scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3408831

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zbMath0258.65069MaRDI QIDQ5674335

J. D. Lambert

Publication date: 1973

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Some new additive Runge-Kutta methods and their applications, Construction of high-order quadratically stable second-derivative general linear methods for the numerical integration of stiff ODEs, Some new implicit two-step multiderivative methods for solving special second-order IVP's, Solving the telegraph and oscillatory differential equations by a block hybrid trigonometrically fitted algorithm, Higher-order time-stepping methods for time-dependent reaction-diffusion equations arising in biology, GIP integrators for matrix Riccati differential equations, Boundary value method for inverse Sturm-Liouville problems, A third order method for fixed points in Banach spaces, A novel family of P-stable symmetric extended linear multistep methods for oscillators, Two-step hybrid collocation methods for \(y^{\prime\prime} = f(x,y)\), Two-step almost collocation methods for ordinary differential equations, Second derivative of high-order accuracy methods for the numerical integration of stiff 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II: Mass structure, Numerical integration based on mixed-typ interpolation for a fourth-order boundary-value problem, Analytical computation of Markov chain using Padé approximations, The role of difference equations in numerical analysis, Efficient implementation of a 2nd derivative method for stiff ODEs, Computing continuous numerical solutions of matrix differential equations, Approximations of Sturm-Liouville eigenvalues using boundary value methods, A finite-difference method for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation, On Johnson's log-derivative algorithm for a single equation, Mathematical modelling of decoration peak associated with dragging point defects situated selectively at the kink chain with special references to hydrogenated BCC and FCC metals, A nonlinear optimization approach to the construction of general linear methods of high order, Log-derivative methods based on linear two-step integration formulae, An exponentially fitted two-step method with predictor-corrector form for the solution of nonlinear or coupled Schrödinger equations, Third-order iterative methods for operators with bounded second derivative, Unconditionally stable higher-order Newmark methods by sub-stepping procedure, Longitudinal and torsional oscillations of a rod in an Oldroyd-B fluid with suction or injection, On the concepts of convergence, consistency, and stability in connection with some numerical methods, Construction of two-step Runge--Kutta methods with large regions of absolute stability, A two-step explicit \(P\)-stable method for solving second order initial value problems., Control parametrization enhancing technique for solving a special ODE class with state dependent switch, Variable multistep methods for higher-order delay differential equations., Computational method for analysis of polyethylene biodegradation, Obrechkoff versus super-implicit methods for the solution of first- and second-order initial value problems., Nonlinear multistep methods for initial value problems, Modeling and simulation of piezocomposites., Caratteristiche numeriche della forma integrale delle equazioni differenziali di ordine N, On the design of high order exponentially fitted formulae for the numerical integration of stiff systems, The GPL-stability of Rosenbrock methods for delay differential equation., A two-step explicit \(P\)-stable method of high phase-lag order for second order IVPs., Two point Hermite approximations for the solution of linear initial value and boundary value problems, On the optimal error of algorithms for solving scalar autonomous ODE, An extension of Milne's device for the Adams predictor-corrector methods, Asymptotics of the modified Bessel and the incomplete gamma matrix functions, Chawla-Numerov method revisited, Algorithms for the solution of second order Volterra integro-differential equations, Dynamical approach study of spurious steady-state numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations. I: The dynamics of time discretization and its implications for algorithm development in computational fluid dynamics, Numerical computation of an analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix valued function, Modified ROW methods for stiff problems, An explicit-implicit method for a class of time-dependent partial differential equations, An asymptotic expansion of the global discretization error of difference schemes for numerically solving a quasilinear parabolic system of differential equations, Automatic solution of Sturm-Liouville problems using the Pruess method, Solution