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zbMath0225.62108MaRDI QIDQ5631966

T. W. Anderson

Publication date: 1971

62M10: Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)

62-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics

Related Items

O a lemma associated with Box, Jenkins and Granger, Biased versus unbiased estimation, Asymptotic properties of dynamic stochastic parameter estimates. III, Forecasting in dynamic models with stochastic regressors, Empirical multivariate autoregressive equation predictors of the fluctuations of interacting species, Some models of population structure and evolution, Multicollinearity, Relative efficiencies of some simple Bayes estimators of coefficients in dynamic models. I, Central limit theorem for m-dependent random field in schemes related to series schemes, Retail inventory investment behaviour, Stochastic difference equation predictors of population fluctuations, On the structure of moving average processes, An inequality and a lemma revisited, Adaptive estimates for autoregressive processes, Asymptotic properties of dynamic stochastic parameter estimates, Estimation in the first-order moving average model through the finite autoregressive approximation: Some asymptotic results, A note on a heteroscedastic model, Determining the form of the mean of a stochastic process, On sorting out Poole's paper Stochastic difference equation predictors of population fluctuations about the Box-Jenkins analysis and forecasting of ecological time series, The generalized variance of a stationary autoregressive process, Minimax estimators of the multinormal mean: Autoregressive priors, Forecasting aggregates of independent ARIMA processes, An extension of a rank criterion for the least squares estimator to be the best linear unbiased estimator, On the individual moving average inequality, Testing unstable econometric models for stability. An empirical study, Some statistical aspects of digital Wiener filtering and detection of prescribed frequency components in time averaging of biological signals, FIML estimation of the dynamic simultaneous equations model with ARMA disturbances, Estimation and testing for functional form and autocorrelation, Estimation of a non-invertible moving average process: the case of overdifferencing, The analysis of seasonal economic models, Estimation of the parameters of Gaussian random fields, Asymptotically most powerful rank tests for multivariate randomness against serial dependence, On the expectation of a ratio of quadratic forms in normal variables, Recursive nonparametric identification of Hammerstein systems, On the estimation of optimal batch sizes in the analysis of simulation output, The probability content of cones in isotropic random fields, Dynamical critical behavior of the Swendson-Wang algorithm: The two-dimensional three-state Potts model revisited, Dynamical critical behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-type algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller model, On least-squares estimation of the residual variance in the first-order moving average model., Pitfalls in testing for long run relationships, Testing for serial correlation in multivariate regression models, The spurious effect of unit roots on vector autoregressions. An analytical study, Encompassing univariate models in multivariate time series. A case study, Direction-of-arrival estimation in applications with multipath and few snapshots, Some topics in regenerative steady-state simulation, A simple form of Bartlett's formula for autoregressive processes, Asymptotic robustness of tests of overidentification and predeterminedness, Computing the asymptotic covariance matrix of a vector of sample autocorrelations for ARMA processes, Estimation of the autocorrelation coefficient in the presence of a regression trend, Testing for nonlinearity using redundancies: Quantitative and qualitative aspects, Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes, A diffusion approximation for a network of reservoirs with power law release rule, Asymptotically efficient autoregressive model selection for multistep prediction, Dependent error regression smoothing: A new method and PC program, The asymptotic null distribution of the Box-Pierce \(\mathcal Q\)-statistic for random variables with infinite variance. An application to German stock returns, Some comments on six inequalities associated with the inefficiency of ordinary least squares with one regressor, The continuous and discrete Brownian bridges: Representations and applications, A family of matrices, the discretized Brownian bridge, and distance-based regression, The asymptotic covariance matrix of the multivariate serial correlations, An omnibus test for the time series model AR(1)., Time series with Poisson point process., Autoregressive-aided periodogram bootstrap for time series, A quasi-differencing approach to dynamic modelling from a time series of independent cross-sections, The density of the sufficient statistics for a Gaussian AR(1) model in terms of generalized functions, The distribution of Hermitian