Heterogeneous Effects Analysis of Conjoint Experiments
Last update: 6 September 2023
Copyright license: Apache License
Software version identifier: 0.3.0, 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.3.1, 0.3.2
A tool for analyzing conjoint experiments using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees ('BART'), a machine learning method developed by Chipman, George and McCulloch (2010) <doi:10.1214/09-AOAS285>. This tool focuses specifically on estimating, identifying, and visualizing the heterogeneity within marginal component effects, at the observation- and individual-level. It uses a variable importance measure ('VIMP') with delete-d jackknife variance estimation, following Ishwaran and Lu (2019) <doi:10.1002/sim.7803>, to obtain bias-corrected estimates of which variables drive heterogeneity in the predicted individual-level effects.
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