of ordinary differential initial value problems on an Intel hypercube, A constitutive algorithm for rate-dependent crystal plasticity, A five-diagonal finite-difference method based on mixed-type interpolation for computing eigenvalues of fourth-order two-point boundary-value problems, A fourth-order Bessel fitting method for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation, On a new method for numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, A hybrid finite-boundary element method for inviscid flows with free surface, Radiation-induced cavitation process in a metastable superheated liquid. I: Initial and pre-bubble formation stages, Radiation-induced cavitation process in a metastable superheated liquid. II: Interface formation and post-interface formation stages, Backward differentiation formulae with nonnegative coefficients for solving initial value problems, Five-diagonal finite difference methods based on mixed-type interpolation for a certain fourth-order two-point boundary-value problem, Shooting methods for 1D steady-state free boundary problems, Analysis of a family of Chebyshev methods for \(y=f(x,y)\), Properties of \(I_{MN}\) and \(J_{MN}\) approximants and applications to numerical inversion of Laplace transforms and initial value problems, Verallgemeinerte \(k\)-Schrittverfahren der Ordnung \(p=3k-m+2\) und der Ordnung \(p=2k-m+1\) zur numerischen Lösung von Anfangswertaufgaben bei Differentialgleichungen \(m\)-ter Ordnung der Form \(y^{(m)}=f(x,y)\), Über konsistente Mehrschrittverfahren für das Cauchy-Problem, A-stable linear multistep methods for Volterra integro-differential equations, On generalized linear multistep methods with zero-parasitic roots and an adaptive principal root, Numerical approximation of eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville systems, S-stability properties for generalized Runge-Kutta methods, Error estimates for Galerkin methods for quasilinear parabolic and elliptic differential equations in divergence form, Conservation properties of numerical integration methods for systems of ordinary differential equations, Quadrature and Runge-Kutta formulas, Metodo di Euler e ricerca delle radici di una equazione, Galerkin-Obrechkoff methods and hyperbolic initial boundary value problems with damping, Steady state of stiff linear kinetic systems by a Markov matrix method, Asymptotic stability and discretization on an infinite interval, Integration operators for first order linear matrix differential equations, Higher order methods for transient diffusion analysis, A-priori error estimates of Galerkin backward differentiation methods in time-inhomogeneous parabolic problems, A class of stabilized three-step Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical integration of parabolic equations, Stability properties of variable stepsize variable formula methods, A variable order one-step scheme for numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Convergence of multistep methods for Volterra functional differential equations, Adams-type methods with increased ranges of stability, Ein Zwei-Schritt-Differenzenverfahren zur Berechnung strömungsabhängiger Ausbreitungsvorgänge, A geometric method in nonlinear programming, Numerical simulation of stiff systems with a diagonal splitting method, Rational approximations of trigonometric matrices with application to second-order systems of differential equations, Hopscotch methods for elliptic partial differential equations, On the integration of stiff systems of O.D.E.s using extended backward differentiation formulae, On an L-stable method for stiff differential equations, A computational procedure for interaction of high-speed vehicles on flexible structures without assuming known vehicle nominal motion, The stability of numerical approximations to nonlinear hyperbolic equations, The Tau method as an analytic tool in the discussion of equivalence results across numerical methods, Preconditioned time differencing for stiff ODEs in diurnal atmospheric kinetics, Construction of two-step Runge-Kutta methods of high order of ordinary differential equations, Regularity properties of a class of hybrid methods, Low-dissipative high-order shock-capturing methods using characteristic-based filters, Stability and error analysis for time integrators applied to strain-softening materials., CHEMSODE: A stiff ODE solver for the equations of chemical kinetics, Numerical simulation of a rigid rotating body by Obrechkoff integration, Behind and beyond the MATLAB ODE suite, Least-squares finite element schemes in the time domain, Computational methods for continuum models of platelet aggregation, Extended backward differentiation formulae in the numerical solution of general Volterra 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solving the second order initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, The