
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0196.02401MaRDI QIDQ5592263

Marshall jun. Hall

Publication date: 1967

05-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to combinatorics

05D05: Extremal set theory

05Axx: Enumerative combinatorics

05Bxx: Designs and configurations

Related Items

Rings with Subexponential Growth and Irreducible Representations, Translates and Multipliers of Abelian Difference Sets, Unnamed Item, Block designs with large holes and α ‐resolvable BIBDs, A symmetric 2‐(160, 54, 18) design, Finite Projective Planes and a Question about Primes, Existence Theorems for Matroid Designs, Completion and embedding between pseudo (𝜐,𝑘,𝜆)-designs and (𝜐,𝑘,𝜆)-designs, Unnamed Item, A small generating set for the 3‐BD closed set of block sizes ≥ 6, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Intrinsic characterization of polynomial transformations between vector spaces over a field of characteristic zero, On a new family of symmetry codes and related new five-designs, On Hadamard Matrices Constructible by Circulant Submatrices, Constructions of Disjoint Steiner Triple Systems, The Powers of a Maximal Ideal in a Banach Algebra and Analytic Structure, The covering radius of doubled 2-designs in \(2O_ k\), Metric Inequalities and Convexity, Distance-transitive graphs of valency 5, 6 and 7, Factoring Polynomials Over Large Finite Fields, Colouring Steiner quadruple systems, Colouring Steiner quadruple systems, Generalized de Bruijn graphs, Chains of dog-ears for completely positive matrices, Permutation polynomials modulo \(2^w\), On the number of cycles of \(p\)-adic dynamical systems, Bounding the rank of certain permutation groups, Bounding the rank of certain permutation groups, The dimension of sums of graphs, Amicable Hadamard matrices, Symmetry codes over GF(3) and new five-designs, On the non-existence of a class of configurations which are nearly generalized n-gons, Feedback invariants of linear multivariable systems, Doubly regular tournaments are equivalent to skew Hadamard matrices, Some new symmetric block designs, An infinite class of Williamson matrices, Symmetric designs and related configurations, Integral equivalence of Hadamard matrices, Constructions for balanced Howell rotations for bridge tournaments, On reverse Steiner triple systems, Three mutually orthogonal Latin squares, Incomplete block design codes for ultra high speed computer applications, An extremal problem in the uniform covering of finite sets, Generating balanced incomplete block designs from planar near rings, A simplification of Moore's proof of the existence of Steiner triple systems, Non-isomorphic solutions of some balanced incomplete block designs. II, III, Experimental designs through level reduction of the d-dimensional cuboctahedron, On completely normal (0,1)-matrices and symmetrizability, Skew Hadamard matrices of Goethals-Seidel type, On Room squares of order \(6m+2\), On balanced incomplete block designs with blocks having five elements, On the number of solutions to a Diophantine equation, Block designs with repeated blocks, Graph decompositions, handcuffed prisoners and balanced p-designs, On the existence of a projective plane of order 10, A property of (\(v\),\(k\),\(\lambda\))-designs, Extending symmetric designs, Edmonds polytopes and a hierarchy of combinatorial problems, Simple constructions for balanced incomplete block designs with block size three, Kronecker products and BIBDs, Rearrangements of incidence tables, Addendum to ``The lower central series of groups of a special class, Cyclotomy and difference families in elementary Abelian groups, An infinite family of Hadamard matrices of Williamson type, On a distribution problem in finite and countable sets, Configurations arising from maximal arcs, On resolvable designs, Embeddings of Steiner triple systems, Theory of path length distributions. I, A family of difference sets in non-cyclic groups, Mixed integer models for the stationary case of gas network optimization, Crystal growth and Witt rings, Unnamed Item, Geometria combinatoria e geometrie finite, The Algebraic Geometry of Stresses in Frameworks, Generalizations of broadcasting and gossiping, Constraint Orbital Branching, Unnamed Item, Markov processes and random fields, The Geometry of m-Sequences: Three-Valued Crosscorrelations