The following pages link to Scotch (Q19834):
Displaying 50 items.
- A Fully Asynchronous Multifrontal Solver Using Distributed Dynamic Scheduling (Q71526) (← links)
- Spectral Schur complement techniques for symmetric eigenvalue problems (Q333596) (← links)
- A fast nested dissection solver for Cartesian 3D elliptic problems using hierarchical matrices (Q348573) (← links)
- A robust inversion method for quantitative 3D shape reconstruction from coaxial eddy current measurements (Q514437) (← links)
- Partitioning (hierarchically clustered) complex networks via size-constrained graph clustering (Q525113) (← links)
- A review of element-based Galerkin methods for numerical weather prediction: finite elements, spectral elements, and discontinuous Galerkin (Q525344) (← links)
- Time-dependent SHARC-routing (Q547279) (← links)
- Large-scale 3D random polycrystals for the finite element method: generation, meshing and remeshing (Q653722) (← links)
- A fully coupled RANS Spalart-Allmaras SUPG formulation for turbulent compressible flows on stretched-unstructured grids (Q695924) (← links)
- Multilevel refinement for combinatorial optimisation problems (Q702735) (← links)
- Local expansion concepts for detecting transport barriers in dynamical systems (Q718062) (← links)
- Application of adaptively refined unstructured grids in DSMC to shock wave simulations (Q720928) (← links)
- An exact combinatorial algorithm for minimum graph bisection (Q747771) (← links)
- A unified framework of multi-objective cost functions for partitioning unstructured finite element meshes (Q837714) (← links)
- Upper bounds on the bisection width of 3- and 4-regular graphs (Q849636) (← links)
- Compact mathematical formulation for graph partitioning (Q959488) (← links)
- Graph partitioning based methods and tools for scientific computing (Q1392232) (← links)
- Shape-optimized mesh partitioning and load balancing for parallel adaptive FEM (Q1583338) (← links)
- Quality matching and local improvement for multilevel graph-partitioning (Q1583343) (← links)
- Heterogeneous computing on mixed unstructured grids with pyfr (Q1645961) (← links)
- Decomposition in multidimensional Boolean-optimization problems with sparse matrices (Q1647455) (← links)
- Adapting and optimising fluidity for high-fidelity coastal modelling (Q1649846) (← links)
- Newmark local time stepping on high-performance computing architectures (Q1685257) (← links)
- A physics-motivated centroidal Voronoi particle domain decomposition method (Q1685464) (← links)
- An interior-point implementation developed and tuned for radiation therapy treatment planning (Q1687310) (← links)
- New parallel sparse direct solvers for multicore architectures (Q1736591) (← links)
- New challenges in dynamic load balancing (Q1765341) (← links)
- A prefix code matching parallel load-balancing method for solution-adaptive unstructured finite element graphs on distributed memory multicomputers (Q1976385) (← links)
- Parallel multiprojection preconditioned methods based on subspace compression (Q1992526) (← links)
- An overlapping domain decomposition method for large-scale problems (Q1993649) (← links)
- Parallel high-order resolution of the shallow-water equations on real large-scale meshes with complex bathymetries (Q2088353) (← links)
- On the impact of heterogeneity-aware mesh partitioning and non-contributing computation removal on parallel reservoir simulations (Q2138219) (← links)
- Conservative explicit local time-stepping schemes for the shallow water equations (Q2214581) (← links)
- Lossy compression techniques supporting unsteady adjoint on 2D/3D unstructured grids (Q2246378) (← links)
- The effect of graph partitioning techniques on parallel block FSAI preconditioning: a computational study (Q2340362) (← links)
- Parallel technology for numerical modeling of fluid dynamics problems by high-accuracy algorithms (Q2354487) (← links)
- Parallel adaptive simplical re-meshing for deforming domain CFD computations (Q2374637) (← links)
- A fast block low-rank dense solver with applications to finite-element matrices (Q2374895) (← links)
- Automatically optimized core mapping to subdomains of domain decomposition method on multicore parallel environments (Q2446620) (← links)
- Adaptive atmospheric modeling. Key techniques in grid generation, data structures, and numerical operations with applications (Q2500518) (← links)
- Finding optimal solutions to the graph partitioning problem with heuristic search (Q2502154) (← links)
- Compressed hierarchical Schur algorithm for frequency-domain analysis of photonic structures (Q2631769) (← links)
- High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with MPI on a large GPU cluster (Q2638279) (← links)
- A supplementary strategy for coarsening in algebraic multigrid (Q2662645) (← links)
- Multiphysics Computational Modeling in $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{C}}\mathbf{Heart}$ (Q2810329) (← links)
- Candidate Sets for Alternative Routes in Road Networks (Q2828197) (← links)
- An Efficient Multicore Implementation of a Novel HSS-Structured Multifrontal Solver Using Randomized Sampling (Q2830621) (← links)
- Fine-Grained Multithreading for the Multifrontal $QR$ Factorization of Sparse Matrices (Q2855667) (← links)
- Application of an elastoplastic spectral-element method to 3D slope stability analysis (Q2911852) (← links)
- Preconditioners for Schwarz relaxation methods applied to differential algebraic equations (Q2935394) (← links)