The lambda calculus. Its syntax and semantics. Rev. ed.

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zbMath0551.03007MaRDI QIDQ801050

Hendrik Pieter Barendregt

Publication date: 1984

Published in: Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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types and memory, A formalisation of nominal \(\alpha\)-equivalence with A and AC function symbols, Projections for infinitary rewriting, On the number of unary-binary tree-like structures with restrictions on the unary height, Complete restrictions of the intersection type discipline, Fairness, distances and degrees, On the adequacy of representing higher order intuitionistic logic as a pure type system, Confluence of the lambda calculus with left-linear algebraic rewriting, An approximation theorem for topological lambda models and the topological incompleteness of lambda calculus, The systematic construction of a one-combinator basis for lambda-terms, Adding algebraic rewriting to the untyped lambda calculus, Capturing strong reduction in director string calculus, De Bruijn's syntax and reductional behaviour of \(\lambda\)-terms: the untyped case, Some results on extensionality in lambda calculus, Normalisation for higher-order calculi with explicit substitutions, On the expressive power of abstract categorial grammars: Representing context-free formalisms, An interpretation of typed objects into typed \(\pi\)-calculus, Full abstractness for a functional/concurrent language with higher-order value-passing, Diagram techniques for confluence, Reaction graph, Structures definable in polymorphism, A conservative look at operational semantics with variable binding, An algebraic generalization of Frege structures -- binding algebras, Semantical analysis of perpetual strategies in \(\lambda\)-calculus, Orders, reduction graphs and spectra, An algebraic view of the Böhm-out technique, On functions preserving levels of approximation: A refined model construction for various lambda calculi, Decidability of behavioural equivalence in unary PCF, Perpetual reductions in \(\lambda\)-calculus, Generalized filter models, Proof-search in type-theoretic languages: An introduction, Some results on cut-elimination, provable well-orderings, induction and reflection, Lambda-dropping: Transforming recursive equations into programs with block structure, From computation to foundations via functions and application: The \(\lambda\)-calculus and its webbed models, Typability and type checking in System F are equivalent and undecidable, On \(\Pi\)-conversion in the \(\lambda\)-cube and the combination with abbreviations, On infinite \(\eta\)-expansion, Type inference, abstract interpretation and strictness analysis, Combinatory reduction systems: Introduction and survey, A type-theoretical alternative to ISWIM, CUCH, OWHY, Combining type disciplines, A coinductive completeness proof for the equivalence of recursive types, An internal language for autonomous categories, Relating conflict-free stable transition and event models via redex families, Comparing logics for rewriting: Rewriting logic, action calculi and tile logic, Confluence by decreasing diagrams, Consistency argument and classification problem in \(\lambda\)-calculus, The interpretation of unsolvable λ-terms in models of untyped λ-calculus, What is a categorical model of the differential and the resource λ-calculi?, Easy lambda-terms are not always simple, Sharing in the Graph Rewriting Calculus, A Short Introduction to Implicit Computational Complexity, Unnamed Item, Ranking/Unranking of Lambda Terms with Compressed de Bruijn Indices, Regular Patterns in Second-Order Unification, The Role of Indirections in Lazy Natural Semantics, Binding in Nominal Equational Logic, New, Call-by-Value Non-determinism in a Linear Logic Type Discipline, A Realizability Interpretation for Intersection and Union Types, The Prismoid of Resources, A General Class of Models of $\mathcal{H}^*$, Kernel-LEAF: A logic plus functional language, Building domains from graph models, Categorical models for non-extensional λ-calculi and combinatory logic, A Logical Interpretation of the λ-Calculus into the π-Calculus, Preserving Spine Reduction and Types, A Complete, Co-inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State, Rétractions et interprétation interne du polymorphisme : le problème de la rétraction universelle, An application of PER models to program extraction, Automath Type Inclusion in Barendregt’s Cube, Lambda-calcul, évaluation paresseuse et mise en mémoire, Provable isomorphisms of types, Rewriting Strategies and Strategic Rewrite Programs, On Normalization by Evaluation for Object Calculi, Simulating expansions without expansions, Inter-deriving Semantic Artifacts for Object-Oriented Programming, Pure type systems with more liberal rules, Computation with classical sequents, An insertion operator preserving infinite reduction sequences, Safety of Nöcker's strictness analysis, Lambda theories allowing terms with a finite number of fixed points, Towards a homotopy domain theory, Unnamed Item, Graph lambda theories, Metric Reasoning About $$\lambda $$-Terms: The General Case, Unnamed Item, A Type Theory for Probabilistic $$\lambda $$–calculus, Toward a semantics for the QUEST language, Domain-Freeλµ-Calculus, Three Syntactic Theories for Combinatory Graph Reduction, Analytic Equational Proof Systems for Combinatory Logic and λ-Calculus:A Survey, Logic and functional programming by retractions, Classical Call-by-Need and Duality, Game