The following pages link to Ivan B. Damgård (Q1272335):
Displaying 50 items.
- (Q268458) (redirect page) (← links)
- How to re-use a one-time pad safely and almost optimally even if \(\mathrm P=\mathrm{NP}\) (Q268461) (← links)
- Secure identification and QKD in the bounded-quantum-storage model (Q477165) (← links)
- Bounded tamper resilience: how to go beyond the algebraic barrier (Q514469) (← links)
- On the amortized complexity of zero-knowledge protocols (Q744603) (← links)
- Oblivious TLS via multi-party computation (Q826241) (← links)
- Balancing privacy and accountability in blockchain identity management (Q826291) (← links)
- A correction to `efficient and secure comparison for on-line auctions' (Q843370) (← links)
- An extended quadratic Frobenius primality test with average- and worst-case error estimate (Q862420) (← links)
- Two-key triple encryption (Q1272336) (← links)
- On the existence of statistically hiding bit commitment schemes and fail-stop signatures (Q1364901) (← links)
- Short non-interactive cryptographic proofs (Q1590362) (← links)
- Continuous NMC secure against permutations and overwrites, with applications to CCA secure commitments (Q1631329) (← links)
- Resource-efficient OT combiners with active security (Q1690281) (← links)
- Linear-time non-malleable codes in the bit-wise independent tampering model (Q1705709) (← links)
- Compact zero-knowledge proofs of small Hamming weight (Q1753865) (← links)
- \(\mathrm{SPD}\mathbb {Z}_{2^k}\): efficient MPC \(\mod 2^k\) for dishonest majority (Q1784115) (← links)
- Yet another compiler for active security or: efficient MPC over arbitrary rings (Q1784116) (← links)
- More efficient commitments from structured lattice assumptions (Q1796807) (← links)
- Adaptive versus non-adaptive security of multi-party protocols (Q1882568) (← links)
- Practical and provably secure release of a secret and exchange of signatures (Q1903345) (← links)
- Black-box transformations from passive to covert security with public verifiability (Q2096543) (← links)
- Fast threshold ECDSA with honest majority (Q2106655) (← links)
- Stronger security and constructions of multi-designated verifier signatures (Q2119047) (← links)
- Broadcast-optimal two round MPC with an honest majority (Q2128559) (← links)
- Efficient information-theoretic secure multiparty computation over \(\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}\) via Galois rings (Q2175924) (← links)
- Efficient UC commitment extension with homomorphism for free (and applications) (Q2176667) (← links)
- Proofs of replicated storage without timing assumptions (Q2181856) (← links)
- Communication lower bounds for statistically secure MPC, with or without preprocessing (Q2304978) (← links)
- Stronger leakage-resilient and non-malleable secret sharing schemes for general access structures (Q2304992) (← links)
- Homomorphic encryption and secure comparison (Q2379113) (← links)
- Efficient algorithms for the gcd and cubic residuosity in the ring of Eisenstein integers (Q2456564) (← links)
- Asymptotically good multiplicative LSSS over Galois rings and applications to MPC over \(\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z} \) (Q2691584) (← links)
- Information-theoretically secure MPC against mixed dynamic adversaries (Q2695650) (← links)
- (Q2707429) (← links)
- (Q2724587) (← links)
- (Q2778847) (← links)
- (Q2778854) (← links)
- Efficient Leakage Resilient Circuit Compilers (Q2790050) (← links)
- Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation from LWE (via Equivocal FHE) (Q2798800) (← links)
- On Public Key Encryption from Noisy Codewords (Q2798809) (← links)
- Non-Interactive Verifiable Secret Sharing for Monotone Circuits (Q2814710) (← links)
- Fast Oblivious AES A Dedicated Application of the MiniMac Protocol (Q2814712) (← links)
- Better Preprocessing for Secure Multiparty Computation (Q2822679) (← links)
- On the Communication Required for Unconditionally Secure Multiplication (Q2829225) (← links)
- Rate-1, Linear Time and Additively Homomorphic UC Commitments (Q2829947) (← links)
- Efficient Multiparty Protocols via Log-Depth Threshold Formulae (Q2849395) (← links)
- Unconditionally Secure and Universally Composable Commitments from Physical Assumptions (Q2867148) (← links)
- Bounded Tamper Resilience: How to Go beyond the Algebraic Barrier (Q2867150) (← links)
- Secure Key Management in the Cloud (Q2870099) (← links)