Maurice A. De Gosson

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zbMath Open de-gosson.maurice-aWikidataQ6792812 ScholiaQ6792812MaRDI QIDQ474895

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Toeplitz density operators and their separability properties2024-08-21Paper
Symplectic and Lagrangian polar duality; applications to quantum harmonic analysis2024-07-01Paper
Polar duality and the reconstruction of quantum covariance matrices from partial data2024-06-25Paper
A metaplectic perspective of uncertainty principles in the linear canonical transform domain2024-05-30Paper
On the Wigner distribution of the reduced density matrix2024-02-02Paper
Geometric quantum states and Lagrangian polar duality: quantum mechanics without wavefunctions2024-01-16Paper
Phase spaces, parity operators, and the Born-Jordan distribution2023-11-06Paper
Symplectic and Lagrangian Polar Duality; Applications to Quantum Information Geometry2023-09-14Paper
Pointillisme à la Signac and construction of a quantum fiber bundle over convex bodies2023-07-13Paper
Reconstruction of Gaussian Quantum States from Ideal Position Measurements: Beyond Pauli's Problem, I2023-01-29Paper
Entanglement of Bipartite Gaussian States: a Simple Criterion and its Geometric Interpretation2022-10-04Paper
Toeplitz Density Operators and their Separability Properties2022-09-16Paper
Polar duality between pairs of transversal Lagrangian planes; applications to uncertainty principles2022-08-24Paper
Continuity properties for Born-Jordan operators with symbols in Hörmander classes and modulation spaces2022-07-05Paper
Symplectic Polar Duality, Quantum Blobs, and Generalized Gaussians2022-06-13Paper
Symplectic Radon Transform and the Metaplectic Representation2022-04-14Paper
Partial traces and the geometry of entanglement: Sufficient conditions for the separability of Gaussian states2022-04-08Paper
A Few Almost Trivial Notes on the Symplectic Radon Transform and the Tomographic Picture of Quantum Mechanics2022-03-31Paper
The role of geometric and dynamical phases in the Dirac-Bohm picture2022-03-25Paper
Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm2022-01-26Paper
Generalized anti-Wick quantum states2022-01-05Paper
Signal Analysis Using Born–Jordan-Type Distributions2022-01-04Paper
Symplectic coarse-grained dynamics: chalkboard motion in classical and quantum mechanics2021-11-29Paper
On the positivity of trace class operators2021-11-24Paper
Quantum polar duality and the symplectic camel: a new geometric approach to quantization2021-11-09Paper
Polar Duality Between Pairs of Transverse Lagrangian Planes. Applications to Uncertainty Principles2021-10-26Paper
Gaussian quantum states can be disentangled using symplectic rotations2021-07-07Paper
Quantum harmonic analysis. An introduction2021-06-01Paper
On the Non-Uniqueness of Statistical Ensembles Defining a Density Operator and a Class of Mixed Quantum States with Integrable Wigner Distribution2021-03-09Paper
Symplectic coarse-grained classical and semclassical evolution of subsystems: New theoretical approach2020-12-17Paper
Quantum Harmonic Analysis of the Density Matrix2020-11-18Paper
On the disentanglement of Gaussian quantum states by symplectic rotations2020-08-03Paper
On Density Operators with Gaussian Weyl Symbols2020-07-08Paper
Generalized Born-Jordan distributions and applications2020-06-21Paper
A characterization of modulation spaces by symplectic rotations2020-03-12Paper
Gaussian distributions and phase space Weyl-Heisenberg frames2019-12-05Paper
On Orthogonal Projections of Symplectic balls2019-11-09Paper
On the Purity and Entropy of Mixed Gaussian States2019-08-21Paper
A refinement of the Robertson-Schrödinger uncertainty principle and a Hirschman-Shannon inequality for Wigner distributions2019-01-23Paper
Symplectic Coarse-Grained Dynamics: Chalkboard Motion in Classical and Quantum Mechanics2019-01-19Paper
A Symplectic Interpretation of the Separability of Gaussian Mixed States2018-09-01Paper
Semi-classical time-frequency analysis and applications2018-08-27Paper
Relative phase shifts for metaplectic isotopies acting on mixed Gaussian states2018-06-12Paper
Born-Jordan pseudodifferential operators and the Dirac correspondence: beyond the Groenewold-van Hove theorem2018-04-19Paper
On the Symplectic Covariance and Interferences of Time-Frequency Distributions2018-04-18Paper
Quantum harmonic analysis and the positivity of trace class operators; applications to quantum mechanics2018-01-12Paper
On the reduction of the interferences in the Born-Jordan distribution2018-01-12Paper
Observing quantum trajectories: From Mott's problem to quantum Zeno effect and back2018-01-10Paper
Emergence of the Quantum from the Classical2018-01-02Paper
