Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Second-Order Effects of Chemotherapy Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics on Tumor Regression and Cachexia | 2024-04-24 | Paper |
Dataset for Mistic: an open-source multiplexed image t-SNE viewer | 2022-02-18 | Dataset |
A mathematical model of breast cancer development, local treatment and recurrence | 2020-11-05 | Paper |
An evolutionary hybrid cellular automaton model of solid tumour growth | 2020-11-05 | Paper |
A mathematical dissection of the adaptation of cell populations to fluctuating oxygen levels | 2020-11-02 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of radiotherapy strategies for early breast cancer | 2020-09-16 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of dynamic adaptive tumour-induced angiogenesis: clinical implications and therapeutic targeting strategies | 2020-09-16 | Paper |
Modelling the spatio-temporal dynamics of multi-species host-parasitoid interactions: heterogeneous patterns and ecological implications | 2020-09-16 | Paper |
An individual based model of rippling movement in a myxobacteria population | 2020-08-24 | Paper |
Evolutionary dynamics of competing phenotype-structured populations in periodically fluctuating environments | 2020-02-21 | Paper |
Mix and match: phenotypic coexistence as a key facilitator of cancer invasion | 2020-02-21 | Paper |
Lesion dynamics under varying paracrine PDGF signaling in brain tissue | 2019-06-12 | Paper |
Evolution of cell motility in an individual-based model of tumour growth | 2018-11-16 | Paper |
A hybrid cellular automaton model of clonal evolution in cancer: the emergence of the glycolytic phenotype | 2018-10-08 | Paper |
Simulating PDGF-driven glioma growth and invasion in an anatomically accurate brain domain | 2018-07-05 | Paper | | 2016-05-27 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of flow through vascular networks: implications for tumour-induced angiogenesis and chemotherapy strategies | 2016-03-08 | Paper |
Modelling of Cancer Growth, Evolution and Invasion: Bridging Scales and Models | 2016-02-19 | Paper |
Microenvironment driven invasion: a multiscale multimodel investigation | 2015-04-15 | Paper |
Multiscale modelling and nonlinear simulation of vascular tumour growth | 2015-04-15 | Paper |
Diffusion-limited tumour growth: simulations and analysis | 2013-03-19 | Paper |
A multiscale model of the bone marrow and hematopoiesis | 2013-03-19 | Paper |
A Markov chain model of evolution in asexually reproducing populations: insight and analytical tractability in the evolutionary process | 2013-01-17 | Paper |
Applying a patient-specific bio-mathematical model of glioma growth to develop virtual [18F-FMISO-PET images] | 2012-04-03 | Paper |
Computational investigation of intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying the formation of carcinoma | 2012-04-03 | Paper |
Modelling the Impact of Pericyte Migration and Coverage of Vessels on the Efficacy of Vascular Disrupting Agents | 2010-03-12 | Paper |
Front instabilities and invasiveness of simulated avascular tumors | 2009-08-31 | Paper |
A spatial model of tumor-host interaction: application of chemotherapy | 2009-08-25 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of cancer cell invasion of tissue | 2008-11-20 | Paper |
A computational study of the development of epithelial acini. I: Sufficient conditions for the formation of a hollow structure | 2008-09-04 | Paper |
A computational study of the development of epithelial acini. II: Necessary conditions for structure and lumen stability | 2008-09-04 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of the influence of blood rheological properties upon adaptative tu\-mour-induced angiogenesis | 2008-03-12 | Paper |
Chemotaxis-induced spatio-temporal heterogeneity in multi-species host-parasitoid systems | 2007-11-12 | Paper |
Visualisation of the numerical solution of partial differential equation systems in three space dimensions and its importance for mathematical models in biology | 2007-06-25 | Paper |
Computational Methods and Results for Structured Multiscale Models of Tumor Invasion | 2006-06-30 | Paper | | 2006-06-14 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of flow in 2D and 3D vascular networks: Applications to anti-angio\-genic and chemotherapeutic drug strategies | 2006-02-06 | Paper |
A hybrid mathematical model of solid tumour invasion: the importance of cell adhesion | 2005-10-18 | Paper |
A gradient-driven mathematical model of antiangiogenesis | 2001-03-25 | Paper |
Steady-state solutions of a generic model for the formation of capillary networks | 2000-11-16 | Paper |
Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Invasion and Metastasis | 2000-10-18 | Paper |
A mathematical analysis of a model for capillary network formation in the absence of endothelial cell proliferation | 2000-04-09 | Paper |
A mathematical model for capillary network formation in the absence of endothelial cell proliferation | 2000-02-01 | Paper |
Continuous and discrete mathematical models of tumor-induced angiogenesis | 1999-11-01 | Paper |