Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Scattering between orthogonally wobbling kinks | 2025-01-22 | Paper |
Influences of modified Chaplygin dark fluid around a black hole | 2025-01-08 | Paper |
Shadows, rings and optical appearance of a magnetically charged regular black hole illuminated by various accretion disks | 2024-09-18 | Paper |
On some quantum correction to the Coulomb potential in generalized uncertainty principle approach | 2024-05-29 | Paper |
Polar coherent states in bilayer graphene under a constant uniform magnetic field | 2024-02-09 | Paper |
Wobbling kinks and shape mode interactions in a coupled two-component $\phi^4$ theory | 2023-10-24 | Paper |
Inclusion of radiation in the CCM approach of the $\phi^4$ model | 2023-04-30 | Paper |
Wobbling kinks in a two-component scalar field theory: interaction between shape modes | 2023-01-06 | Paper |
Wobbling kinks in a two-component scalar field theory: Interaction between shape modes | 2022-07-22 | Paper |
Asymmetric scattering between kinks and wobblers | 2022-02-04 | Paper |
The quantum harmonic oscillator and Catalan's constant | 2022-01-18 | Paper |
Some Recent Results on Contact or Point Supported Potentials | 2021-09-27 | Paper |
Coherent states in the symmetric gauge for graphene under a constant perpendicular magnetic field | 2021-05-02 | Paper |
Supersymmetric Partners of the One-Dimensional Infinite Square Well Hamiltonian | 2021-04-17 | Paper |
The momentum distribution of two bosons in one dimension with infinite contact repulsion in harmonic trap gets analytical | 2021-04-14 | Paper |
The Schr\"odinger particle on the half-line with an attractive $\delta$-interaction: bound states and resonances | 2021-04-14 | Paper |
Exact results for nonequilibrium dynamics in Wigner phase space | 2020-11-30 | Paper |
The Birman-Schwinger Operator for a Parabolic Quantum Well in a Zero-Thickness Layer in the Presence of a Two-Dimensional Attractive Gaussian Impurity | 2020-05-20 | Paper |
Tavis-Cummings models and their quasi-exactly solvable Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians | 2020-05-20 | Paper |
The two lowest eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator in the presence of a Gaussian perturbation | 2020-05-19 | Paper |
Field fluctuations and Casimir energy of 1D-fermions | 2019-11-20 | Paper |
Band spectra of periodic hybrid $\delta$-$\delta^\prime$ structures | 2019-09-18 | Paper |
Hyperspherical \(\delta\)-\(\delta'\) potentials | 2019-06-24 | Paper |
Superintegrability of the Fock-Darwin system | 2017-11-02 | Paper |
Heisenberg-type higher order symmetries of superintegrable systems separable in Cartesian coordinates | 2017-06-20 | Paper |
On the spectrum of the Schr\"odinger Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional conic oscillator perturbed by a point interaction | 2017-06-15 | Paper |
Two-point one-dimensionalδ-${\delta }^{\prime }$ interactions: non-abelian addition law and decoupling limit | 2016-08-02 | Paper | | 2015-12-09 | Paper |
Spectrum generating algebras for the free motion in S3 | 2015-07-29 | Paper |
Hidden nonlinear supersymmetry of finite-gap Lamé equation | 2012-10-18 | Paper |
Hidden nonlinear \(\mathrm{su}(2| 2)\) superunitary symmetry of \(N=2\) superextended 1D Dirac delta potential problem | 2012-09-08 | Paper |
Bloch equation for the canonical density matrix in terms of its diagonal element: The Slater sum | 2012-04-24 | Paper |
A one-dimensional model of resonances with a delta barrier and mass jump | 2012-03-28 | Paper |
Self-Isospectrality, Special Supersymmetry, and their Effect on the Band Structure | 2011-12-26 | Paper |
Bound states and scattering coefficients of the \(-a\delta(x)+b{\delta}'(x)\) potential | 2011-12-19 | Paper |
Two charged particles in the plane under a constant perpendicular magnetic field | 2011-11-25 | Paper |
Solutions of a class of Duffing oscillators with variable coefficients | 2011-11-25 | Paper |
A study of resonances in a one-dimensional model with singular Hamiltonian and mass jumps | 2011-11-25 | Paper |
A curvature-based derivation of the Schwarzschild metric | 2011-08-19 | Paper |
Supersymmetry transformations for delta potentials | 2011-06-17 | Paper |
Classical and quantum position-dependent mass harmonic oscillators | 2011-04-19 | Paper |
Exotic supersymmetry of the kink-antikink crystal, and the infinite period limit | 2010-12-20 | Paper |
Travelling wave solutions of the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation | 2010-11-04 | Paper |
On the local virial theorems for linear and isotropic harmonic oscillator potentials inddimensions | 2010-10-07 | Paper |
Self-isospectrality, mirror symmetry, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry | 2010-07-12 | Paper |
A delta well with a mass jump | 2009-12-14 | Paper |