Semantics and Uniqueness of Type Inhabitance in the Simply-Typed λ-Calculus, Böhm’s Theorem for Resource Lambda Calculus through Taylor Expansion, A Filter Model for the λμ-Calculus, Approximation Semantics and Expressive Predicate Assignment for Object-Oriented Programming, Structural recursion with locally scoped names, Measurement-Based and Universal Blind Quantum Computation, Résultats de complétude pour des classes de types du système $\mathcal {AF}2$, Une réponse négative à la conjecture de E. Tronci pour les systèmes numériques typés, Unnamed Item, ASMs and Operational Algorithmic Completeness of Lambda Calculus, LesI-types du système ${\cal F}$, An Introduction to the Lambda Calculus, Abstract λ-Calculus Machines, A Relational Model of a Parallel and Non-deterministic λ-Calculus, An Interaction Net Encoding of Gödel’s System  $$\mathcal {T}$$, Classical By-Need, First-class patterns, Mechanised Computability Theory, BUNDER’S PARADOX, Local Termination, Relating Classical Realizability and Negative Translation for Existential Witness Extraction, A Polymorphic Type System for the Lambda-Calculus with Constructors, A Comparison of Equality in Computer Algebra and Correctness in Mathematical Pedagogy, The λ-calculus in the π-calculus, Effective λ-models versus recursively enumerable λ-theories, Typed Applicative Structures and Normalization by Evaluation for System F ω, The λ-calculus with constructors: Syntax, confluence and separation, Complete Types in an Extension of the System AF2, SUBSEXPL: a tool for simulating and comparing explicit substitutions calculi ★, Proceeding in Abstraction. From Concepts to Types and the Recent Perspective on Information, Unnamed Item, Intersection Types for the Resource Control Lambda Calculi, The Mechanisation of Barendregt-Style Equational Proofs (the Residual Perspective), Developing (Meta)Theory of λ-calculus in the Theory of Contexts1 1Work partially supported by Italian MURST project tosca and EC-WG types., The Theory of Contexts for First Order and Higher Order Abstract Syntax, Comparing Higher-Order Encodings in Logical Frameworks and Tile Logic, Strongly Normalising Cut-Elimination with Strict Intersection Types, Reducibility, Intersection Typed λ-calculus, On a monadic semantics for freshness, Weak linearization of the lambda calculus, Compositional characterisations of \(\lambda\)-terms using intersection types, Remarks on applicative theories, Automorphisms of types in certain type theories and representation of finite groups, λν, a calculus of explicit substitutions which preserves strong normalisation, The conflict-free reduction geometry, Nominal Equational Logic, Term Collections in λ and ρ-calculi, From Functional Programs to Interaction Nets via the Rewriting Calculus, Local Bigraphs and Confluence: Two Conjectures, Sub-λ-calculi, Classified, Complete Laziness: a Natural Semantics, Computational Soundness of a Call by Name Calculus of Recursively-scoped Records, Minimality in a Linear Calculus with Iteration, Context rewriting, Explicit cyclic substitutions, Simple type inference for term graph rewriting systems, Parallel graph rewriting on loosely coupled machine architectures, A generalized Kahn Principle for abstract asynchronous networks, An investigation into functions as processes, A chemical abstract machine for graph reduction extended abstract, Denotational aspects of untyped normalization by evaluation, Realist Consequence, Epistemic Inference, Computational Correctness, A Survey of the Proof-Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming, A correct-by-construction conversion from lambda calculus to combinatory logic, Recursion-free modular arithmetic in the lambda-calculus, Proving strong normalization of CC by modifying realizability semantics, Machine Deduction, Semantics for abstract clauses, Multityped abstract categorial grammars and their composition, Rensets and renaming-based recursion for syntax with bindings extended version, Adding Negation to Lambda Mu, Flexible Correct-by-Construction Programming, Embeddings between partial combinatory algebras, Quantitative weak linearisation, Classical realizability and arithmetical formulæ, Call-by-value combinatory logic and the lambda-value calculus, Finitary Simulation of Infinitary $\beta$-Reduction via Taylor Expansion, and Applications, The average size of ordered binary subgraphs, Parallelism in realizability models, Core Type Theory, Linear lambda terms as invariants of rooted trivalent maps, Reasoning about multi-stage programs, Normal-order reduction grammars, Call-by-name extensionality and confluence, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Psi-calculi in Isabelle, a-Logic With Arrows, Functional Type Assignment for Featherweight Java, Functional Semantics, Clocks for Functional Programs, Programming in the λ-Calculus: From Church to Scott and Back, A Mechanized Model of the Theory of Objects, A fully abstract denotational semantics for the calculus of higher-order communicating systems, Objects and their lambda calculus, Type system in programming languages, The bang calculus revisited, Full intersection types and topologies in lambda calculus, Intersection types for \(\lambda\)-trees, Innocent game models of untyped \(\lambda\)-calculus, Completeness of type assignment systems with intersection, union, and type quantifiers, Minimality and separation results on asynchronous mobile processes -- representability theorems by concurrent combinators, On the construction of stable models of untyped \(\lambda\)-calculus, Weak