techniques for constructing a family of symmetric multistep methods, A computational procedure for solving a chemical flow reactor problem using shooting method, Functionally fitted block method for solving the general oscillatory second-order initial value problems and hyperbolic partial differential equations, Metabolic computing, Models of knowing and the investigation of dynamical systems, New general solutions of ordinary differential equations and the methods for the solution of boundary-value problems, A two-parameter Milstein method for stochastic Volterra integral equations, Refactorization of a variable step, unconditionally stable method of Dahlquist, Liniger and Nevanlinna, Stable and accurate numerical methods for generalized Kirchhoff-Love plates, Explicit multi-time stepping methods for convection-dominated flow problems, A new higher order compact finite difference method for generalised Black-Scholes partial differential equation: European call option, A study of numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff source terms, Exploiting the separability in the solution of systems of linear ordinary differential equations, Consistency and convergence of general linear multistep variable stepsize variable formula methods, Numerical small parameter method fo stiff ODE's, Stiffly stable second derivative multistep methods with higher order and improved stability regions, Progress in computational physics, Unconditionally stable higher-order accurate collocation time-step integration algorithms for first-order equations, Modified extended backward differentiation formulae for the numerical solution of stiff initial value problems in ODEs and DAEs, Stability of numerical methods for Volterra integro-differential equations, Finite element analysis of transient heat conduction application of the weighted residual process, Matrix free MEBDF method for the solution of stiff systems of ODEs, Time-adaptive partitioned method for fluid-structure interaction problems with thick structures, Higher-order finite-difference methods for nonlinear second-order two-point boundary-value problems, A class of multiderivative hybrid one-step methods, A model for solving first, second and third order IVPs directly, Using a cubic B-spline method in conjunction with a one-step optimized hybrid block approach to solve nonlinear partial differential equations, Variable multistep methods for delay differential equations, A note on ``Sub-harmonic resonance and multi-annual oscillations in Northern mammals: a non-linear dynamical systems perpective, A note on stability of pseudospectral methods for wave propagation, Some recent advances in validated methods for IVPs for ODEs, Order reduction phenomenon for general linear methods, Third derivative hybrid block integrator for solution of stiff systems of initial value problems, One-step explicit methods for the numerical integration of perturbed oscillators, Numerical methods for simulation of large systems, Two-step boundary value methods in the solution of ODEs, Combination method for parallel computation in ODE, A Collocation Method for Direct Numerical Integration of Initial Value Problems in Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Recurrence relations for a Newton-like method in Banach spaces, Stability regions for one-step multiderivative methods in PECE mode with application to stiff systems, High order parameter uniform numerical method for singular perturbation problems, An efficient staggered time-marching procedure for porodynamics, Given a one-step numerical scheme, on which ordinary differential equations is it exact?, Optimal boundary control of a tracking problem for a parabolic distributed parameter system, An adapted explicit hybrid four-step method for the numerical solution of perturbed oscillators, Numerical methods for the eigenvalue determination of second-order ordinary differential equations, A time-domain FEM approach based on implicit Green's functions for the dynamic analysis of porous media, Finite element formulation for modeling nonlinear viscoelastic elastomers, On the numerical stability of Volterra integral equations with delay argument, Higher-order single-step fully discrete approximations for nonlinear second-order hyperbolic equations, The adaptive operational tau method for systems of ODEs, Error analysis and applications of the Fourier-Galerkin Runge-Kutta schemes for high-order stiff PDEs, Block hybrid method using trigonometric basis for initial value problems with oscillating solutions, A Note on the Rosenbrock Procedure, Approximation of quasilinear hyperbolic problems with discontinuous coefficients: an optimal error estimate, An efficient adaptive time-marching formulation for decoupled analysis of generalized thermo-mechanical models, Classical theory of linear multistep methods