DOI10.1007/BF02564452zbMath0626.16008MaRDI QIDQ580483
Dieter Happel
Publication date: 1987
Published in: Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL:
Invariance of selfinjective algebras of quasitilted type under stable equivalences.,
A parameterization of the canonical bases of affine modified quantized enveloping algebras,
Iterated tilted algebras of type \({\tilde {\mathbb A}}_ n\),
Derived equivalence classification of weakly symmetric algebras of Euclidean type.,
Shapes of Auslander-Reiten triangles,
Minimal model of Ginzburg algebras,
Tilting modules under special base changes,
A classification theorem for \(t\)-structures,
Universal Galois coverings of self-injective algebras by repetitive algebras and Hochschild cohomology,
Cluster categories for algebras of global dimension 2 and quivers with potential.,
Derived equivalence classification of one-parametric self-injective algebras.,
A covering technique for derived equivalence,
Factors of wild, concealed algebras,
The Auslander-Reiten formula for complexes of modules.,
Methods to determine Coxeter polynomials,
The Grothendieck groups and stable equivalences of mesh algebras,
Folding derived categories with Frobenius functors.,
A categorification of non-crossing partitions,
Derived equivalence classification of symmetric algebras of domestic type,
Consistent algebras and special tilting sequences,
Algebraic stratification in representation categories,
The Auslander-Reiten quiver of a Poincaré duality space,
t-structures in the derived category of representations of quivers,
Root categories and simple Lie algebras,
Cluster-tilted algebras are Gorenstein and stably Calabi-Yau,
\(P\)-critical integral quadratic forms and positive unit forms: an algorithmic approach,
Invariance and localization for cyclic homology of DG algebras,
Exchange graphs and Ext quivers,
Tilting modules of affine quasi-hereditary algebras,
The almost split triangles for perfect complexes over gentle algebras.,
Derived equivalences from mutations of quivers with potential,
Irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category.,
The periodicity conjecture for pairs of Dynkin diagrams,
Graded cluster algebras,
On the levels of maps and topological realization of objects in a triangulated category,
A derived equivalence between cluster equivalent algebras.,
On the Hall algebra of an elliptic curve. I.,
Upper and lower bounds of the (co)chain type level of a space,
Existence of Auslander-Reiten sequences in subcategories.,
Tilting theory for trees via stable homotopy theory,
On root categories of finite-dimensional algebras,
Derived equivalences for tame weakly symmetric algebras having only periodic modules.,
Resolutions of mesh algebras: periodicity and Calabi-Yau dimensions.,
Hall algebras of odd periodic triangulated categories.,
A proof of the strong no loop conjecture.,
Finiteness of the strong global dimension of radical square zero algebras.,
Composite of irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category.,
Tame generalized canonical algebras.,
Compactly generated relative stable categories.,
Stability conditions and quantum dilogarithm identities for Dynkin quivers,
Tilting complexes, perpendicular categories and recollements of derived module categories of rings,
Localization of triangulated categories and derived categories,
Perpendicular categories with applications to representations and sheaves,
Cartan matrices and Grothendieck groups of stable categories,
Cotilting modules and homological ring epimorphisms,
Auslander-Reiten \((d + 2)\)-angles in subcategories and a \((d + 2)\)-angulated generalisation of a theorem by Brüning,
$K$-theoretic obstructions to bounded $t$-structures,
Generalized tilting theory,
Realisation functors in tilting theory,
The bar derived category of a curved dg algebra,
A family of algebras with two simple modules and Fibonacci numbers,
Grothendieck groups of subcategories,
Derived categories of graded gentle one-cycle algebras,
Brauer-Thrall type theorems for derived module categories,
Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians via Nakajima categories,
Hermitian \(K\)-theory, derived equivalences and Karoubi's fundamental theorem,
Constructing equivariant vector bundles via the BGG correspondence,
Moduli stacks of Serre stable representations in tilting theory,
The bounded derived categories of an algebra with radical squared zero,
Étale twists in noncommutative algebraic geometry and the twisted Brauer space,
Generalized Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand functors,
The Coxeter transformation on cominuscule posets,
On the relation between cluster and classical tilting.,
\(t\)-structures on the bounded derived category of the Kronecker algebra,
Lifting and restricting recollement data,
Positive Galois coverings of self-injective algebras.,
Mesh geometries of root orbits of integral quadratic forms,
Antisymmetric characters and Fourier duality,
A recollement construction of Gorenstein derived categories,
Q-data and representation theory of untwisted quantum affine algebras,
Tilting theory via stable homotopy theory,
Parametrizing recollement data for triangulated categories,
A category of kernels for equivariant factorizations. II: Further implications,
Ptolemy diagrams and torsion pairs in the cluster categories of Dynkin type \(D\),
Dualities from iterated tilting,
Lie algebras arising from 1-cyclic perfect complexes,
Auslander-Reiten theory on the homotopy category of projective modules.,
Quadratic forms and iterated tilted algebras,
Graded quiver varieties and singularities of normalized R-matrices for fundamental modules,
Chain complexes and stable categories,
Applications of contravariantly finite subcategories,
Forms of algebras stably equivalent to self-injective algebras of polynomial growth,
Algebras with cycle-finite derived categories,
Categorification of skew-symmetrizable cluster algebras,
Compact DG modules and Gorenstein DG algebras.,
On the relative homology of cleft extensions of rings and abelian categories,
On the cyclic homology of exact categories,
Relations for the Grothendieck groups of triangulated categories,
Stable equivalence for self-injective algebras and a generalization of tilting modules,
Abstract representation theory of Dynkin quivers of type \(A\),
