DOI10.1515/9781400830558zbMath1175.18001arXivmath/0608040OpenAlexW2494316805WikidataQ19572089 ScholiaQ19572089MaRDI QIDQ5505172
Jacob Lurie
Publication date: 26 January 2009
Full work available at URL:
Quantum character varieties and braided module categories ⋮
From gauge to higher gauge models of topological phases ⋮
Derived Koszul duality and \(\mathsf{TQ}\)-homology completion of structured ring spectra ⋮
How to glue derived categories ⋮
Degeneracies in quasi-categories ⋮
Homotopy (pre)derivators of cofibration categories and quasicategories ⋮
Local complete Segal spaces ⋮
Enhancing the filtered derived category ⋮
Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Möbius inversion. I: Basic theory ⋮
The Beilinson regulator is a map of ring spectra ⋮
Factorization homology. I: Higher categories ⋮
Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Möbius inversion. II: Completeness, length filtration, and finiteness ⋮
Six operations on dg enhancements of derived categories of sheaves ⋮
Tangent Lie algebra of derived Artin stacks ⋮
Secondary power operations and the Brown-Peterson spectrum at the prime \(2\) ⋮
Iterated spans and classical topological field theories ⋮
Primary operations in differential cohomology ⋮
Local duality in algebra and topology ⋮
The factorization theory of Thom spectra and twisted nonabelian Poincaré duality ⋮
On the commutative algebra of categories ⋮
Profinite completion of operads and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group ⋮
On conjugates and adjoint descent ⋮
Lax colimits and free fibrations in \(\infty\)-categories ⋮
Loop group actions on categories and Whittaker invariants ⋮
An integral model structure and truncation theory for coherent group actions ⋮
Bousfield localisations along Quillen bifunctors ⋮
Integral transforms for coherent sheaves ⋮
The motivic Steenrod algebra in positive characteristic ⋮
Derived 2-functors in (2-SGp) ⋮
Principal \(\infty \)-bundles: general theory ⋮
On autoequivalences of the \((\infty,1)\)-category of \(\infty\)-operads ⋮
Contractibility of the space of rational maps ⋮
Cellular objects and Shelah's singular compactness theorem ⋮
Derivators, pointed derivators and stable derivators ⋮
Algebraic \(K\)-theory and descent for blow-ups ⋮
Descent for \(n\)-bundles ⋮
Poisson bivectors and Poisson brackets on affine derived stacks ⋮
Derived Galois deformation rings ⋮
The semi-infinite intersection cohomology sheaf ⋮
Derived moduli of complexes and derived Grassmannians ⋮
Derived sections of Grothendieck fibrations and the problems of homotopical algebra ⋮
The non-equivariant coherent-constructible correspondence and a conjecture of King ⋮
An étalé space construction for stacks ⋮
Higher Galois theory ⋮
Waldhausen \(K\)-theory of spaces via comodules ⋮
Tilting theory for trees via stable homotopy theory ⋮
A Quillen's Theorem A for strict \(\infty\)-categories. I: The simplicial proof ⋮
Klein-Weyl's program and the ontology of gauge and quantum systems ⋮
Univalent foundations as structuralist foundations ⋮
Simplicial presheaves of coalgebras ⋮
A universal characterization of higher algebraic \(K\)-theory ⋮
The enriched Grothendieck construction ⋮
Cubical rigidification, the cobar construction and the based loop space ⋮
Topological cyclic homology via the norm ⋮
Poincaré/Koszul duality ⋮
How strict is strictification? ⋮
Higher Kac-Moody algebras and moduli spaces of \(G\)-bundles ⋮
A regulator for smooth manifolds and an index theorem ⋮
Affine Grassmannians in \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homotopy theory ⋮
A stratified homotopy hypothesis ⋮
On (co)ends in \(\infty\)-categories ⋮
On the extended Whittaker category ⋮
$K$-theoretic obstructions to bounded $t$-structures ⋮
A multiplicative comparison of Mac Lane homology and topological Hochschild homology ⋮
Stability conditions in families ⋮
2-Segal objects and the Waldhausen construction ⋮
Relative 2-Segal spaces ⋮
Massey products in differential cohomology via stacks ⋮
Incidence bicomodules, Möbius inversion and a Rota formula for infinity adjunctions ⋮
Derived non-Archimedean analytic spaces ⋮
The index map in algebraic \(K\)-theory ⋮
Linear Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization as a functor of \(\infty \)-categories ⋮
Brane actions, categorifications of Gromov-Witten theory and quantum \(K\)-theory ⋮
From operator categories to higher operads ⋮
Equivariant dendroidal sets ⋮
The stack of Yang-Mills fields on Lorentzian manifolds ⋮
On the relation between K- and L-theory of \(C^*\)-algebras ⋮
The \(A_\infty\)-structure of the index map ⋮
Extending to a model structure is not a first-order property ⋮
Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic \(K\)-theory. II. ⋮
Parametrized spectra, multiplicative Thom spectra and the twisted Umkehr map ⋮
Higher enveloping algebras ⋮
A note on the \((\infty,n)\)-category of cobordisms ⋮
Higher cyclic operads ⋮
Homotopy theory of algebraic quantum field theories ⋮
On the Grothendieck construction for \(\infty\)-categories ⋮
Derived Azumaya algebras and twisted \(K\)-theory ⋮
Stabilization of derivators revisited ⋮
The Dold-Thom theorem via factorization homology ⋮
On Drinfeld's DG quotient ⋮
Khovanov homotopy type, Burnside category and products ⋮
Boardman's whole-plane obstruction group for Cartan-Eilenberg systems ⋮
Derived smooth manifolds ⋮
Flat base change formulas for \((\mathfrak{g}, K)\)-modules over Noetherian rings ⋮
Derived coisotropic structures. I: Affine case ⋮
Derived coisotropic structures. II: Stacks and quantization ⋮
The homotopy theory of type theories ⋮
Tilting theory via stable homotopy theory ⋮
The algebraic chromatic splitting conjecture for Noetherian ring spectra ⋮
On inner Kan complexes in the category of dendroidal sets
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