quadratic forms in elliptically contoured random vectors, Efficient estimation of general linear mixed effects models, Asymptotic distributions of M-estimators in a spatial regression model under some fixed and stochastic spatial sampling designs, Changes in the behavior of output in the United Kingdom, 1856-1990, Bartlett's formulae -- closed forms and recurrent equations, On tests for selection of variables and independence under multivariate regression models, Properties of batch means from stationary ARMA time series, Distinguishing random and deterministic systems: Abridged version, Cycle regression analysis: Simultaneous estimation of trigonometric components of a time series, From Bareiss' algorithm to the stable computation of partial correlations, Estimation and testing in time-series regression models with heteroscedastic disturbances, The use of simultaneous linear regression equations as empirical models of community structure, Efficient estimation of models with composite disturbance terms, The nonlinear two-stage least-squares estimator, On the bias in estimating genetic length and other quantities in simplex constrained models, Linear Toeplitz covariance structure models with optimal estimators of variance components, Levinson-Durbin algorithm as a Szegö polynomial recursion, Exact tests for contemporaneous correlation of disturbances in seemingly unrelated regressions., Fluctuation-noise spectroscopy and a ``universal fitting function of amplitudes of random sequences, Nonparametric tests for unit roots and cointegration., Survey of decision field theory, Rescaled variance and related tests for long memory in volatility and levels, A test for randomness against ARMA alternatives., Sequential estimation for time series regression models, Densities, spectral densities and modality., Limit theory and bootstrap for explosive and partially explosive autoregression, A comparison of frequency domain methodology and conventional factor screening methods, The impact of unsuspected serial correlations on model selection in linear regression, An introduction to wavelets with applications to Andrews' plots, Nonparametric conservative bands for the trend of Gaussian AR(p) models, Asymptotic distributions of the sample mean, autocovariances, and autocorrelations of long-memory time series, Asymptotic properties of nearly unstable multivariate AR processes., The pivot algorithm: a highly efficient Monte Carlo method for the self-avoiding walk., A measure of information and its applications to test for randomness against ARMA alternatives and to goodness-of-fit test, Estimation of the parameters of a multidimensional autoregression model with missing measurements, Nuclear estimators of the correlation function and power spectrum of a stochastic process with measurements at random times, Trend analysis of time series for measurements at random moments of time, Covariance matrix estimation for estimators of mixing weak ARMA models, A note on a vector-variate normal distribution and a stationary autoregressive process, Analysis of the asymptotic properties of the MOESP type of subspace algorithms, On the parametrization of autoregressive models by partial autocorrelations, Estimators of covariances in time series models, Moderate deviations for quadratic forms in Gaussian stationary processes, On multivariate nonlinear regression models with stationary correlated errors, The empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test for regression models, Asymptotic spectral theory for nonlinear time series, Iterative estimating equations: Linear convergence and asymptotic properties, From moments of sum to moments of product, Autoregressive approximation in nonstandard situations: the fractionally integrated and non-invertible cases, Sample covariance shrinkage for high dimensional dependent data, On the asymptotic properties of multivariate sample autocovariances, Blockwise bootstrap testing for stationarity, Limit distributions of least squares estimators in linear regression models with vague concepts, On discriminating between long-range dependence and changes in mean, State space models on special manifolds, A comparison of some estimators of time series autocorrelations, Optimal security liquidation algorithms, Spatial design matrices and associated quadratic forms: structure and properties, Unnamed Item, Superiority comparisons of heterogeneous linear estimators, Numerical integration rules for multivariate inversions, Circulant matrices and time-series analysis, Asymptotic properties of least-squares estimates of Hammerstein-Wiener models, ESTIMATION OF THE MOVING-AVERAGE REPRESENTATION OF A STATIONARY PROCESS BY AUTOREGRESSIVE MODEL FITTING, ESTIMATION OF THE ORDER OF A MOVING AVERAGE MODEL FROM AUTOREGRESSIVE AND WINDOW ESTIMATES OF THE INVERSE CORRELATION FUNCTION, COMPONENTS OF PREDICTION ERRORS FOR A STATIONARY PROCESS WITH ESTIMATED PARAMETERS, THE ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS FOR AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING AVERAGE MODELS, ON THE CHOICE OF THE ORDER OF AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS: A RANKING AND SELECTION APPROACH, MULTIPLICATIVE EXPONENTIAL MODELS FOR STATIONARY TIME SERIES, AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESSES WITH A TIME DEPENDENT VARIANCE, Some results on first order stochastic models and estimation for diffusion approximation of the multitype galton–watson process, Errors in variables: consistent adjusted least squares (cals) estimation, Intertemporal consumer behaviour under structural changes in income, ON THE ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERALIZED PARTIAL AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION IN AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE PROCESSES, Bernstein polynomial estimation of a spectral density, Distribution asymptotique des autocorrélations d'un processus saisonnier non stationnaire, Least squares estimation of the coefficients of a partially explosive model, with polynomial regressions of same degree, generating a pair of related time series, A specification strategy for order determination in arma models, Least squares estimation of the parameters of a stochastic difference equation with polynomial regression component, Bias approximations for covariance parameter estimators in the linear model with ar(1) errors, Using instrumental variables for selecting the order of arma models, Truncated sequential estimation of the parameters in a random regression, ON THE PROBABILITY OF ESTIMATING A DETERMINISTIC COMPONENT IN THE LOCAL LEVEL MODEL, Linear Methods for Estimating Arma and Regression Models with Serial Correlation, ESTIMATION FOR THE FIRST-ORDER DIAGONAL BILINEAR TIME SERIES MODEL, Gaussian Maximum Likelihood Estimation For ARMA Models. I. Time Series, Using Difference-Based Methods for Inference in Regression with Fractionally Integrated Processes, A new estimator for the unit root, Monitoring paper production using a spectral control chart designed to detect in the presence of multiple cycles, Testing exogeneity in overidentified models, Fixed-b asymptotic approximation of the sampling behaviour of nonparametric spectral density estimators, Bootstrapping the Local Periodogram of Locally Stationary Processes, Representation of Cointegrated Autoregressive Processes with Application to Fractional Processes, A note on a validity test using the stochastic EM algorithm in order to assess the number of components in a finite mixture model, Sur un test d'égalité des autocovariances de deux séries chronologiques, Unnamed Item, Orthonormal Banach systems with applications to linear processes, ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF DISCRETE LINEAR PROCESSES, Ratios of linear combinations in the general linear model, CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREMS FOR FINITE WALSH-FOURIER TRANSFORMS OF WEAKLY STATIONARY TIME SERIES, THE SUM OF FINITE MOVING AVERAGE PROCESSES, On the duration of sequential estimation of parameters of stochastic processes in discretetime, DETECTION OF PERIODICITIES BY HIGHER-ORDER CROSSINGS, Generalized portmanteau statistics and tests of randomness, ON THE UNBIASEDNESS PROPERTY OF AIC FOR EXACT OR APPROXIMATING LINEAR STOCHASTIC TIME SERIES MODELS, Infrence for non-negative autoregressive schemes, SOME ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF THE SAMPLE COVARIANCES OF GAUSSIAN AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING‐AVERAGE PROCESSES, Certain properties of the estimates of the regression parameters under a priori constraint-inequalities, WHY DO NONINVERTIBLE ESTIMATED MOVING AVERAGES OCCUR?*, Some exact results on the sample autocovariances of a seasonal ARIMA model, ON THE ESTIMATION OF THE INVERSE CORRELATION FUNCTION, Inférence statistique dans les processus stochastiques: Aperçu historique, Higher order approximations for autocovariances from linear processes with applications, THE APPROXIMATE DENSITIES OF SOME QUADRATIC FORMS OF STATIONARY RANDOM VARIABLES, Mathematical model of long-term prediction of fluctuations of the immunological characteristics of the blood and a computer program implementing it, A NOTE ON NON-STATIONARITY AND CANONICAL ANALYSIS OF MULTIPLE TIME SERIES MODELS, An examination of distributed lag model coefficients estimated with smoothness priors, WALSH-FOURIER ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE-VALUED TIME SERIES, Some applications for Basil's independence theorem in testing econometric models, Adaptive estimation for an extension of the autoregressive time series model, Adaptive estimation and prediction for an extension of the antoregressive multiple time series model, PREDICTION ERROR OF MULTIVARIATE TIME SERIES WITH MIS-SPECIFIED MODELS, Asymptotic lower bounds for the risk of estimators of the value of a spectral density function, Sample moments of the autocorrelations of moving average processes and a modification to bartlett'sasymptotic variance formula, Characterizations of autoregressive prediction and moving average prediction as discrete-time spline interpolation, Time series in m-dimensions definition, problems and prospects, Time series in m