Mixed quantum states with variable Planck constant2017-11-24Paper
Born-Jordan pseudodifferential operators with symbols in the Shubin classes2017-10-12Paper
The angular momentum dilemma and Born-Jordan quantization2017-07-06Paper
On the Positivity of Trace Class Operators2017-06-19Paper
The Wigner Transform2017-05-10Paper
From Weyl to Born-Jordan quantization: the Schrödinger representation revisited2017-03-15Paper
The canonical group of transformations of a Weyl-Heisenberg frame; applications to Gaussian and Hermitian frames2017-02-23Paper
The Principles of Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics2016-12-22Paper
The Phase Space Formulation of Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics2016-12-16Paper
On the Dependence of Quantum States on the Value of Planck's Constant2016-12-16Paper
Two geometric interpretations of the multidimensional Hardy uncertainty principle2016-11-30Paper
Time-frequency analysis of Born-Jordan pseudodifferential operators2016-11-15Paper
Bypassing the Groenewold–van Hove obstruction on ${{\mathbb{R}}}^{2n}$: a new argument in favor of Born–Jordan quantization2016-10-18Paper
Bohm's quantum potential as an internal energy2016-08-04Paper
Stability of Gabor frames under small time Hamiltonian evolutions2016-06-14Paper
Born-Jordan pseudodifferential calculus, Bopp operators and deformation quantization2016-05-19Paper
On the invertibility of Born-Jordan quantization2016-03-31Paper
On the asymptotic behavior of the Wigner transform for large values of Planck's constant2016-03-09Paper
Quantum indeterminacy and polar duality2016-03-09Paper
Born-Jordan quantization. Theory and applications2016-02-02Paper
Deforming the Window of a Gabor Frame: the Ellipsoid Method2015-12-12Paper
The Phase Space Formulation of Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics, I: the Wigner Formalism2015-10-09Paper
Paths of Canonical Transformations and their Quantization2015-10-06Paper
Short-Time Propagators and the Born--Jordan Quantization Rule2015-05-30Paper
A deformation quantization theory for noncommutative quantum mechanics2015-05-21Paper
Hamiltonian deformations of Gabor frames: first steps2015-01-30Paper
Metaplectic group, symplectic Cayley transform, and fractional Fourier transforms2015-01-26Paper
Fermi's ansatz and Bohm's quantum potential2015-01-20Paper
On the prolate spheroidal wave functions and Hardy's uncertainty principle2015-01-09Paper
Born-Jordan quantization and the equivalence of the Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures2014-11-25Paper
Maximal covariance group of Wigner transforms and pseudo-differential operators2014-09-16Paper
Short-time quantum propagator and Bohmian trajectories2014-08-12Paper
On the (Non)Equivalence of the Schr\"odinger and Heisenberg Pictures of Quantum Mechanics2014-04-27Paper
A symplectic extension map and a new Shubin class of pseudo-differential operators2014-04-09Paper
A transformation property of the Wigner distribution under Hamiltonian symplectomorphisms2014-01-08Paper
Preferred quantization rules: Born-Jordan versus Weyl. The pseudo-differential point of view2014-01-08Paper
Born–Jordan quantization and the uncertainty principle2013-11-25Paper
Quantum Indeterminacy, Polar Duality, and Symplectic Capacities2013-10-29Paper
Symplectic covariance properties for Shubin and Born–Jordan pseudo-differential operators2013-07-08Paper
Quantum blobs2013-07-05Paper
Clifford algebras in symplectic geometry and quantum mechanics2013-07-05Paper
Quantum mechanics in phase space: the Schrödinger and the Moyal representations2013-03-14Paper
Weak values of a quantum observable and the cross-Wigner distribution2013-01-22Paper
Fermi's Trick and Symplectic Capacities: A Geometric Picture of Quantum States2013-01-05Paper
On the partial saturation of the uncertainty relations of a mixed Gaussian state2012-11-08Paper
The Symplectic Egg2012-08-29Paper
A Geometric Picture of the Wave Function: Fermi's Trick2012-08-04Paper
The reconstruction problem and weak quantum values2012-04-24Paper
The Optimal Pure Gaussian State Associated with Joint Position-Momentum Measurements2012-04-13Paper
The Symplectic Camel and Quantum Universal Invariants: the Angel of Geometry vs. the Demon of Algebra2012-03-23Paper
Imprints of the quantum world in classical mechanics2012-03-09Paper
A pseudo-differential calculus on non-standard symplectic space; spectral and regularity results in modulation spaces2011-12-07Paper
A pseudodifferential calculus on non-standard symplectic space2011-11-15Paper
On the Fermi Function of Squeezed Coherent States2011-07-25Paper
Remarks on the fact that the uncertainty principle does not determine the quantum state2011-01-20Paper