for Volterra functional differential equations, An embedded 3(2) pair of nonlinear methods for solving first order initial-value ordinary differential systems, Explicit methods based on barycentric rational interpolants for solving non-stiff Volterra integral equations, Multistep methods with optimal stability regions, Neimark–Sacker bifurcations in a non-standard numerical scheme for a class of positivity-preserving ODEs, 3-point block backward differentiation formula with an off-step point for the solutions of stiff chemical reaction problems, Strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta and linear multistep methods, Adaptive linear barycentric rational finite differences method for stiff ODEs, Super-stable spline-in-tension numerical method of order three(four) for the second order nonlinear IVPs, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A general theory of stabilized extended one-step methods for odes, A continuous two-step method of order 8 with a block extension for \(y= 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equations, INTERACTIVE CHEBYSHEV–LEGENDRE ALGORITHM FOR LINEAR QUADRATIC OPTIMAL REGULATOR SYSTEMS, New predictor corrector formulas for initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, Unnamed Item, Numerical integration methods in dynamical astronomy, Phase-fitted and amplification-fitted two-step hybrid methods for \(y^{\prime\prime }=f(x,y)\), The stability problem for linear multistep methods: old and new results, Time-accurate solution of advection-diffusion problems by wavelet-Taylor-Galerkin method, Wavelet multilayer Taylor Galerkin schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic problems, Numerical solution of the reaction-advection-diffusion equation on the sphere, Modified explicit Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation, A class of two-step explicit methods for periodic IVPs, Variable stepsize implementation of multistep methods for \(y\prime\prime =f(x,y,y^{\prime})\), Numerical method of estimating the blow-up time and rate of the solution of ordinary differential equations -- an application to the blow-up problems of partial differential equations, Extended one-step methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, New second derivative multistep methods for stiff systems, \(\varepsilon\)-uniformly convergent fitted mesh finite difference methods for general singular perturbation problems, An efficient implicit Runge-Kutta method for second order systems, On the convergence of inexact two-step Newton-like algorithms using recurrent functions, Boundary value technique for initial value problems with continuous second derivative multistep method of Enright, Two-step almost collocation methods for Volterra integral equations, Combinations of nonstandard finite difference schemes and composition methods with complex time steps for population models, Multistep-Galerkin Methods for Hyperbolic Equations, A self-starting linear multistep method for a direct solution of the general second-order initial value problem, Unnamed Item, The efficiency of second derivative multistep methods for the numerical integration of stiff systems, Asymptotic upper bounds for the errors of Richardson extrapolation with practical application in approximate computations, Nonstandard numerical schemes for modeling a 2-DOF serial robot with rotational spring-damper-actuators, SEMILOCAL CONVERGENCE OF A STIRLING-LIKE METHOD IN BANACH SPACES, A class of continuous hybrid linear multistep methods for stiff IVPs in ODEs, A quartic \(C^ 3\)-spline collocation method for solving second-order initial value problems, A stiff ODE preconditioner based on Newton linearization, Unnamed Item, Comparison of local error estimators for runge-kutta formulae:, Third derivative modification of \(k\)-step block Falkner methods for the numerical solution of second order initial-value problems, Pitfalls in fast numerical solvers for fractional differential equations, A family of trigonometrically fitted Enright second derivative methods for stiff and oscillatory initial value problems, Wavelet-Taylor Galerkin method for the Burgers equation, On the stability of two new two-step explicit methods for the numerical integration of second order initial value problem on a variable mesh, On the accuracy of time-stepping schemes for dynamic problems with negative stiffness, Multi-rate numerical methods for diffusion problems, Implementation of Nordsieck second derivative methods for stiff ODEs, Stiffness 1952--2012: sixty years in search of a definition, Pouzet-Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev method for Volterra integral equations of the second kind, A new variable step size block backward differentiation formula for solving stiff initial value problems, Block methods for parabolic equations, Rational methods for solving