dimensions: Autoregressive models, Moving average models—time series in m-dimensions, An investigation of the moments of the sample autocovariances and autocorrelations for general arma processes, Thermodynamics and statistical analysis of Gaussian random fields, A note on maximum likelihood estimation for the first-order autoregressive process, Asymptotic expansions for the moments of serial correlation coefficients, Estimation based on one step ahead prediction versus estimation based on multi-step ahead prediction, General M-estimates for contaminated p th-order autoregressive processes: Consistency and asymptotic normality, Effect of systematic sampling on arima models, Characteristic values and triangular factorization of the covariance matrix for multinomial, dirichlet and multivariate hypergeometric distributions and some related results, AN APPROACH TO TIME SERIES SMOOTHING AND FORECASTING USING THE EM ALGORITHM, Estimating linear representations of nonlinear processes, Reduced rank regression with autoregressive errors, Toeplitz matrices with banded inverses, Consistent estimation of equations with composite moving average disturbance terms, Stochastic linear trends. Models and estimators, Simulation factor screening using cross-spectral methods, New approaches for determining the degree of differencing necessary to induce stationarity in ARIMA models, Linear phase-correction in synchronization: predictions, parameter estimation, and simulations, A framework for measuring differences in data characteristics, Multiple tests for validation of system dynamics type of simulation models, The Durbin-Watson ratio under infinite-variance errors, Linear transformations of vector ARMA processes, Testing the autoregressive parameter with the t statistic, Limit theorems on a linear explosive stochastic model for time series with moving average error, ARMA spectral estimation based on partial autocorrelations, A contribution to the statistical theory of linear graduation, Die asymptotische Verteilung des Prognosefehlers bei Prognosen mit Hilfe eines dynamischen ökonometrischen Modells höherer als erster Ordnung, The invertibility of sampled and aggregated ARMA models, Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimate in the first order autoregressive process, On the martingale approximation of the estimation error of ARMA parameters, Sampling properties of \(U\)-statistics for a class of stationary nonlinear processes, James-Stein estimators for time series regression models, Nonparametric spectrum estimation for spatial data, Second order optimality for estimators in time series regression models, Dynamic critical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for the three-dimensional Ising model, On the bias of the least squares estimator for the first order autoregressive process, Characterizations of the best linear unbiased estimator in the general Gauss-Markov model with the use of matrix partial orderings, An extension of Anderson's multiple decision procedure, Linear latent variable models and covariance structures, Some stochastic inequalities and asymptotic normality of serial rank statistics in general linear processes, Edgeworth expansion in regression models, On coverage probability, independence and normality in batch means algorithms, Examples of the use of an equivalence theorem in constructing optimum experimental designs for random-effects nonlinear regression models, Properties of generalized Levinson-Durbin-Whittle sequences, Spectral density estimation for linear processes with dependent innovations, Superoptimal estimator of the spectral density by adaptive projection: an application to the estimation of a moving average order, Robustness of forecasting of autoregressive time series for additive distortions, Real time estimation in local polynomial regression, with application to trend-cycle analysis, An extensive analysis on the Japanese markets via S. Taylor's model, Estimating ARMAX systems for multivariate time series using the state approach to subspace algorithms, Sample autocovariances of long-memory time series, An asymptotic theory for sample covariances of Bernoulli shifts, Testing for multivariate autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity using wavelets, Semiparametric estimation for seasonal long-memory time series using generalized exponential models, On Bayesian principal component analysis, Subset selection for vector autoregressive processes using Lasso, The inverse partial correlation function of a time series and its applications, Predictors for the first-order autoregressive process, Statistics of the spectral densities of stationary stochastic processes, The asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio for autoregressive time series with a regression trend, Sampling distribution for a class of estimators for nonregular linear processes, Rank procedures for testing subhypotheses in linear regression, More limit theory for the sample correlation function of moving averages, Second-order risk comparison of SLSE with GLSE and MLE in a regression with serial correlation, Prediction