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zbMath0463.20012MaRDI QIDQ3913574

Daniel Gorenstein

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Simple groups and local analysis, The Regular Module Problem. I, The pseudovariety of semigroups of triangular matrices over a finite field, Extensions of linking systems and fusion systems, Frobenius groups as groups of automorphisms, The homotopy theory of fusion systems, Groups Generated by Two Conjugates of an Element of Order 3, Unnamed Item, Periodic Points and Automorphisms of the Shift, Multiplier Groups of Planar Difference Sets and a Theorem of Kantor, The metric dimension of the enhanced power graph of a finite group, Normal Subgroups Contained in the Frattini Subgroup. II, Capping groups and some cases of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture, Research topics in finite groups and vertex algebras, Profinite groups with restricted centralizers of commutators, Some sufficient conditions for p-nilpotency of a finite group, Generators for finite simple Moufang loops, Positive laws in fixed points, A characterization of finite soluble groups, Point-Free, Set-Free Concrete Linear Algebra, Inseparable Finite Solvable Groups, Endotrivial modules for $p$-solvable groups, On quantitative structure of small Ree groups, Degree equality of projective characters, Recognition of the simple groups L3(q) by element orders, The Structure of Finite Non-Nilpotent Groups in Which Every 2-Maximal Subgroup Permutes with all 3-Maximal Subgroups, Finite Groups with Sylow 2-Subgroups of Class Two. 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G. Kovàcs' problem, Finite groups whose all second maximal subgroups are cyclic, Forbidden subgraphs in reduced power graphs of finite groups, On the structure of the augmentation quotient group for some nonabelian 2-groups, The rainbow connection number of the power graph of a finite group, Classification of Finite Completions of a Class of LocallyD8Amalgams, II, On cubic arc-transitive \(k\)-multicirculants with soluble groups, On profinite groups with automorphisms whose fixed points have countable Engel sinks, A note on \(p\)-nilpotency of finite groups., Translation planes of order \(q^2\) admitting a two-transitive orbit of length \(q+1\) on the line at infinity, On homogeneous spaces with finite anti-solvable stabilizers, Finite groups with nilpotent subgroups of even order, GBRDs over supersolvable groups and solvable groups of order prime to 3, Groups factorized by cyclic subgroups., New characterization of symmetric groups of prime degree, Injectors in \(\pi\)-separable groups, On the nilpotent residual norm of a group and the structure of \(S\)-groups, New constructions of self-complementary Cayley graphs, On the rank of a finite group of odd order with an involutory automorphism, Virtually nilpotent groups with finitely many orbits under automorphisms, Flag-transitive non-symmetric 2-designs with \((r, \lambda)=1\) and exceptional groups of Lie type, A completion theorem for fusion systems, On products of generalised supersoluble finite groups, On a problem about the connectivity of the proper enhanced power graph of a finite group, Profinite groups in which centralizers are abelian, Continuous-time quantum walks on Cayley graphs of extraspecial groups, Endotrivial modules over groups with quaternion or semi-dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup., Algebraic curves with many automorphisms, Recognition of the simple groups \(^2 D_8((2^n)^2)\), On generalized quadrangles with a point regular group of automorphisms, On the solubilizer of an element in a finite group, Groups with the basis property., \(c^\sharp\)-normality of groups and its properties., Symmetries of biplanes, A new characterization of \(A_{12}\)., Rank one isolated \(p\)-minimal subgroups in finite groups, A classification of flag-transitive \(2\)-\((k^2, k, \lambda)\) designs with \(\lambda\mid k\), On the residual properties of generalized direct products of groups, On finite groups with some primary subgroups satisfying partialS-Π-property, Groups with some arithmetic conditions on real class sizes., Finite groups whose noncyclic graphs have positive genus, On nilpotency of higher commutator subgroups of a finite soluble group, A brief history of the classification of the finite simple groups, Engel condition and \(p\)-nilpotency of finite groups, A block theoretic proof of Thompson's \(A\times B\)-lemma, Fusion systems on a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(SU_4(p)\), Chevalley \(p\)-local finite groups, On \(\mathcal {SSH}\)-subgroups of finite groups, On normal 2-geodesic transitive Cayley graphs, Finite groups and the fixed points of coprime automorphisms, The extraspecial case of the 𝑘(𝐺𝑉) problem, Engel sinks of fixed points in finite groups, Nilpotent \(p\)-local finite groups., Periodic groups whose all involutions are odd transpositions, A characterization of the 2-fusion system of \(L_4(q)\)., A new characterization of the Desarguesian and the Figueroa plane, On the intersection of the normalizers of the \(\mathcal F\)-residuals of subgroups of a finite group., Control of transfer and weak closure in fusion systems., Linearity of dimension functions for semilinear 𝐺-spheres, Nilpotent and abelian Hall subgroups in finite groups, Large linear groups of nilpotence class two, Mutually permutable products of two nilpotent groups., A remark on the Brauer-Fowler theorems, Some sufficient conditions on solvability of finite groups, Construction of relative difference sets and Hadamard groups, Nilpotency, solvability and the twisting function of finite groups. II., Self-complementary Cayley graphs of extraspecial \(p\)-groups, On Π-Supplemented Subgroups of a Finite Group, Lambda number of the power graph of a finite group, Symmetric cubic graphs via rigid cells, A stronger form of Neumann's BFC-theorem, Finite groups with small centralizers of word-values, Analytic, Reidemeister and homological torsion for congruence three-manifolds, Control of fixed points and existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems, On Linear Groups of Degree 2 Over a Noncommutative Division Algebra, Topological decompositions of the Pauli group and their influence on dynamical systems, Units in Near-Rings, On ternary Clifford algebras on two generators defined by extra-special 3-groups of order 27, On the exponent of the weak commutativity group \(\chi (G)\), Profinite groups with pronilpotent centralizers, Powers of conjugacy classes in a finite group, Finite groups with the pp-embedding property, Characterization of locally finite simple groups of type \(G_2\) over fields of odd characteristics in the class of periodic groups, On simple groups of order \(2^a \cdot 3^b7^c \cdot p\), On the metric dimension of the reduced power graph of a finite group, Fusion systems on small 𝑝-groups, Ranks of $p$-groups, Irreducible characters taking root of unity values on $p$-singular elements, 2-minimal subgroups of monomial, linear and unitary groups, On the structure of groups whose non-normal subgroups are core-free, Blocks with central product defect group 𝐷_{2ⁿ}∗𝐶_{2^{𝑚}}, Obstructions to free actions on Bazaikin spaces, On the Baer-Suzuki width of some radical classes, Finite groups with some \(s\)-permutably embedded and weakly \(s\)-permutable subgroups., A Schur-Zassenhaus theorem for association schemes, On finite groups with an automorphism of prime order whose fixed points have bounded Engel sinks, Carter and Gaschütz theories beyond soluble groups