first-order initial value problems, A Fourth Order Embedded Runge-Kutta RKACeM(4,4) Method Based on Arithmetic and Centroidal Means with Error Control, A class of developed schemes for parabolic integro-differential equations, STRONG CONVERGENCE IN Lp OF MILSTEIN METHOD FOR ITÔ STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Error propagation in the numerical solutions of the differential equations of orbital mechanics, AN EFFICIENT BLOCK SOLVER OF TRIGONOMETRICALLY FITTED METHOD FOR STIFF ODEs, Modelling coal gasification in an entrained flow gasifier, Generalization of the matrix stability region placement method, New L-Stable Modified Trapezoidal Methods For The Initial Value Problems, Implementing Second-Derivative Multistep Methods Using the Nordsieck Polynomial Representation, TIME ACCURATE FAST THREE-STEP WAVELET-GALERKIN METHOD FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, The Method of Envelopes, Numerical Strategy For The System Of Second Order Ivps Using RK Method Based On Centroidal Mean, A Polynomial Representation of Hybrid Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, A Special Class of Explicit Linear Multistep Methods as Basic Methods for the Correction in the Dominant Space Technique, Unnamed Item, A class of explicit two-step superstable methods for second-order linear initial value problems, Inverse Linear Multistep Methods for the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations, The Barycentric Rational Difference-Quadrature Scheme for Systems of Volterra Integro-differential Equations, Auxiliary linear multistep methods: implicit, On the numerical integration of a singular two-point boundary value problem, The numerical solution of oscillatory problems, New predictor corrector trapezoidal formulae for solving initial value problems, Unnamed Item, Unconditionally stable FEM for transient linear heat conduction analysis, Numerical Solution for Neutral Delay Differential Equation of Constant or Proportional Type Using Hybrid Block Method, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fixed Point Iteration with Inexact Function Values, A generalized nodal finite element formalism for discrete ordinates equations in slab geometry: Part III: Numerical results, Two-Step Multi-Derivative Boundary Value Methods for Linear IVPs, Special stability problems for functional differential equations, Accuracy and Efficiency in Fixed-Point Neural ODE Solvers, A boundary value approach to the numerical solution of initial value problems by multistep methos, A class of hybrid collocation methods for third-order ordinary differential equations, Linearized four-step implicit scheme for nonlinear parabolic interface problems, An algebraic approach toA-stable linear multistep-multiderivative integration formulas, FINITE-DIFFERENCE METHOD OF ORDER SIX FOR THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL STEADY AND UNSTEADY BOUNDARY-LAYER EQUATIONS, On a derivation of Runge‐Kutta formulae, Stability Analysis of a Fully Coupled Implicit Scheme for Inviscid Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, A new fifth order explicit runge-kutta method with four stages for solving initial value problems in ODSs, High order integration formula using trigonometric polynomials for periodic ivps, On Spurious Behavior of Super-Stable Implicit Methods, NONPARAMETRIC MODELING AND SPATIOTEMPORAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, On numerical integration of implicit ordinary differential equations, High-order continuous third derivative formulas with block extensions fory″=f(x, y, y′), A NEW SUPERCLASS OF BLOCK BACKWARD DIFFERENTIATION FORMULA FOR STIFF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Third order complex-time-step methods for transient analysis, Chebyshev solution for stiff delay differential equations, A dual control problem and application to marketing, Properties of certain rational approximations toe −z, Numerical solution of linear algebraic equations where the coefficient matrix is a polynomial of a square matrix, Boundedness of the global error of some linear and nonlinear methods for Volterra integral equations, Exponentially fitted multistep methods by generalized Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Forced oscillations in quadratically damped systems, Some aspects of the boundary locus method, Two-parameter families of predictor-corrector methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations, Simulation methods for combined linear and nonlinear systems, Unnamed Item, Stabilized cubic c1-spline collocation method for solving first-order ordinary initial value problems, Finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic equations, Robustness considerations forp-step matrix integrators with uncertainty in the continuous system mode, Orbitally stable multistep