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Petviashvilli's method for the Dirichlet problem ⋮ HCPO: an efficient insertion order for incremental Delaunay triangulation ⋮ An extended finite element method for modeling near-interfacial crack propagation in a layered structure ⋮ Polynomial preserving recovery on boundary ⋮ Numerical modeling of discrete multi-crack growth applied to pattern formation in geological brittle media ⋮ Unstructured triangular cellular automata for modeling geographic spread ⋮ Flux reconstruction and solution post-processing in mimetic finite difference methods ⋮ Nonnegativity of exact and numerical solutions of some chemotactic models ⋮ Nonobtuse triangulations of PSLGs ⋮ Shape optimization of peristaltic pumping ⋮ Adaptive and efficient algorithm for 2D orientation problem ⋮ A posteriori error estimates for elliptic problems with Dirac delta source terms ⋮ Eigensolutions of the Wigner-Eisenbud problem for a cylindrical nanowire within finite volume method ⋮ A subspace projection method for the implementation of interface conditions in a single-drop flow problem ⋮ Geometric modelling and object-oriented software concepts applied to a heterogeneous fractured network from the Grimsel rock laboratory ⋮ A novel approach to node distribution for 2D mesh generation and its application in marine and ocean engineering ⋮ MULTI2D - a computer code for two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics ⋮ Numerical study of the rheology of rigid fillers suspended in long-chain branched polymer under planar extensional flow ⋮ Global search perspectives for multiobjective optimization ⋮ Risk averse elastic shape optimization with parametrized fine scale geometry ⋮ CoReHa 2.0: a software package for in vivo MREIT experiments ⋮ Crack insertion, meshing and fracture analysis of structures using tetrahedral finite elements ⋮ Inversion of time-lapse electric potential data to estimate fracture connectivity in geothermal reservoirs ⋮ Optimal cooling system design for multi-cavity injection molding ⋮ Analysis of and workarounds for element reversal for a finite element-based algorithm for warping triangular and tetrahedral meshes ⋮ An enhanced grain-boundary framework for computational homogenization and micro-cracking simulations of polycrystalline materials ⋮ A numerical method for mass conservative coupling between fluid flow and solute transport ⋮ Multithread parallelization of LEPP-bisection algorithms ⋮ Direct sampling on surfaces for high quality remeshing ⋮ Refined \(h\)-adaptive finite element procedure for large deformation geotechnical problems ⋮ Triangulations from topologically correct digital Voronoi diagrams ⋮ Remeshing triangulated surfaces with optimal parameterizations ⋮ A faster circle-sweep Delaunay triangulation algorithm ⋮ A high quality interpolation method for colocated polyhedral/polygonal control volume methods ⋮ Modeling wildfire propagation with Delaunay triangulation and shortest path algorithms ⋮ Two-level additive Schwarz preconditioners for a weakly over-penalized symmetric interior penalty method ⋮ Differential constraints for bounded recursive identification with multivariate splines ⋮ Analysis of a triangulation based approach for specimen generation for discrete element simulations. ⋮ Convergence of the mimetic finite difference method for eigenvalue problems in mixed form ⋮ Nonlinear tracking in a diffusion process with a Bayesian filter and the finite element method ⋮ Fully peer-to-peer virtual environments with 3D Voronoi diagrams ⋮ Conservative interpolation between unstructured meshes via supermesh construction ⋮ A finite element method for unstructured grid smoothing. ⋮ Large-scale 3D random polycrystals for the finite element method: generation, meshing and remeshing ⋮ A compressible Lagrangian framework for the simulation of the underwater implosion of large air bubbles ⋮ Large eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using \(\Xi\) flame surface wrinkling model ⋮ Null space algorithm and spanning trees in solving Darcy's equation ⋮ Quasi-optimal convergence rate of an adaptive weakly over-penalized interior penalty method ⋮ Multi-field spacetime discontinuous Galerkin methods for linearized elastodynamics ⋮ Analysis and computation of a least-squares method for consistent mesh tying ⋮ An assessment of discretizations for