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zbMath0461.58002MaRDI QIDQ3911109

Jeff Cheeger

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Applications, \(L^ 2\)-cohomology of locally symmetric manifolds of finite volume, Intersection homology. II, The index of signature operators on Lipschitz manifolds, \(L^ 2\)-cohomology and intersection homology of stratified spaces, The index theorem for topological manifolds, On the eigenforms of compact stratified spaces, Remarks on the \(L^ 2\)-Dolbeault cohomology groups of singular algebraic surfaces and curves, Cheeger-Goreski-MacPherson's conjecture for the varieties with isolated singularities, Theorème de De Rham pour les variétés stratifiées. (The De Rham theorem for stratified manifolds), Intersection Homology, $L^2 $ harmonic forms and a conjecture of Dodziuk-Singer