of multivariate time series by autoregressive model fitting, Estimation of the degree of differencing of an ARIMA process, Some robust exact results on sample autocorrelations and tests of randomness, ARMA spectral estimation based on partial autocorrelations. II: Statistical analysis, Full-versus limited-information estimation of a rational-expectations model. Some numerical comparisons, On confidence intervals and tests for autocorrelations, A new definition of the predictive likelihood, Testing strategies for model specification, Tests of the parallelism of several regression surfaces based on rank- order estimates, Validity of Edgeworth expansions of minimum contrast estimators for Gaussian ARMA processes, Principal components analysis of sampled functions, Interval estimation of the critical value in a general linear model, Orthogonal decompositions of linear spaces, Reversibility of first-order autoregressive processes, Nonlinear least squares and maximum likelihood estimation of a heteroscedastic regression model, Ergodicity and central limit theorems for a class of Markov processes, Estimation of parameters for Hilbert space-valued partially observable stochastic processes, A quadraticity limit theorem useful in linear models, A note on maximum likelihood estimation for the complex-valued first- order autoregressive process, On Darling-Robbins type confidence sequences and sequential tests with power one for parameters of an autoregressive process, Nearly unstable AR models with coefficient matrices in Jordan normal form, Markov-normal analysis of iterative simulations before their convergence, On a spectral estimate obtained by an autoregressive model fitting, Forecasting contemporal aggregates of multiple time series, Data revisions with moving average seasonal adjustment procedures, A comparison of estimators for undersized samples, A class of spectral density estimators, Strong consistency of estimates of the trend of a time series, A moving average model for sequenced reaction-time data, Linear prediction and estimation methods for regression models with stationary stochastic coefficients, A model for non-negative and non-positive distributed lag functions, Problems with the estimation of moving average processes, A random coefficient approach to seasonal adjustment of economic time series, Detection of the trend of a stationary stochastic process, Formulation and estimation of dynamic models using panel data, Seasonality in dynamic regression models. A comparative study of finite sample properties of various regression estimators including band spectrum regression, Lacunary systems and generalized linear processes, Asymptotic distributions of regression and autoregression coefficients with martingale difference disturbances, A weak convergence result useful in robust autoregression, M-estimators in linear models with long range dependent errors, Optimal rank-based tests against first-order superdiagonal bilinear dependence, Central limit theorems for sequences with \(m(n)\)-dependent main part, Estimation of periodicities in hydrologic data, Counterexamples to parsimony and BIC, A note on maximum likelihood estimation in the first-order Gaussian moving average model, Residual variance estimation in moving average models, Evaluation of quadratic forms and traces for iterative estimation in first-order moving average models, The consistency of the L1norm estimates in arma models, Asymptotic theory of estimation of parameters in autoregressive models under general set-up of the roots, INFINITE VARIANCE STABLE ARMA PROCESSES, ASYMPTOTIC EFFICIENCY OF THE SAMPLE COVARIANCES IN A GAUSSIAN STATIONARY PROCESS, ESTIMATION OF THE FRACTIONAL DIFFERENCE PARAMETER IN THE ARIMA(p, d, q) MODEL USING THE SMOOTHED PERIODOGRAM, SOME SIMPLE TESTS OF THE MOVING-AVERAGE UNIT ROOT HYPOTHESIS, LARGE SAMPLE ANALYSIS OF AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE MODELS WITH ERRORS IN VARIABLES, ESTIMATION OF COEFFICIENTS OF TIME SERIES REGRESSION WITH A NONSTATIONARY ERROR PROCESS, AN ALGORITHM FOR A PERIOD SEARCH IN A SPARSELY COVERED TIME SERIES AT A FIXED PHASE, Sequential, accelerated-sequential and three-stage estimation of the mean of a first-order stationary autoregressive process: A monte carlo study, Efficiency and Validity Analyses of Two-Stage Estimation Procedures and Derived Testing Procedures in Quantitative Linear Models with AR(1) Errors, Asymptotic Distribution of a Unit Root Process Under Double Truncation, THE CHOICE BETWEEN SETS OF REGRESSORS, THE EXACT BIAS OF THE LOG-PERIODOGRAM REGRESSION ESTIMATOR, OPTIMAL IV ESTIMATION OF SYSTEMS WITH STOCHASTIC REGRESSORS AND VAR DISTURBANCES WITH APPLICATIONS TO DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, On the distribution of linear combinations of the components of a Dirichlet random vector, MULTI-FREQUENTIAL PERIODOGRAM ANALYSIS AND THE DETECTION OF PERIODIC COMPONENTS IN TIME SERIES, SOME ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF THE LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATORS OF A POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION