and weak gravity conjecture, Curvature of multiply warped products, On stationary solutions to the non-vacuum Einstein field equations, NONASSOCIATIVE GEOMETRY: FRIEDMANN–ROBERTSON–WALKER SPACETIME, RICCI FLOWS AND SOLITONIC pp-WAVES, Spacetime singularities in string theory, The Boundary Value Problem for the Stationary and Axisymmetric Einstein Equations is Generically Solvable, Static Black-Hole Solutions with Axial Symmetry, ISOMETRY HORIZONS IN SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC SPACE–TIMES, Proca effect in Reissner-Nordström de Sitter metric, Betti and Tachibana numbers, Exact anisotropic solutions of d = 11 supergravity, VSI i space–times and the ϵ-property, NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR HYDROSTATIC EQUILIBRIUM IN GENERAL RELATIVITY, Stationary black holes: uniqueness and beyond, Phantom metrics with Killing spinors, Characterizations of Lorentzian manifolds, Kovalevski Exponents and Integrability Properties in Class A Homogeneous Cosmological Models, A point mass in an isotropic universe: 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cosmological models with spatially constant sign-changing curvature, A study of McVittie Spacetime in Stationary and Dynamical Regime, Chains of mini-Boson stars, Unnamed Item, Invariant solutions for the static vacuum equation, On symmetric Killing tensors and Codazzi tensors of ranks \(p \geq 2\), The radiant massive magnetic dipole, Memory effect \& Carroll symmetry, 50 years later, Weyl time evolution operator in planar Bianchi-type-I universes, Noether generators and the Klein–Gordon potential on spaces with nonzero Weyl tensor, Strange star with Krori–Barua potential in the presence of anisotropy, Boosted Schwarzschild metrics from a Kerr–Schild perspective, Carroll symmetry of plane gravitational waves, SOME STATIC RELATIVISTIC SOLUTIONS, SHEAR-FREE RADIATING COLLAPSE AND CONFORMAL FLATNESS, HIGGS–ANTI-DE SITTER SPACETIME BUBBLES FROM SPONTANEOUS Z2-VIOLATION AT ELECTROWEAK SYMMETRY BREAKING SCALE, ACTIONS FOR VACUUM EINSTEIN'S EQUATION WITH A KILLING SYMMETRY, Invariant classification of vacuum pp-waves, SINGULARITY FREE COSMOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS OF EINSTEIN–MAXWELL EQUATIONS, Falling charges and Lemaître observers, Kerr black holes and nonlinear radiation memory, STIFF PERFECT FLUID SINGULARITY-FREE DIAGONAL INHOMOGENEOUS COSMOLOGIES IN SCALAR–TENSOR THEORIES, A Class of Homogeneous Scalar–Tensor Cosmologies with a Radiation Fluid, PERTURBED SELF-SIMILAR MASSLESS SCALAR FIELD IN THE SPACE–TIMES WITH CIRCULAR SYMMETRY IN (2+1)-GRAVITY, Differential invariants of Kundt waves, Dynamical equilibrium states of a class of irrotational non-orthogonally transitive G 2 cosmologies: II. Models with one hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector field, Dynamical equilibrium states of a class of irrotational non-orthogonally transitive G 2 cosmologies I: The conjecture of chaotic cosmological inhomogeneity, Differential invariants of Kundt spacetimes, On \(2\)D quantum gravity coupled to a \(\sigma\)-model, Null strings and membranes in Demiański-Newman background, On a class of solutions for null dust, Towards a physical interpretation for the Stephani universes, Spacetimes admitting W2-curvature tensor, Exact solutions to the motion of two charged particles in lineal gravity, REMARKS ON PAPAPETROU CLASS OF VACUUM SOLUTIONS OF EINSTEIN EQUATIONS, Kaluza-Klein formalism of general spacetimes., Holographic principle in the closed universe: a resolution with negative pressure matter, The Cardy-Verlinde formula and Taub-Bolt-AdS spacetimes, Gravitational fields with a non-Abelian, bidimensional Lie algebra of symmetries, The Schwarzschild interior metric: a new look, The static cylinder, gyroscopes and the \(C\)-metric, Kerr-Schild symmetries, Harmonic diffeomorphisms of manifolds, Exact non-singular waves in the anti-de Sitter universe, Generation of heterotic string theory solutions from the stationary Einstein-Maxwell fields, Generation of the bosonic string theory solutions from the stationary Einstein fields via projection symmetry, Unnamed Item, BTZ black hole from \((3+1)\) gravity, On a class of rotating gravitational waves, Gödel kink spacetime, Induced matter and particle motion in non-compact Kaluza-Klein gravity, Vacua of \(N=2\) gauged supergravity derived from non-homogeneous quaternionic spaces, A note on Noether symmetries and conformal Killing vectors, Class of Einstein-Maxwell phantom fields: Rotating and magnetized wormholes, The Gregory-Laflamme instability and non-uniform generalizations of NUT strings, Non-Riemannian description of Robinson–Trautman spacetimes in Brans–Dicke theory of gravity, GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE OF A MASSLESS SCALAR FIELD AND A PERFECT FLUID WITH SELF-SIMILARITY OF THE SECOND KIND IN (2 + 1) DIMENSIONS, SPECTROSCOPY OF AN AdS REISSNER–NORDSTRØM BLACK HOLE, GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE OF MASSLESS SCALAR FIELD WITH NEGATIVE COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT IN (2+1) DIMENSIONS, ON A PETROV-TYPE D HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTION, Carter constant and angular momentum, Special semi-reducible pseudo-Riemannian spaces, Geodesic mappings of compact quasi-Einstein spaces, II, Newman-Penrose Formalism and Electric and Magnetic Parts of Weyl Tensor, Impossibility of the Cylindrically Symmetric Einstein-Straus Model, On Dimensions of Vector Spaces of Conformal Killing Forms, Conservation laws corresponding to the Noether symmetries of the geodetic Lagrangian in spherically symmetric spacetimes