
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0305.16001MaRDI QIDQ4061092

Irving Reiner

Publication date: 1975

16E20: Grothendieck groups, (K)-theory, etc.

14F22: Brauer groups of schemes

16U30: Divisibility, noncommutative UFDs

16H05: Separable algebras (e.g., quaternion algebras, Azumaya algebras, etc.)

11R52: Quaternion and other division algebras: arithmetic, zeta functions

16P50: Localization and associative Noetherian rings

11S45: Algebras and orders, and their zeta functions

16-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to associative rings and algebras

16Kxx: Division rings and semisimple Artin rings

16Dxx: Modules, bimodules and ideals in associative algebras

Related Items

The division algebras and Brauer group of a strictly Henselian field, Tractability of algebraic function fields in one variable of genus zero over global fields, G-theory of group rings for groups of square-free order, Lifting idempotents in near-rings, On the isomorphism class of the ring of integers of a cyclic wildly ramified extension of degree p, Double covers of \(S_5\) and Frobenius groups as Galois groups over number fields, Torsors under Abelian p-groups, Maximal orders containing local crossed-products, On \(G_ n(RG)\) for G a finite nilpotent group, Orders in quaternion algebras over global function fields having the cancellation property, On the class number of some quaternion group rings, Classification of finite subgroups of \(2\times 2\) matrices over a division algebra of characteristic zero, Double covers of the symmetric groups as Galois groups over number fields, Twists of modular forms and endomorphisms of abelian varieties, The admissibility of \(A_5\), G-actions on disks and permutation representations. II, An algorithm for computing modular forms on \(\Gamma_0(N)\), Zeta functions of arithmetic orders and Solomon's conjectures, Lower K-theory of nilpotent groups, Group rings with units torsion over the centre, Correction to: \(SK_ 1\) for finite group rings. I, Propriétés locales et globales de certaines extensions metacycliques, Mod 2 semi-characteristics and the converse to a theorem of Milnor, Pointed groups and construction of characters, State spaces of \(K_ 0\) of Noetherian rings, Einheiten in Z(D//2m), Similarity of matrices over local rings, A lower bound for the number of irreducible characters in a block, Category equivalences and linear groups over rings, On the Brauer group of a projective variety, The closed socle of an order, The congruence subgroup and metaplectic problems for \(SL_{n>1}\) of division algebras, On orthogonal and orthonormal characters, Stable rationality of certain \(PGL_ n\)-quotients, Direct-sum cancellation of submodule systems, Factorization in hereditary orders, Cancellation and direct summands in dimension 1, \(\mathbb Q\)-admissibility questions for alternating groups, Weak approximation for surfaces defined by two quadratic forms, Higher \(K'\)-groups of integral group rings, Maximal orders in split nonassociative quaternion algebras, Maximal orders in nonassociative quaternion algebras, Fundamental \(G\)-strata for classical groups, Conjugation of Kuga fiber varieties, Commutative group rings of finite representation type, The root number class and Chinburg's second invariant, On Bass orders, Maximal orders over valuation rings, Integrality for PI-rings, The generalized Burnside ring and the \(K\)-theory of a ring with roots of unity, On the K-theory of tiled orders, A general isomorphism theory for linear groups, Bimodule-induced homomorphisms of locally free class groups, Spezielle Algebren und transitive Operatoren, Quelques théorèmes de base normale d'entiers, \(SK_1\) of dihedral groups, Uniform distribution classified, \(SG_n\) of orders and group-rings, G-actions on disks and permutation representations, Sur un théorème de Green, Generic Abelian crossed products and \(p\)-algebras, Orders over hereditary rings, Computations of Witt groups of finite groups, Arithmetic classification of Kuga fiber varieties of quaternion type, Zeta functions of orders in quadratic fields, Integral representations of groups of square-free order, Quantizable orders over surfaces, On Kaplansky's fifth conjecture, Hereditary orders and embeddings of local fields in simple algebras, Generalized 2-cocycles of finite groups and maximal orders, Isotropic trialitarian algebraic groups, Grids and the arithmetics of Jordan pairs, Reflexion