normalization implies strong normalization in a class of non-dependent pure type systems, On the longest perpetual reductions in orthogonal expression reduction systems, An induction principle for pure type systems, Recursive Domain Equations of Filter Models, Why Sets?, Bounded Linear Logic, Revisited, Preserving Sharing in the Partial Evaluation of Lazy Functional Programs, Taming the wild ant-lion; a counterexample to a conjecture of Böhm, Redexes are stable in the λ-calculus, Classical lambda calculus in modern dress, Clocked lambda calculus, Relative normalization in Deterministic Residual Structures, Effective longest and infinite reduction paths in untyped λ-calculi, On reduction and normalization in the computational core, LF+ in Coq for "fast and loose" reasoning, On the Versatility of Open Logical Relations, Types as parameters, Open problems in rewriting, Confluence and superdevelopments, More problems in rewriting, A termination ordering for higher order rewrite systems, Infinitary lambda calculi and böhm models, Combinatory reduction systems with explicit substitution that preserve strong normalisation, Confluence properties of extensional and non-extensional λ-calculi with explicit substitutions (extended abstract), On the power of simple diagrams, Higher-order families, Trees from Functions as Processes, Unnamed Item, More Church-Rosser proofs (in Isabelle/HOL), A resource aware semantics for a focused intuitionistic calculus, On modular properties of higher order extensional lambda calculi, A proof theoretical approach to communication, The geometry of orthogonal reduction spaces, Labelled reductions, runtime errors, and operational subsumption, Algebras of UTxO blockchains, Execution time of λ-terms via denotational semantics and intersection types, Some properties of the -calculus, A semantics for type checking, Type inference in polymorphic type discipline, Parametricity of extensionally collapsed term models of polymorphism and their categorical properties, Intersection and union types, On the semantics of second order lambda calculus: From bruce-meyer-mitchell models to hyperdoctrine models and vice-versa, Higher-order narrowing with convergent systems, The virtues of eta-expansion, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fibrations with indeterminates: contextual and functional completeness for polymorphic lambda calculi, Storage Operators and ∀‐positive Types in TTR Type System, Higher-order pattern generalization modulo equational theories, Implicative algebras: a new foundation for realizability and forcing, A confluent reduction for the extensional typed λ-calculus with pairs, sums, recursion and terminal object, An analysis of the Core-ML language: Expressive power and type reconstruction, A confluent reduction for the λ-calculus with surjective pairing and terminal object, Collapsing partial combinatory algebras, A complete proof system for Nested Term Graphs, The variable containment problem, Development closed critical pairs, Reflection of formal tactics in a deductive reflection framework, A simple model construction for the Calculus of Constructions, Modal Objection to Naive Leibnizian Identity, Proof Pearl: Abella Formalization of λ-Calculus Cube Property, From Böhm's Theorem to Observational Equivalences, Towards Lambda Calculus Order-Incompleteness, Comparing Calculi of Explicit Substitutions with Eta-reduction, Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction, New Developments in Environment Machines, An abstract monadic semantics for value recursion, An Essay in λ‐Calculus, Unfixing the Fixpoint: The Theories of the λY-Calculus, Remarks on Isomorphisms of Simple Inductive Types, Ticket Entailment is decidable, Unnamed Item, Simplified Reducibility Proofs of Church-Rosser for β- and βη-reduction, A semantic basis for Quest, Theoretical Pearls, Type inference with simple subtypes, Call-by-value Solvability, Unnamed Item, Lazy Lambda calculus: Theories, models and local structure characterization, ARITHMETIC IN THE FORM, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Transfinite reductions in orthogonal term rewriting systems, Decidable higher-order unification problems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The full-reducing Krivine abstract machine KN simulates pure normal-order reduction in lockstep: A proof via corresponding calculus, Reflexive objects in topological categories, Opérateurs de mise en mémoire et types $\forall $-positifs, On the Taylor expansion of probabilistic λ-terms, Normalization by Evaluation for Typed Weak lambda-Reduction, From term models to domains, Characterizations of semantic domains for randomized algorithms, Deriving Efficient Sequential and Parallel Generators for Closed Simply-Typed Lambda Terms and Normal Forms, Encoding many-valued logic in $\lambda$-calculus, Aspects of Categorical Recursion Theory, Normalization by Evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with One Universe, Quantifier elimination and parametric polymorphism in programming languages, Efficient self-interpretation in lambda calculus, Theoretical Pearls:Representing ‘undefined’ in lambda calculus, Residual theory in λ-calculus: a formal development, Taming the Merge Operator, Formalization of metatheory of the Lambda Calculus in constructive type theory using the Barendregt variable convention, The approximation theorem for the Λμ-calculus, Essential and relational models, The infinitary lambda calculus of the infinite eta Böhm trees, Higher-order narrowing with definitional trees