Short Chains and Regular Components,
Isomorphisms among quantum Grothendieck rings and propagation of positivity,
Green groupoids of 2-Calabi–Yau categories, derived Picard actions, and hyperplane arrangements,
A 2-Calabi-Yau realization of finite-type cluster algebras with universal coefficients,
Report on locally finite triangulated categories,
Mutation of torsion pairs in cluster categories of Dynkin type \(D\),
The simple connectedness of tame algebras with separating almost cyclic coherent Auslander-Reiten components,
Realizability of modules over Tate cohomology,
Locally finite triangulated categories.,
Quiver varieties and Hall algebras,
Almost split sequences in tri-exact categories,
Derived invariance of support varieties,
Algebras stably equivalent to selfinjective special biserial algebras,
Deriving DG categories,
On algorithmic Coxeter spectral analysis of positive posets,
Auslander-Reiten triangles in subcategories,
Igusa-Todorov functions for Artin algebras,
Derived representation type and cleaving functors,
Abstract tilting theory for quivers and related categories,
Hochschild cohomology: some applications in representation theory of algebras,
Derived categories and universal problems,
Quasi-hereditary algebras with two simple modules and fibonacci numbers,
Iterated tilted algebras of affine type,
The abelian closure of an exact category,
Derived equivalence classification of the gentle two-cycle algebras,
On Frobenius (completed) orbit categories,
Hochschild (co)homology and derived categories,
Derived categories of skew-gentle algebras and orbifolds,
The Bongartz's theorem on the homotopy category,
On the composition of three irreducible morphisms in the bounded homotopy category,
Selfinjective algebras with hereditary stable slice,
On equivalences of bernstein-gelfand-gelfand, beilinson and happel,
Relative derived categories, relative singularity categories and relative defect categories,
Schur algebras for the alternating group and Koszul duality,
The \((q, t)\)-Cartan matrix specialized at \(q=1\) and its applications,
Derived equivalences induced by nonclassical tilting objects,
One-peak posets with positive quadratic Tits form, their mesh translation quivers of roots, and programming in Maple and Python,
Cotilting sheaves on Noetherian schemes,
Book review of: H. Krause, Homological theory of representations,
A categorification of cyclotomic rings,
Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians for Dynkin quivers.,
Categorification of ice quiver mutation,
On the radical of multigraded modules,
Some remarks on triangulated categories and Kac-Moody algebras,
Recollements from partial tilting complexes.,
Singularity categories of representations of algebras over local rings,
Embeddings of algebras in derived categories of surfaces,
Desingularizations of quiver Grassmannians via graded quiver varieties,
On the structure of triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposables,
Tilting hereditary orders,
Adjoint Functors and Triangulated Categories,
Transfer maps in Hochschild (co)homology and applications to stable and derived invariants and to the Auslander–Reiten conjecture,
The Injective and Projective Leavitt Complexes,
Exact categories and infinite tilting,
Automorphismes, graduations et catégories triangulées,
Coxeter polynomials and domination of wild quiver algebras,
Auslander-Reiten Triangles in Derived Categories of Finite-Dimensional Algebras,
A Geometric Interpretation of the Triangulated Structure ofm-Cluster Categories,
A bimodule approach to the strong no loop conjecture.,
Almost split sequences in the category of complexes of modules,
Negative \(K\)-theory of derived categories,
On cluster algebras with coefficients and 2-Calabi-Yau categories,
Equivalences induced by infinitely generated tilting modules,
Quivers and Representations,
On weakly directing modules,
Cohen-Macaulay isolated singularities with a dualizing module.,
Stable equivalence of selfinjective Artin algebras of Dynkin type.,
Catégories dérivables,
Frobenius-Perron theory of endofunctors,
Rigid modules over preprojective algebras.,
Derived equivalences induced by big cotilting modules,
A Frobenius category within the monomorphism category,
Higher symmetries in abstract stable homotopy theories,
\( \infty \)-tilting theory,
Auslander–Reiten Triangles in Homotopy Categories,
Generalized quiver varieties and triangulated categories,
Cluster Characters,
Derived equivalence induced by infinitely generated 𝑛-tilting modules,
Combinatorial classification of piecewise hereditary algebras,
Cocovers and tilting modules,
Standard components of a Krull-Schmidt category,
Recovering Quivers from Derived Quiver Representations,
Lifts of longest elements to braid groups acting on derived categories,
Algebras of acyclic cluster type: Tree type and typeÃ,
Modules of finite projective dimension and cocovers,
Algebras stably equivalent to selfinjective algebras whose Auslander-Reiten quivers consist only of generalized standard components,
Dualities for modules of finite projective dimension,
Piecewise hereditary incidence algebras,
The stable Calabi–Yau dimension of the preprojective algebra of type ${\mathbf L}_n$,
Elliptic Lie algebras and tubular algebras.,
Galois coverings of selfinjective algebras by repetitive algebras,
On selforthogonal modules which are bricks,
A generalization of trivial extension algebras.,
Generically Trivial Derived Categories,
Almost Split Conflations for Complexes of Modules,
Derived dimension via $\tau$-tilting theory,
Algebras stably equivalent to the trivial extensions of hereditary and tubular algebras,
Frobenius-Perron theory of representations of quivers,
Frobenius-Perron theory for projective schemes,
Symmetric subcategories, tilting modules, and derived recollements,
\(t\)-quantized Cartan matrix and R-matrices for cuspidal modules over quiver Hecke algebras,
Partial Serre duality and cocompact objects,
Tilting preenvelopes and cotilting precovers in general abelian categories,
The singularity and cosingularity categories of \(C^{\ast}BG\) for groups with cyclic Sylow \(p\)-subgroups,
Auslander-Reiten triangles and Grothendieck groups of triangulated categories,
Preprojective algebras of \(d\)-representation finite species with relations,
Unnamed Item,
Derived Brauer–Thrall Type Theorem I for Artin Algebras