theorems, Adams operations and fixed point theorems in \(K\)-theory of group algebras, Continuation of hereditary orders in local central simple algebras, More on embeddings of local fields in simple algebras, Characters of permutation summands, Three-partite subamalgams of tiled orders of finite lattice type, Hereditary Noetherian prime rings. II: Finitely generated projective modules, Finding maximal orders in semisimple algebras over \(\mathbb{Q}\), Generators of large subgroups of the unit group of integral group rings, \({\mathcal D}\)-elliptic sheaves and the Langlands correspondence, On the computation of the projective surgery obstruction groups, A simple counterexample to the Hambleton-Taylor-Williams conjecture, Twists of matrix algebras and Brauer groups, Division algebra subfields introduced by an indeterminate, Integral semihereditary orders, extremality, and Henselization, Integral semihereditary orders inside a Bézout maximal order, On some characteristic polynomials attached to finite Drinfeld modules, Reduction techniques for strongly graded rings and finite representation type. I: Bounded functors and graded equivalence, Degenerated fibers of Severi-Brauer schemes of orders, A generalization of Brauer's theorem on splitting fields to semigroups, Independence of \(\ell\) in Lafforgue's theorem., Von Neumann finite endomorphism rings., Two-point differentiation for general orders, Theta series of quaternion algebras over function fields., On the nil groups of Waldhausen nils, On the radical idealizer chain of symmetric orders., Crossed product algebras defined by separable extensions., Galois module structure for dihedral extensions of degree 8: realizable classes over the group ring, Asymptotics of class numbers, Correspondences between valued division algebras and graded division algebras, Noncrossed Products of Small Exponent, On indecomposable definite unimodular hermitian forms, Group algebras whose units satisfy a group identity, Unnamed Item, Wang counterexamples lead to noncrossed products, Degrees of high-dimensional subvarieties of determinantal varieties, Quaternions, polarizations and class numbers, Foliations in moduli spaces of abelian varieties, Local structure of Schelter-Procesi smooth orders, A reduced Tits quadratic form and tameness of three-partite subamalgams of tiled orders, Treating the Exceptional Cases of the MeatAxe, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Finite groups of matrices over group rings, Endomorphisms of Right Ideals of the Weyl Algebra, On representations of twisted group rings, The admissible dual of ${\rm SL}(N)$. I, Hereditary and maximal crossed product orders, A Survey of Algebraic Unitary Codes, Normalized Minimum Determinant Calculation for Multi-block and Asymmetric Space-Time Codes, Non-commutative Cohen-Macaulay rings, Generic representations of \(\text{GL}_N\) and near local fields., Automorphic forms, definite quaternion algebras, and Atkin-Lehner theory on trees, Groups operating on fuzzy sets, On integral representations by totally positive ternary quadratic forms, Hilbert symbols, class groups and quaternion algebras, On the cokernel of the Witt decomposition map, Exponent reduction for projective Schur algebras, Fixed point free actions on \(\mathbb{Z}\)-acyclic 2-complexes., Index reduction formulas for twisted flag varieties. I, Group rings over hereditary orders, On class groups of lattices, Cohomology of incidence algebras and simplicial complexes, Presentations over HNP rings with enough invertible ideals and torsionfree cancellation over neoclassical orders, On the Swan subgroup of certain periodic groups, Crossed products over arithmetically graded rings, Integral Jordan decomposition of matrices, Cohomology and self-dual normal bases for infinite Galois field extensions, Del Pezzo orders on projective surfaces., Regular over-orders of lattice-finite rings and the Krull-Schmidt property., Realizable classes of tetrahedral extensions, On semi-hereditary orders integral over a commutative valuation ring., Graded equivalence theory with applications, The groups \(N^ rK_ 0(\mathbb{Z}\pi )\) are finitely generated \(\mathbb{Z} [\mathbb{N}^ r\)-modules if \(\pi\) is a finite group], The lower algebraic \(K\)-theory of virtually infinite cyclic groups, The derived category of a hereditary order, Factorization estimates for Abelian varieties, Zero-cycles on quadric fibrations: Finiteness theorems and