A Characterization of Multivariate Gaussian Weyl--Heisenberg Frames, (II)2010-12-02Paper
Construction of Multivariate Gaussian Weyl--Heisenberg Frames, (I)2010-11-30Paper
Spectral and regularity properties of a pseudo-differential calculus related to Landau quantization2010-11-03Paper
Zeno Paradox for Bohmian Trajectories: The Unfolding of the Metatron2010-10-13Paper
On the Use of Minimum Volume Ellipsoids and Symplectic Capacities for Studying Classical Uncertainties for Joint Position-Momentum Measurements2010-08-28Paper
On the usefulness of modulation spaces in deformation quantization2009-12-01Paper
Symplectic Methods in Harmonic Analysis and in Mathematical Physics2009-10-28Paper
The Pseudo-Character of the Weil Representation and its Relation with the Conley-Zehnder Index2009-09-08Paper
On the usefulness of an index due to Leray for studying the intersections of Lagrangian and symplectic paths2009-07-09Paper
The symplectic camel and the uncertainty principle: the tip of an iceberg?2009-06-22Paper
A new approach to the \(*\)-genvalue equation2009-04-20Paper
Phase-Space Weyl Calculus and Global Hypoellipticity of a Class of Degenerate Elliptic Partial Differential Operators2009-03-12Paper
Spectral Properties of a Class of Generalized Landau Operators2009-02-19Paper
On a product formula for the Conley-Zehnder index of symplectic paths and its applications2008-09-10Paper
The uncertainty principle and positivity of trace-class operators: applications to density operators2008-05-13Paper
The optimal pure Gaussian state canonically associated to a Gaussian quantum state2008-05-07Paper
Semi-classical propagation of wavepackets for the phase space Schrödinger equation: interpretation in terms of the Feichtinger algebra2008-03-31Paper
The Multi-Dimensional Hardy Uncertainty Principle and its Interpretation in Terms of the Wigner Distribution; Relation With the Notion of Symplectic Capacity2008-03-06Paper
The adiabatic limit for multidimensional Hamiltonian systems2008-02-22Paper
Quantum states and Hardy's formulation of the uncertainty principle: a symplectic approach2007-05-31Paper
Extension of the Conley-Zehnder index, a product formula, and an application to the Weyl representation of metaplectic operators2007-05-16Paper
Remarks on a paper by Cordero and Nicola on Feichtinger's Wiener amalgam spaces and the Schroedinger equation2007-05-08Paper
Abelian gerbes as a gauge theory of quantum mechanics on phase space2007-04-12Paper
A topological theory of Maslov indices for Lagrangian and symplectic paths2007-03-24Paper
Symplectic geometry and quantum mechanics2006-06-14Paper
Symplectic Non-Squeezing Theorems, Quantization of Integrable Systems, and Quantum Uncertainty2006-02-22Paper
On the Weyl representation of metaplectic operators2005-11-14Paper
Symplectically covariant Schrödinger equation in phase space2005-11-04Paper
Symplectic quantum cells and Husimi-Wigner functions2005-09-02Paper
Extension of the Conley--Zehnder Index and Calculation of the Maslov-Type Index Intervening in Gutzwiller's Trace Formula2005-08-25Paper
A Weyl Calculus on Symplectic Phase Space2005-08-11Paper
Extended Weyl calculus and application to the phase-space Schrödinger equation2005-06-21Paper
Schr\"{o}dinger Equation in Phase Space and Deformation Quantization2005-04-01Paper
On the notion of phase in mechanics2005-01-31Paper
On the Mehlig-Wilkinson representation of metaplectic operators2004-11-20Paper
The $lquot$symplectic camel principle$rquot$ and semiclassical mechanics2004-06-09Paper
The Maslov indices of Hamiltonian periodic orbits2004-05-27Paper
Phase space quantization and the uncertainty principle2003-10-13Paper
A Surprising Property of Multidimensional Hamiltonian Systems; Application to Semiclassical Quantization of Phase Space2002-07-25Paper
The symplectic camel and phase space quantization2002-06-11Paper
The quantum motion of half-densities and the derivation of Schrödinger's equation1999-11-30Paper
On half-form quantization of Lagrangian manifolds and quantum mechanics in phase space1997-12-07Paper
The structure of \(q\)-symplectic geometry1996-01-17Paper
On the Leray-Maslov quantization of Lagrangian submanifolds1994-04-21Paper
Demazure-Kashiwara cocycles and metaplectic geometry1992-11-23Paper
Maslov indices on the metaplectic group \(Mp(n)\)1990-01-01Paper
Microlocal regularity at the boundary for pseudo-differential operators with the transmission property. I1982-01-01Paper
Hypoellipticite partielle à la frontière des opérateurs pseudo- différentiels de transmission1980-01-01Paper
Polar Duality and the Reconstruction of Quantum Covariance Matrices from Partial DataN/APaper

Research outcomes over time

This page was built for person: Maurice A. De Gosson