WITH A HETEROSKEDASTIC ERROR, Ratio tests of a unit root, Using Difference-Based Methods for Inference in Nonparametric Regression with Time Series Errors, The Distribution of a Ratio of Quadratic Forms in Noncentral Normal Variables, Inference About the First-Order Autoregressive Coefficient, ESTIMATION OF THE PREDICTION ERROR VARIANCE AND AN R2MEASURE BY AUTOREGRESSIVE MODEL FITTING, THIRD-ORDER ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF ESTIMATORS IN GAUSSIAN ARMA PROCESSES WITH UNKNOWN MEAN, Hammerstein system identification by non-parametric regression estimation, EMPIRICAL IDENTIFICATION OF MULTIPLE TIME SERIES, ON THE COVARIANCE OF THE PERIODOGRAM, ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSIONS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF AN ESTIMATOR IN THE FIRST-ORDER AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESS, Residuals Based Estimators of the Covariogram, Limit theorems for iterated random functions, Fourier transforms of stationary processes, Asymptotics of the sample mean and sample covariance of long-range-dependent series, Brocess capability with asymmetric tolerances, AN APPLICATION OF THE SCHUR‐COHN ALGORITHM TO TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, The Sampling Distribution of the Serial Correlation Coefficient, A GENERALIZED FRACTIONALLY INTEGRATED AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE PROCESS, Estimation du comportement asymptotique des autocovariances et autocorrelations empiriques de processus multivariéeas, Asymptotic Properties of OLS Estimates in Autoregressions with Bounded or Slowly Growing Deterministic Trends, THE EFFECT OF AGGREGATION ON PREDICTION IN AUTOREGRESSIVE INTEGRATED MOVING‐AVERAGE MODELS, ON THE INVERTIBILITY OF MULTIVARIATE LINEAR PROCESSES, THE DISTRIBUTION OF NONSTATIONARY AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESSES UNDER GENERAL NOISE CONDITIONS, Comparison of periodogram tests, Estimation of Variance Components for a Linear Toeplitz Model, Simple linear regression with multiple level shifts, Large sample properties of spectral estimators for a class of stationary nonlinear processes, Polynomial Trend Regression With Long‐memory Errors, A simple integer-valued bilinear time series model, Unnamed Item, A new test statistic for searching hidden periodicities in time series and the derivation and numerical calculation of its power function, A Weak law of large numbers for a class of nonstationary but stabiuzing vector arma processes with one unit root, Bahadur exact slopes of some tests for spectral densities, Classification of Gaussian random processes using a simple linear discriminant and its application to seismic differentiation, Spatial continuity measures for probabilistic and deterministic geostatistics, Two steps optimal prediction of positional parameters for moving objects, \(L_p\)-approximable sequences of vectors and limit distribution of quadratic forms of random variables, On the Distribution of General Quadratic Functions in Normal Vectors, GENERAL LINEAR PROCESSES:A PROPERTY OF THE EMPIRICAL PROCESS APPLIED TO DENSITY AND MODE ESTIMATION, Covariance analysis and associated spectra for classes of nonstationary processes, Classification of Gaussian random processes using a simple linear discriminant and its application to seismic differentiation, Unnamed Item, Asymptotic expansions for sums of weakly dependent random vectors, ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION OF AUTOREGRESSIVE AND MOVING AVERAGE MODELS, CONSISTENT ESTIMATION OF THE ASYMPTOTIC COVARIANCE STRUCTURE OF MULTIVARIATE SERIAL CORRELATIONS, Basic structure of the asymptotic theory in dynamic nonlinear econometric models, Iterated weighted least squares in heteroscedastic lineaipmod%81è, APPROXIMATE DISTRIBUTION OF PARAMETER ESTIMATORS FOR FIRST-ORDER AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS, JOINT HYPOTHESIS TESTS FOR A RANDOM WALK BASED ON INSTRUMENTAL VARIABLE ESTIMATORS, ORDER IDENTIFICATION STATISTICS IN STATIONARY AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE MODELS:VECTOR AUTOCORRELATIONS AND THE BOOTSTRAP, REDUCTION OF THE ASYMPTOTIC BIAS OF AUTOREGRESSIVE AND SPECTRAL ESTIMATORS BY TAPERING, FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ESTIMATION OF BILINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS, Autoregressive processes applied to acceptance sampling by varlables, Structural inference for linear regression with autocorrelated errors, Several forecast models applied to a specific economic time series, The asymptotic joint distribution of the estimated autoregressive coefficients, Estimating the order of moving average models: the max X2method, Two methods of evaluating hoerl and kennard's ridge regression, A note on a local equivalence of two recent approaches to autoregressive order determination, Analysis of three tests for one or two outliers, Predicting hospital census using time series regression methods, IDENTIFICATION OF UNOBSERVED COMPONENTS MODELS, Identification of discrete Hammerstein systems by the Fourier series regression estimate