On the stability of Einstein static universe at background level in massive bigravity

From MaRDI portal

DOI10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.04.002zbMath1361.83032arXiv1607.04377MaRDI QIDQ529320

Yong-Cai Geng, Sumit K. Garg

Publication date: 18 May 2017

Published in: Nuclear Physics. B (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04377

83F05: Relativistic cosmology

83C45: Quantization of the gravitational field

83C20: Classes of solutions; algebraically special solutions, metrics with symmetries for problems in general relativity and gravitational theory

83C55: Macroscopic interaction of the gravitational field with matter (hydrodynamics, etc.)

83C10: Equations of motion in general relativity and gravitational theory