methods, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Numerical Dynamics of Ordinary Differential Equations with Singularity, Some new methods for stiff differential equations, A class of p-stable linear multistep numerical methods, A continuous implicit nyström method for solving ordinary second order initial value problems, On multistep-Galerkin discretizations of semilinear hyperbolic and parabolic equations, A P-Stable Linear Multistep Method For Solving General Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Galerkin single-step methods for second-order hyperbolic equations, A HIGHLY ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED P-STABLE THREE-STEP METHOD FOR PERIODIC INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS, Unnamed Item, A direct integration method for analysis of a certain class of non-linear dynamic problems, Construction of Higher-Order Accurate Time-Step Integration Algorithms by Equal-Order Polynomial Projection, Linear 3 and 5-step methods using Taylor series expansion for solving special 3rd order ODEs, Some minimum configurationL-stable rosenbrock methods with error estimators, A flexible variable order extrapolation technique for solving non-stiff ordinary differential equations, NONLINEAR SIGNAL CLASSIFICATION, An explicit single-step multi-jacobian method for non stiff ordinary differential equations, Two classes of explicit generalized runge-kutta processes for non- stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, A family of noniterative integration methods with desired numerical dissipation, Unnamed Item, Metropolis Integration Schemes for Self-Adjoint Diffusions, Two-step explicit methods for second-order IVPs with oscillatory solutions, The iterative solution of a nonlinear fredholm integral equation arising from a chemical reactor problem, Accuracy of Symmetric Multi-Step Methods for the Numerical Modelling of Satellite Motion, Multistep Methods Using Higher Derivatives and Damping at Infinity, CONSTRUCTION OF NORDSIECK SECOND DERIVATIVE GENERAL LINEAR METHODS WITH INHERENT QUADRATIC STABILITY, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A TENTH-ORDER HYBRID BLOCK METHOD FOR SOLVING FIFTH-ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS, Stabilité et convergence des méthodes spectrales polynômiales. Application à l'équation d'advection, Finite element solution of quasistationary nonlinear magnetic field, Recursive Collocation for the Numerical Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, Adaptive Numerical Methods With Arbitrary Fixed Samplings, On the efficiency of a class of a-stable methods, Predictor-corrector mode for symmetric multistep methods with non-vanishing interval of periodicity, A functionally-fitted block hybrid Falkner method for Kepler equations and related problems, Load aliasing—A new additional test concept for effective control of nonhomogeneous high‐frequency behavior in linear multistep methods, Multistep Runge-Kutta methods for Volterra integro-differential equations, Efficient numerical pricing of American options based on multiple shooting method: a PDE approach, Third (fourth) order accurate two-step super-stable cubic spline polynomial approximation for the second order non-linear initial-value problems, Fractional second linear multistep methods: the explicit forms for solving fractional differential equations and stability analysis, A new continuous hybrid block method with one optimal intrastep point through interpolation and collocation, Compact schemes in time with applications to partial differential equations, A trigonometrically fitted intra-step block Falkner method for the direct integration of second-order delay differential equations with oscillatory solutions, Optimal implicit single-step time integration methods with equivalence to the second-order-type linear multistep methods for structural dynamics: accuracy analysis based on an analytical framework, Boole's Strategy in Multistep Block Method for Volterra Integro-Differential Equation, The barycentric rational predictor-corrector schemes for Volterra integral equations, Numerical solution of time dependent nonlinear partial differential equations using a novel block method coupled with compact finite difference schemes, A reactive-transport phase-field modelling approach of chemo-assisted cracking in saturated sandstone, A stiff-cut splitting technique for stiff semi-linear systems of differential equations, A stochastic method for solving time-fractional differential equations, The Implicit Multistep Block Method with An Off-step Point for Initial Value Problems of Neutral Delay Volterra Integro-differential Equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Chebyshev's approximation algorithms and applications, Coefficients for studying one-step rational schemes for IVPs in ODEs. 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