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A geometric view of partial order reduction ⋮ State space reduction for process algebra specifications ⋮ Timed hyperproperties ⋮ Formal analysis of oscillatory behaviors in biological regulatory networks: an alternative approach ⋮ An Event-B based approach for cloud composite services verification ⋮ Verification of \(\mathrm{EB}^3\) specifications using CADP ⋮ Bounded situation calculus action theories ⋮ Model-checking structured context-free languages ⋮ Model checking \(\omega \)-regular properties with decoupled search ⋮ Integrating Owicki-Gries for C11-style memory models into Isabelle/HOL ⋮ Model checking dynamic memory allocation in operating systems ⋮ Invariant-driven specifications in Maude ⋮ Projecting transition systems: overcoming state explosion in concurrent system verification ⋮ Symmetry and partial order reduction techniques in model checking Rebeca ⋮ Action language verifier: An infinite-state model checker for reactive software specifications ⋮ Summarization for 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