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Symmetry-based matrix factorization ⋮ Constructing homomorphism spaces and endomorphism rings. ⋮ Computing isomorphisms of association schemes and its application ⋮ Cohomological Mackey functors in number theory ⋮ Hadamard matrices and their applications: progress 2007--2010 ⋮ Covers \(\mathcal P\) for abstract regular polytopes \(\mathcal {Q}\) such that \(\mathcal{Q}=\mathcal{P}/\mathbb{Z}_{p}^{k}\) ⋮ The contact polytope of the Leech lattice ⋮ On finite loops with nilpotent inner mapping groups. ⋮ The hyperplanes of the \(U_{4}(3)\) near hexagon ⋮ On gonality of Riemann surfaces ⋮ A solvable group isospectral to \(S_4(3)\). ⋮ Geometric orbifolds with torsion free derived subgroup ⋮ Groups isospectral to the degree 10 alternating group. ⋮ Endomorphism rings of permutation modules. ⋮ On Coxeter's families of group presentations. ⋮ Alternating groups and moduli space lifting invariants ⋮ Permutahedra and generalized associahedra. ⋮ The subgroup growth spectrum of virtually free groups. ⋮ Base sizes for sporadic simple groups. ⋮ Plane sextics with a type \(\mathbf{E}_8\) singular point ⋮ New upper bounds for the size of permutation codes via linear programming ⋮ Homology operations on homology of quandles ⋮ Minimal paths in the commuting graphs of semigroups ⋮ On the relative solvability of certain inverse monoids. ⋮ Majorana representations of the symmetric group of degree 4. ⋮ An Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for the derangement graph of PGL(\(2,q\)) acting on the projective line ⋮ Classification of regular embeddings of \(n\)-dimensional cubes ⋮ Schur indices of association schemes ⋮ Mathematical context in interactive documents ⋮ Numerical measures for two-graphs ⋮ On the number of classes of conjugate Hall subgroups in finite simple groups. ⋮ Computing group cohomology rings from the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence. ⋮ Computing representatives of nilpotent orbits of \(\theta\)-groups ⋮ The cocyclic Hadamard matrices of order less than 40 ⋮ Finite group algebras of nilpotent groups: a complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents. ⋮ Regular orbits of nilpotent subgroups of solvable linear groups. ⋮ The logbook of pointed Hopf algebras over the sporadic simple groups. ⋮ Pointed Hopf algebras over the sporadic simple groups. ⋮ The computation of the cohomology rings of all groups of order 128. ⋮ On the decomposition numbers of the Ree groups \(^2F_4(q^2)\) in non-defining characteristic. ⋮ Constructing semisimple subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras ⋮ The mod-2 cohomology ring of the third Conway group is Cohen-Macaulay. ⋮ Bounds for the probability of generating the symmetric and alternating groups. ⋮ Selected unsolved problems in coding theory. ⋮ Symmetry breaking in the genetic code: finite groups ⋮ NCF-distinguishablity by prime graph of \(\text{PGL}(2,p)\) where \(p\) is a prime ⋮ On primitive permutation groups with the stabilizer of two points that is normal in the stabilizer of one of them: case when the socle is a power of a sporadic simple group. ⋮ On the structure of finite groups isospectral to an alternating group. ⋮ The classification of isotrivially fibred surfaces with \(p_{g} = q = 2\) ⋮ On Kummer 3-folds ⋮ Abelianization of subgroups of reflection groups and their braid groups: an application to cohomology. ⋮ Rational groups and integer-valued characters of Thompson group \(Th\). ⋮ Characters of the Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of the Chevalley groups \(D_4(p^n)\). ⋮ Recognizing the characteristic of a simple group of Lie type from its probabilistic zeta function. ⋮ Chordal and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay clutters ⋮ On a graph associated to groups. ⋮ Six-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras ⋮ The duality index of oriented regular hypermaps ⋮ The Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras of type \(\mathbf E_n\). ⋮ On Galois cohomology and realizability of 2-groups as Galois groups. II ⋮ Bifurcation of hyperbolic planforms ⋮ Symmetric groups are determined by their character degrees. ⋮ The product replacement prospector. ⋮ Lefschetz fibration structures on knot surgery 4-manifolds ⋮ Coxeter and crystallographic arrangements are inductively free ⋮ Notes on non-vanishing elements of finite solvable groups. ⋮ Representations of the category of modules over pointed Hopf algebras over \(\mathbb S_3\) and \(\mathbb S_4\). ⋮ Braid group actions on coideal subalgebras of quantized enveloping algebras ⋮ The isomorphism problem for universal enveloping algebras of nilpotent Lie algebras ⋮ Cartan matrices and Brauer's \(k(B)\)-conjecture. II. ⋮ Sampling complete designs ⋮ Normalizers of primitive permutation groups ⋮ Presentation complexes with the fixed point property ⋮ Coherence, subgroup separability, and metacyclic structures for a class of cyclically presented groups ⋮ Quasi-simple groups all of whose non-principal blocks are of defect zero ⋮ The isomorphism problem for torsion free nilpotent groups of Hirsch length at most \(5\) ⋮ Locally toroidal polytopes of rank 6 and sporadic groups ⋮ On a smooth quartic surface containing 56 lines which is isomorphic as a \(K3\) surface to the Fermat quartic ⋮ Perfect commuting graphs ⋮ On the Hurwitz action in finite Coxeter groups ⋮ Examples of quantum cluster algebras associated to partial flag varieties. ⋮ Remnant inequalities and doubly-twisted conjugacy in free groups ⋮ The cyclically presented groups with relators \(x_ix_{i+k}x_{i+l}\). ⋮ Subgroup normality degrees of finite groups. I. ⋮ Character separation and principal covering. ⋮ Apery and micro-invariants of a one-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local ring and invariants of its tangent cone ⋮ Blocks with extraspecial defect groups of finite quasisimple groups. ⋮ 2-level fractional factorial designs which are the union of non trivial regular designs ⋮ A new characterization for some linear groups. ⋮ Galois realizability of groups of order 64 ⋮ On Galois cohomology and realizability of 2-groups as Galois groups ⋮ Properties, isomorphisms and enumeration of 2-quasi-magic sudoku grids ⋮ On generalised \(t\)-designs and their parameters ⋮ The power graph of a finite group ⋮ Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with alternating groups are trivial. ⋮ The structure of blocks with a Klein four defect group. ⋮ Stacked polytopes and tight triangulations of manifolds ⋮ Nichols algebras of group type with many quadratic relations. ⋮ Elementary divisors of Specht modules. ⋮ The trace of an automorphism on \(H^0(J,\mathcal O(n \Theta))\)
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