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On the implementation of a quasi-Newton interior-point method for PDE-constrained optimization using finite element discretizations ⋮ HIFIR: Hybrid Incomplete Factorization with Iterative Refinement for Preconditioning Ill-Conditioned and Singular Systems ⋮ Preconditioning Sparse Matrices with Alternating and Multiplicative Operator Splittings ⋮ A Direct Elliptic Solver Based on Hierarchically Low-Rank Schur Complements ⋮ Space-Time CFOSLS Methods with AMGe Upscaling ⋮ Enhancing Block Cimmino for Sparse Linear Systems with Dense Columns via Schur Complement ⋮ Low-Order Preconditioning for the High-Order Finite Element de Rham Complex ⋮ Discrete conservation principles in large-eddy simulation with application to separation control over an airfoil ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Numerical Techniques for Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Large-Scale Scientific Computing ⋮ A High-Order Finite Volume Solver on Locally Refined Cartesian Meshes—Benchmark Session ⋮ Nonlinear coupling of 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