the cycle map, On Galois groups and their maximal 2-subgroups, Lattice basis reduction for indefinite forms and an application, Separative cancellation and multiple isomorphism in torsion-free Abelian groups, Centralizers of elementary Abelian \(p\)-subgroups and mod-\(p\) cohomology of profinite groups, Lubin-Tate formal groups and module structure over Hopf orders, Semiprime graded algebras of dimension two, Eisensteinreihen für einige arithmetisch definierte Untergruppen von \(SL_ 2({\mathbb{H}})\). (Eisenstein series for certain arithmetically defined subgroups of \(SL_ 2({\mathbb{H}}))\), Galois descent and \(K_ 2\) of number fields, Descent for differential modules and skew fields, Relative Galois module structure of octahedral extensions, Class numbers of orders in complex quartic fields, Qurves and quivers, Cyclic algebras over \(p\)-adic curves., The class number of an Abelian group., Gauss extensions and total graded subrings for crossed product algebras., On the residue fields of Henselian valued stable fields, The \(A\)-module structure induced by a Drinfeld \(A\)-module of rank 2 over a finite field, The minimal model program for orders over surfaces, The isogeny conjecture for \(t\)-motives associated to direct sums of Drinfeld modules, An existential divisibility lemma for global fields, The \textsc{Meat}-\textsc{axe} and \(f\)-cyclic matrices, Smooth polynomial identity algebras with almost factorial centers., Toward equivariant Iwasawa theory. III, Rings of invariants of modular \(p\)-groups which are hypersurfaces, Noncommutative cyclic covers and maximal orders on surfaces, On the variation of Tate-Shafarevich groups of elliptic curves over hyperelliptic curves, Generalized twisted group rings., Constructible units in Abelian p-group rings, Noncrossed products over $k_{\mathfrak {p}}(t)$, Noncommutative curves and noncommutative surfaces, Orthogonal, symplectic and unitary representations of finite groups, Wedderburn’s factorization theorem application to reduced $K$-theory, Noetherian hereditary abelian categories satisfying Serre duality, Relative Brauer groups and 𝑚-torsion, Unnamed Item, Extensions of Valuation Rings in Central Simple Algebras, Direct-sum cancellation: Modules versus lattices1, On the Galois structure of the square root of the codifferent, Représentations lisses de GLm(D)GLm(D), III : types simples, Alternating forms and the Brauer group of a geometric field, A Finite Global Azumaya Theorem in Additive Categories, Relative Brauer groups in characteristic 𝑝, Schémas en groupes et immeubles des groupes classiques sur un corps local, Unnamed Item, On Quasiprojective Covers, Degree minimal simultaneous embeddings of central simple algebras, Unnamed Item, The Schur Group Conjecture for the Ring of Integers of a Number Field, On the isomorphism class of the ring of all integers of a cyclic wildly ramified extension of degree p II, Finite quaternionic matrix groups, Composition algebras over rings of genus zero, The root lattices of the complex reflection groups, The class number of hereditary orders in non-Eichler algebras over global function fields, Which integral group rings are Bass orders?, Division algebras over Henselian fields., Integral representations of a certain twisted group ring, Linear equations and heights over division algebras, On the decomposition of cyclic algebras, Decomposability and embeddability of discretely Henselian division algebras, Class numbers of orders in cubic fields, The arithmetic of QM-abelian surfaces through their Galois representations, The normalization constant of a certain invariant measure on \(\text{GL}_n(D_{\mathbb A})\), On the Dec group of finite abelian Galois extensions over global fields, Minimizing representations over number fields. II: Computations in the Brauer group., Recognition of division algebras., Decomposing homogeneous modules of finite groups in characteristic zero., Isomorphisms between endomorphism rings of progenerators, The Schur group of a commutative ring, Logarithmic descriptions of \(K'_ 1({\hat {\mathbb{Z}}}_ pG)\) and class- groups of symmetric groups, Grothendieck groups of dihedral and quaternion group rings, Orthogonal groups of some trace forms, A duality theorem for orders in central simple algebras over function fields, The Jespers-Van Oystaeyen conjecture, Generalized crossed products applied to maximal orders, Brauer groups and related exact sequences, Self-duality and torsion