convection-dominated convection-diffusion equations ⋮ Collision in a cross-shaped domain - A steady 2D Navier-Stokes example demonstrating the importance of mass conservation in CFD ⋮ A Petri net based approach for multi-robot path planning ⋮ A Lagrangian finite element method for simulation of a suspension under planar extensional flow ⋮ Adaptive finite element analysis of elliptic problems based on bubble-type local mesh generation ⋮ Fast centroidal Voronoi Delaunay triangulation for unstructured mesh generation ⋮ Adaptive least-squares finite element approximations to Stokes equations ⋮ Symmetric global partition polynomials for reproducing kernel elements ⋮ Elliptic grid generation techniques in the framework of isogeometric analysis applications ⋮ Path planning with divergence-based distance functions ⋮ Automated FEM discretizations for the Stokes equation ⋮ Voronoi diagrams with respect to criteria on vision information ⋮ A triangulated vortex method for the axisymmetric Euler equations ⋮ Constrained CVT meshes and a comparison of triangular mesh generators ⋮ Off-centers: A new type of Steiner points for computing size-optimal quality-guaranteed Delaunay triangulations ⋮ Residual flux-based a posteriori error estimates for finite volume and related locally conservative methods ⋮ Comparison and numerical treatment of generalised Nernst-Planck models ⋮ A graph search algorithm for indoor pursuit/evasion ⋮ An efficient adaptive analysis procedure for node-based smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) ⋮ Calculation of effective conductivity of 2D and 3D composite materials with anisotropic constituents and different inclusion shapes in Mathematica ⋮ Evolution of anodic stress corrosion cracking in a coated material ⋮ A robust algorithm for geometric predicate by error-free determinant transformation ⋮ Mesh shape-quality optimization using the inverse mean-ratio metric ⋮ Triangulations. Structures for algorithms and applications ⋮ An embedded fracture modeling framework for simulation of hydraulic fracturing and shear stimulation ⋮ A stochastically and spatially adaptive parallel scheme for uncertain and nonlinear two-phase flow problems ⋮ Defects in nematic shells: a \(\Gamma\)-convergence discrete-to-continuum approach ⋮ An interface capturing method for free-surface hydrodynamic flows ⋮ A hybrid variational front tracking-level set mesh generator for problems exhibiting large deformations and topological changes ⋮ Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates. I: Linear constraints ⋮ Mimetic scalar products of discrete differential forms ⋮ Control-volume distributed multi-point flux approximation coupled with a lower-dimensional fracture model ⋮ Identification of subsurface structures using electromagnetic data and shape priors ⋮ High-order unstructured curved mesh generation using the Winslow equations ⋮ The approximation of parabolic equations involving fractional powers of elliptic operators ⋮ Block-balanced meshes in iterative uniform refinement ⋮ Blossom V: A new implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm ⋮ On the non-uniqueness of local quasi-geoids computed from terrestrial gravity anomalies ⋮ On the role of the Helmholtz decomposition in mixed methods for incompressible flows and a new variational crime ⋮ LBB stability of a mixed Galerkin finite element pair for fluid flow simulations ⋮ A coupled arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Lagrangian method for computation of free surface flows with insoluble surfactants ⋮ An advanced meshless LBIE/RBF method for solving two-dimensional incompressible fluid flows ⋮ Discrete gradient flows for shape optimization and applications ⋮ A subdomain collocation method based on Voronoi domain partition and reproducing kernel approximation ⋮ An \(r\)-adaptive finite element method based upon moving mesh PDEs ⋮ Delaunay triangulation of imprecise points in linear time after preprocessing ⋮ Fast randomized point location without preprocessing in two- and three-dimensional Delaunay triangulations ⋮ Extrapolated shock tracking: bridging shock-fitting and embedded boundary methods ⋮ Fast tree-based redistancing for level set computations ⋮ A pseudo-spectral scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using unstructured nodal elements
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