and Quadrics in Finite Projective Geometry, A Statistical Method for Comparison of Two Structures and Its Biological Applications, Unnamed Item, Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. II. On irreducible representations of ${\rm GL}(n)$, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Obtaining Specified Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields, A Canonical Representation of Simple Plant Location Problems and Its Applications, Unnamed Item, The number of spanning trees in regular graphs, Unnamed Item, Enumeration of small nonisomorphic 1-rotational twofold triple systems, A problem on blocking probabilities in connecting networks, Interspersions and Dispersions, Maximum Antichains: A Sufficient Condition, Link designs and probability analyses for a class of connecting networks, The Structure of Certain Triple Systems, Sometimes Only Square Matrices can be Diagonalized, Vector representations of graphs, On a composition of cyclic 2-designs, The existence of Howell designs of even side, A finitely presented monoid which has solvable word problem but has no regular complete presentation, Shortest consistent superstrings computable in polynomial time, A note on partial Cayley graphs, Characterization of completely positive graphs, Remarques sur deux problèmes extrémaux. (Remarks on two extremal problems), A generalization of Connor's inequality to t-designs with automorphisms, A theorem on equidistant codes, A note on reverse Steiner triple systems, Hadamard matrices of order 28\(m\), 36\(m\) and 44\(m\), The spectrum of Room cubes, Matrices and set differences, A note on subdigraphs of digraphs with large outdegrees, Topological invariants of 2-designs arising from difference families, Hadamard tournaments with transitive automorphism groups, On the geometry of planar difference sets, Variations on seven points: An introduction to the scope and methods of coding theory and finite geometries, Regular group divisible designs and Bhaskar Rao designs with block size three, Generalized Bhaskar Rao designs, Anti-Hadamard matrices, Nonembeddable quasi-residual designs with large K, A quest for certain linear spaces on thirty points, Pseudocyclic 3-class association schemes on 28 points, New Hadamard matrix of order 24, Some characterizations of type-1 \(\lambda\)-designs, The existence of restricted resolvable designs. I: (1,2)-factorizations of \(K_{2n}\), Combinatorial analysis of two basic forms of hidden periodicity in categorial sequences, Resolvable BIBD and SOLS, Premature sets of 1-factors or how not to schedule round robin tournaments, A polynomial rate of growth for the multiplicities in cocharacters of matrices, Exhaustive construction of (255, 127, 63)-cyclic difference sets, Pairwise balanced designs whose line sizes do not divide six, A Hadamard matrix of order 36, Some techniques for constructing infinite families of BIBD's, Arbres minimaux d'un graphe preordonne, Hadamard matrices of order 28 with automorphisms of order 13, A special class of Williamson matrices and difference sets, Further properties of generalized residual designs, A new look at the optimal assignment problem, A Hadamard matrix of order 268, Generalized Bhaskar Rao designs of block size three, New proof of a theorem of Szekeres, Hadamard matrices of order 28 with automorphisms of order 7, The (16,6,2) biplane with 60 ovals and the weight distribution of a code, A symmetric BIBD with trivial automorphism group, A note on models of finite geometries arising from difference sets, Additive symmetric bijections on geometric structures, Maximal difference matrices of order \(\leq 10\), Resolvable path designs, On automorphism groups of certain 2-(v,3,2) designs induced by group actions, Isomorphic designs that are not multiplier equivalent, On the cohomology of polycyclic-by-finite groups, Nested group divisible designs and small nested designs, Existence of orthogonal Latin squares with aligned subsquares, Some NP-complete problems for hypergraph degree sequences, Finiteness questions in quasi-symmetric designs, Hadamard matrices of order 28 with automorphism groups of order two, On orthogonal arrays of strength 3 and 5 achieving Rao's bound, Concerning the spectrum of perpendicular arrays of triple systems, Transitive Steiner triple systems of order 25, Combinatorial results