Galois modules in number fields, Brauer groups and character groups of function fields. II, Finite subgroups of units of group algebras. I, Retract rational fields and cyclic Galois extensions, On the representation type of local twisted group rings, Graded Dedekind rings, Grothendieck groups of integral nilpotent group rings, K-theory of group-rings of finite groups over maximal orders in division algebras, Sums of squares in division algebras, On local orders, Factorisability and wildly ramified Galois extensions, State spaces, finite algebras, and skew group rings, A note on Grothendieck groups of group rings and orders, Solomon's second conjecture: A proof for local hereditary orders in central simple algebras, Minimal embeddings of central simple algebras, On finite Drinfeld modules, Explicit realisations of subgroups of \(GL_ 2({\mathbb{F}}_ 3)\) as Galois groups, Factorisability, group lattices, and Galois module structure, Ring isomorphism of cyclic cyclotomic algebras., Periodic projective resolutions and Hochschild cohomology for basic hereditary orders., Ring hulls and applications., Lattices and orders in quaternion algebras with involution., Projective Schur groups of Henselian fields, Wedderburn decomposition of finite group algebras., Factorial properties of the enveloping algebra of a nilpotent Lie algebra in prime characteristic, Heights of subspaces over noncommutative fields., A generalization of \({\mathbb{Q}}\)-admissibility, The level of division algebras over local and global fields, Integral and graded quasi-hereditary algebras. I, On \(SG_ n\) of orders, On Gorenstein orders, The Morava K-theory of algebraic K-theory spectra, Duality for almost completely decomposable groups., On the Galois and flat cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over local and global function fields. I, Higher algebraic \(K\)-theory for twisted Laurent series rings over orders and semisimple algebras, Computing generators of free modules over orders in group algebras., On realizable Galois module classes and Steinitz classes of nonabelian extensions, Simple characters for principal orders in \(M_m(D)\), Pure Anderson motives over finite fields, An algorithm to compute the Wedderburn decomposition of semisimple group algebras implemented in the GAP package \texttt{wedderga}., Conductor of an Abelian group., A ``class group obstruction for the equation \(Cy^d=F(x,z)\), Applications of patching to quadratic forms and central simple algebras, Divisor function for quaternion algebras and application to fourth moments of \(L\)-functions, Split orders and convex polytopes in buildings, An extension of Iwasawa's theorem on finitely generated modules over power series rings, Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups, Modules, Sums of squares in central simple algebras, Über die zentrale Picard-Gruppe und die Einheiten lokaler Quaternionenordungen, Modules over Dedekind-like rings, Ramification invariants and torsion Galois module structure in number fields, Isomorphisms between infinite matrix rings, A generalization of the norm residue symbol, Integral bilinear forms with a group action, Ternary quadratic forms and quaternion algebras, Some remarks on Sylow subgroups of general linear groups, Finite generalized crossed products over tame and maximal orders, The \(g\)-adic density of ternary quadratic forms with respect to the central Picard group of local quaternion orders, Maximal orders of global dimension and Krull dimension two, Local crossed-product orders of finite representation type, On integral representations of twisted group rings, On the classnumber of some group rings, Algebraic elements in division algebras over function fields of curves, Twists of central simple algebras and endomorphism algebras of some abelian varieties, On orders with prime radical, Smooth algebras, Diagonalisation of idempotent matrices, Crossed-products orders over discrete valuation rings, Zeta functions and composition factors for arithmetic orders, The genus of a module. II: Roiter's theorem, power cancellation and extension of scalars, Units in \({\mathbb{Z}}[Q_ p\)], Multiplicative field invariants, Finiteness obstructions for homologically nilpotent spaces, The uniform distribution group of a commutative ring, Units and class-groups in integral elementary Abelian group rings, Multiplication in Grothendieck ring and a ring lifting, A theorem on units of integral group rings