Elementary systems with partial finite ladder spectra | 2007-12-04 | Paper |
On the density profile in Fourier space of harmonically confined ideal quantum gases inddimensions | 2007-11-26 | Paper |
Factorization of a class of almost linear second-order differential equations | 2007-09-07 | Paper |
Second-order supersymmetric periodic potentials | 2007-08-10 | Paper |
The finite difference algorithm for higher order supersymmetry | 2007-08-08 | Paper | | 2007-07-20 | Paper |
Ladder operators and coherent states for the Jaynes-Cummings model in the rotating-wave approximation | 2007-05-16 | Paper |
Traveling-wave solutions for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equations through factorizations | 2007-02-15 | Paper |
Travelling wave solutions of two-dimensional Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers and Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equations | 2006-10-16 | Paper |
New two-dimensional integrable quantum models from SUSY intertwining | 2006-08-17 | Paper |
SUSY approach to Pauli Hamiltonians with an axial symmetry | 2006-07-13 | Paper |
Kinetic energy and ground-state electron densities as fingerprints of wavefunction entanglement in two-electron spin-compensated atomic models | 2006-04-19 | Paper |
Derivation of the differential equation for the Slater sum and of the differential virial theorem using the Wigner transform | 2005-11-08 | Paper |
Regularized Scarf potentials: energy band structure and supersymmetry | 2005-03-21 | Paper |
Polynomial Heisenberg algebras | 2005-03-21 | Paper |
Darboux transformations for Lamé potentials. | 2004-09-07 | Paper |
The determination of the Dirac density matrix of the d-dimensional harmonic oscillator for an arbitrary number of closed shells | 2004-06-09 | Paper |
Intertwining technique for a system of difference Schrödinger equations and new exactly solvable multichannel potentials | 2004-03-07 | Paper | | 2003-11-05 | Paper |
Intertwining technique for the one-dimensional stationary Dirac equation | 2003-07-01 | Paper |
An exactly solvable model where properties of a fermion assembly are dominated by the highest occupied level: case of harmonic confinement inddimensions | 2003-01-01 | Paper |
Two Dimensional Cayley-Klein Algebras Generated by Expansions | 2002-02-27 | Paper |
Functional differentiation, line integration, and departures from homogeneity of the single-particle kinetic energy functional for one-dimensional systems of N fermions | 2002-02-26 | Paper |
Some specific solutions of a generalized Emden equation, embracing Thomas-Fermi-like theories | 2001-11-14 | Paper |
Confluent hypergeometric equations and related solvable potentials in quantum mechanics | 2001-07-30 | Paper | | 2001-03-11 | Paper |
Refined factorizations of solvable potentials | 2001-01-14 | Paper | | 2000-11-07 | Paper |
The supersymmetric modified Pöschl-Teller and delta well potentials | 2000-04-25 | Paper |
Twist maps for non-standard quantum algebras and discrete Schrödinger symmetries | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
Symmetries of the wave equation in a uniform lattice | 1999-06-09 | Paper |
Factorization method and singular Hamiltonians | 1998-08-05 | Paper |
Wigner distribution function for Euclidean systems | 1998-07-28 | Paper |
Supercoherent states, super-Kähler geometry and geometric quantization | 1996-07-07 | Paper |
Symmetries of the heat equation on the lattice | 1996-06-23 | Paper |
Distorted Heisenberg algebra and coherent states for isospectral oscillator Hamiltonians | 1995-12-19 | Paper |
Coherent states for isospectral oscillator Hamiltonians | 1995-09-11 | Paper | | 1995-03-16 | Paper |
Fermion systems and the Moyal formulation of quantum mechanics | 1994-12-18 | Paper |
Supergroups factorizations through matrix realization | 1994-08-07 | Paper |
Aharonov-Anandan geometric phase for spin-1/2 periodic Hamiltonians | 1993-05-16 | Paper |
The Stratonovich–Weyl correspondence for one-dimensional kinematical groups | 1992-06-26 | Paper |
Quadratic Hamiltonians in phase-space quantum mechanics | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Phase-space propagators for quantum quadratic Hamiltonians in one and two dimensions | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
The generalized Weyl correspondence and time-dependent stochastic processes | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
"On quantum algebra symmetries of discrete Schr\""odinger equations" | N/A | Paper |
The origin of the hidden supersymmetry | N/A | Paper |
Analysis of a one-dimensional Hamiltonian with a singular double well consisting of two nonlocal $\delta'$ interactions | N/A | Paper |
On Some Quantum Correction to the Coulomb Potential in Generalized Uncertainty Principle Approach | N/A | Paper |