on completely positive matrices, Spectral analysis for automorphisms of UHF \(C^*\)-algebras, Constructions and topological invariants of 2-(v,3,\(\lambda\) ) designs with group actions, A directed graph version of strongly regular graphs, Quasi-symmetric designs and self-dual codes, Nonexistence of a regular graph design with \(v=17\) and \(k=6\), Quasi-symmetric \(2\text{-}(31,7,7)\) designs and a revision of Hamada's conjecture, Extraneous multipliers of cyclic difference sets, Complete positivity, On the nonuniform Fisher inequality, On twofold triple systems and their automorphism groups, Hussain chains revisited, The complexity of cutting complexes, Hadamard matrices of the Williamson type of order 4\(\cdot m\), \(m=p\cdot q\) an exhaustive search for \(m=33\), A probabilistic heuristic for a computationally difficult set covering problem, On the 2-adjugate mod 2 class of designs, Designs from pairs of finite fields. I: A cyclic unital U(6) and other regular Steiner 2-designs, Relationship between combinatorics and O-simple semigroups, Ovals in projective designs, t-designs associated with non degenerate conics in a Galois plane of odd order, 2-designs having an intersection number \(k-n\), Klingenberg structures and partial designs I: Congruence relations and solutions, Multiplicative designs I: The normal and reducible cases, On Hadamard embeddabiity, A theorem in combinatorial matrix theory, On the Williamson type j matrices of orders \(4\cdot 29\), \(4\cdot 41\), and \(4\cdot 37\), On asymptotic directions of minimal immersions, Cyclic designs and uniformly deep families, An interconnection of local maps inducing onto global maps, On a variation of the Oberwolfach problem, An algorithm for computing the automorphism group of a Hadamard matrix, A note on David Lubell's article: Local matching in the function space of a partial order, All directed BIBDs with k=3 exist, A skew Room square of order 129, A note on the density of inherently ambiguous context-free languages, On weak permutability between groups, Order 24 Hadamard matrices of character at least 3, The family of t-designs. Part I, Maximal sets of Latin squares and partial transversals, A class of three-designs, Conjugate orthogonal quasigroups, Some infinite classes of Hadamard matrices, A new type of combinatorial design, Complex orthogonal designs, On the structure of regular pairwise balanced designs, Designs et hyperplans, On difference matrices and regular latin squares, On compromising statistical data-bases with a few known elements, Regular Hjelmslev planes, On Steiner spaces, Embeddings on \(S(2,4,v)\), Reconstructing a Hamiltonian cycle by querying the graph: Application to DNA physical mapping, Monomial algebras, Two classes of \(q\)-ary codes based on group divisible association schemes, Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares, Once more about 80 Steiner triple systems on 15 points., Some recent developments on BIBDs and related designs, Classification of Hadamard matrices of order 28 with Hall sets, Infinite series of double Youden rectangles, Classification of Hadamard matrices of order 28, Algebraic nonlinearity and its applications to cryptography, An upper bound on the number of functions satisfying the strict avalanche criterion, The existence of infinitely many primary trees, Covering with Latin transversals, Non-abelian Hadamard difference sets, On Srivastava's problems and the properties of Hadamard matrices, Variations on a theorem of Ryser, Indecomposable triple systems, Embedding an incomplete diagonal latin square in a complete diagonal latin square, A certain polynomial of a graph and graphs with an extremal number of trees, Some balanced incomplete block designs, Investigations in topology. 