
From MaRDI portal

zbMath1183.15001MaRDI QIDQ5191310

Dennis S. Bernstein

Publication date: 29 July 2009

93B05: Controllability

15A09: Theory of matrix inversion and generalized inverses

15A15: Determinants, permanents, traces, other special matrix functions

93D05: Lyapunov and other classical stabilities (Lagrange, Poisson, (L^p, l^p), etc.) in control theory

93C05: Linear systems in control theory

15A24: Matrix equations and identities

93B07: Observability

15A18: Eigenvalues, singular values, and eigenvectors

15A60: Norms of matrices, numerical range, applications of functional analysis to matrix theory

15B48: Positive matrices and their generalizations; cones of matrices

15B57: Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, and related matrices

15A04: Linear transformations, semilinear transformations

15A54: Matrices over function rings in one or more variables

15A06: Linear equations (linear algebraic aspects)

15A21: Canonical forms, reductions, classification

15-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to linear algebra

93-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to systems and control theory

15A16: Matrix exponential and similar functions of matrices

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