9. Work collection, Cores of cooperative games, superdifferentials of functions, and the Minkowski difference of sets, Cycles of monomial and perturbated monomial \(p\)-adic dynamical systems, A new upper bound for binary codes with minimum distance four, Construction of orthogonal latin squares using left neofields, Williamson matrices of order \(4n\) for \(n = 33, 35, 39\), A logic for reasoning about probabilities, Ménage numbers, bijections and P-recursiveness, More balanced incomplete block designs from Frobenius groups, Hook Young diagrams with applications to combinatorics and to representations of Lie superalgebras, Bounds on the measurable chromatic number of \({\mathbb{R}}\), Flag algebras of symmetric design, Ordinary graphs and subplane partitions, On copositive matrices, An optimal test on finite unavoidable sets of words, Eine Bemerkung zur Abschätzung der Anzahl orthogonaler lateinischer Quadrate mittels Siebverfahren, The family of t-designs. II, On three-designs of small order, An analysis of Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating the permanent, A direct method to construct triple systems, Affine embeddings of Sylvester-Gallai designs, Concerning the number of mutually orthogonal latin squares, On \(\lambda\)-designs, Induktive Systeme in der Kombinatorik, On the existence of balanced bipartite designs. II, Replication results for certain combinatorial configurations, Block designs with repeated blocks and \((b,r,\lambda)=1\), Principle of inclusion-exclusion on semilattices, CP rank of completely positive matrices of order 5, Maximin efficiency-robust tests and some extensions, Bounding the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of concept classes parameterized by real numbers, On the Dinitz conjecture and related conjectures, Two new optimal ternary two-weight codes and strongly regular graphs, Open shop, satellite communication and a theorem by Egerváry (1931), Solving hard set covering problems, (19, 9, 4) Hadamard designs and their residual designs, Covering all triples on n marks by disjoint Steiner systems, Self-orthogonal Steiner systems and projective planes, A property of the hyperplanes of a matroid and an extension of Dilworth's theorem, Random number generation: A combinatorial approach, Construction of finite ternary rings, Every 8-uniform 8-regular hypergraph is 2-colorable, Cohomology of graded Lie algebras of maximal class, On the class of restricted linear information systems, A new approach to constructing exponentially many nonisomorphic nonorientable triangular embeddings of complete graphs, Polyhedral combinatorics of multi-index axial transportation problems, A 3-flip neighborhood local search for the set covering problem, On resolvable designs. (Reprint), Edmonds polytopes and a hierarchy of combinatorial problems. (Reprint), Complementary pivot theory of mathematical programming, Extremal configurations and decomposition theorems. I, An extension of a theorem of the Bruijn and Erdős on combinatorial designs, Combinatorial designs and related systems, Two remarks on copositive matrices, An extension of Mann's theorem to a triple of mutually orthogonal latin squares of order 10, On classes of copositive matrices, Positive-definite matrices and their role in the study of the characteristic roots of general matrices, A combinatorial approach to convex quadratic programming, On characterizing certain graphs with four eigenvalues by their spectra, Automorphisms of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs, Equivalence of Hadamard matrices, Multidimensional stochastic matrices and patterns, On a system of operator equations, Some \((1, -1)\) matrices, Steiner systems which admit block transitive automorphism groups of small rank, Essentially doubly stochastic matrices. I: Elements of the theory over arbitrary fields, Modular Hadamard matrices and related designs. I, Extended (2,4)-designs, Matrices and set intersections, On graphs with given automorphism group, On the mutual embeddability of (2k, k, k-1) and (2k - 1,k,k) quasi- residual designs, Quasi-residual quasi-symmetric designs, Primes in the semigroup of Boolean matrices, On the number of Latin rectangles and chromatic polynomial of L(K//(r,s)), S-quasi-symmetry, Generalized intersection patterns and two-symbol balanced arrays, A general construction for group-divisible designs, On the existence of frames, Generalized k-tuple colorings of cycles and other graphs, Matrices and the linear complementarity problem, Graph factorization, general triple systems, and cyclic triple systems, Construction of balanced doubles schedules, From sets to functions: Three elementary examples, Quotient polytopes of cyclic polytopes. I: Structure and characterization, The existence of symmetric block designs, The existence of Howell designs of odd side, An intersection problem whose extremum is the finite projective space, Latin squares with pairwise orthogonal conjugates, Codes and designs, A survey of nested designs, Classification of 3-(24, 12, 5) designs and 24-dimensional Hadamard matrices, The power of synchronizing operations on strings, Matching in modular lattices, An extension of the ranked set sampling theory, More generalized packing numbers, Self-dual codes over GF(5), Hadamard matrices and projective planes, Rational G-matrices with rational eigenvalues, Finite linear spaces with a regularity condition on the transversals of two secant lines, Linear programming the global approach, The existence of Howell designs of side n+1 and order 2n, Incidence matrices of t-designs, On orthogonal matrices with constant diagonal, On subdesigns of symmetric designs, Non-skew symmetric orthogonal matrices with constant diagonals, Dual linear extensions of generalised quadrangles, Locally finite weakly minimal theories, Some aspects of the development of linear algebra in the last sixty years, Williamson matrices of orders \(4 \cdot 29\) and \(4 \cdot 31\), On a class of modular lattices, The age of a relational structure, Self-dual codes based on the twin prime product 35, Examples of products giving large graphs with given degree and diameter, Almost all quasigroups have rank 2, A complete classification of symmetric (31, 10, 3) designs, The complexity of reconstructing trees from qualitative characters and subtrees, Completely positive matrices and positivity of least squares solutions, Hadamard matrices, Baumert-Hall units, four-symbol sequences, pulse compression, and surface wave encodings, Modular difference sets, Twofold triple systems and graph imbeddings, A partial Steiner triple system of order n can be embedded in a Steiner triple system of order 6n + 3, Block designs admitting regular automorphisms, On resolvable balanced incomplete block designs, Another class of balanced graph designs: Balanced circuit designs, On the existence of automorphism free Steiner triple systems, On uniform covers and t-designs, Finite embedding theorems for partial Steiner triple systems, A method of constructing generalized difference sets, On computing the length of longest increasing subsequences, Difference sets and sum-free sets in groups of order 16, Tactical constructions, Ovals in the Desarguesian plane of order 16, Relative difference sets and quasiregular collineation groups, Factor groups of the lower central series for spherical free products, Hadamard matrices from relative difference sets, Uncorrelated minimum-length sequence and its application to parameter estimation, Graphs from projective planes, Ramsey graphs and block designs, Resolvable balanced bipartite designs, Near-Boolean algebras. I: Combinatorial aspects, Hadamard matrices of order 4(2p+1), Affine resolvable balanced incomplete block designs: a survey, A new approach to parallel computing, On the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal Steiner triple systems, The number of distinct latin squares as a group-theoretical constant, Line graphs, root systems, and elliptic geometry, Lower bounds for the size of expressions for certain functions in d-ary logic, A construction for PBIBD(2)'s, A theorem on linear diophantine equations and the paging-complexity of loop-chains, The factors of a design matrix, An asymptotic evaluation of the cycle index of a symmetric group, On representing block designs in terms of their automorphisms, Equidistant codes with distance 12, Finite equational bases for finite algebras in a congruence-distributive equational class, On two conjectures of Stanton and Mullin, Block designs with \(v=10\), \(k=5\), \(\lambda=4\), Decomposition of \(K_n\) into circuits of odd length, Balanced incomplete block designs and related designs, Bounds for equidistant codes and partial projective planes, On the block structure of BIB designs with parameters \(v=22\), \(b=33\), \(r=12\), \(k=8\), \(\lambda=4\), Binary and ternary signals with small cross correlations, The representations of \(S_n\) and explicit identities for P. I. algebras, Quotients of \(C[0,1\) with separable dual], On embedding triangle-free graphs in unit spheres, A summary of noncylic difference sets, \(k<20\), On difference matrices, resolvable transversal designs and generalized Hadamard matrices, Composition theorems for difference families and regular planes