scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3219699

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zbMath0135.28101MaRDI QIDQ5508372

Lucy Joan Slater

Publication date: 1966

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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A class of functions with multi-dimensional Hansen-Lommel orthogonality, A probabilistic proof of Gauss' \(_ 2F_ 1\) identity, Linearization of the product of symmetric orthogonal polynomials, Interpretation of a basic hypergeometric identity with Lie characters and Young tableaux, Existence conditions and properties for the generalized Euler family of distributions, Co-recursivity and Karlin-McGregor duality for indeterminate moment problems, On the solution of a special kind of singular integral equation, Integro-differential equations and generalized hypergeometric functions, Equidistribution of cusp forms on \(\text{PSL}_ 2({\mathbb{Z}})\setminus \text{PSL}_ 2({\mathbb{R}})\), Character sum identities in analogy with special functions identities, Rational approximations for the modified Bessel function of the second kind, Some combinatorial identities associated with the Vandermonde convolution, Some multilinear generating functions for q-Hermite polynomials, Transformation and summation formulas for double hypergeometric series, Balanced \(_ 3\phi_ 2\) summation theorems for \(U(n)\) basic hypergeometric series, Generalized bibasic hypergeometric series and their \(U(n)\) extensions, Cumulative hypergeometric processes: A statistical role for the \(_ nF_{n-1}\) functions, Simple connections between generalized hypergeometric series and dilogarithms, A theorem on generating functions and its applications, An S-fraction and \(\ell n^ 2(1+x)\), Generalized Watson's summation formula for \(_3F_2(1)\), Some applications of fractional calculus involving summation of infinite series, Discrete collocation for a first kind Cauchy singular integral equation with weakly singular solution, Some operators of fractional calculus and their applications involving a novel class of analytic functions, New hypergeometric identities arising from Gauss's second summation theorem, A theorem concerning a product of two general classes of polynomials and the multivariable \(H\)-function, (--1)-enumeration of plane partitions with complementation symmetry, Some families of hypergeometric generating functions associated with multiple series transformations., Ordinary and basic bivariate hypergeometric transformations associated with the Appell and Kampé de Fériet functions, Transformations between basic hypergeometric series on different bases and identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type, Connection coefficients for Laguerre--Sobolev orthogonal polynomials., Hypergeometric symbolic calculus. II: Systems of confluent equations, Certain classes of polynomial expansions and multiplication formulas., Some Clebsch-Gordan type linearization relations and associated families of Dirichlet integrals., A new perspective on single and multi-variate differential equations., Extensions of certain classical integrals of Erdélyi for Gauss hypergeometric functions., On a hypergeometric identity of Gelfand, Graev and Retakh., Automatic generation of hypergeometric identities by the beta integral method., Realizations of coupled vectors in the tensor product of representations of \(\mathfrak{su}(1,1)\) and \(\mathfrak{su}(2)\), Selberg's integral and linear forms in zeta values., A non-automatic (!) application of Gosper's algorithm evaluates a determinant from tiling enumeration, Ramanujan's ``lost notebook. I: Partial Theta-functions, Ramanujan's ``lost notebook. II: Theta-function expansions, A q-umbral calculus, The zeros of basic Bessel functions, the functions J(nu+ax)(x), and associated orthogonal polynomials, Two-loop vertices in quantum field theory: infrared convergent scalar configurations, Application of basic hypergeometric series., Transformations of non-terminating basic hypergeometric series, their contour integrals and applications to Rogers-Ramanujan identites, Asymptotic and generating relations for the q-Jacobi and //\(4Phi_ 3\) polynomials, Hypergeometric series and irrationality of the values of the Riemann zeta function, Finiteness of a cohomology associated with certain Jackson integrals, Some further reduction formulas for certain classes of generalized multiple hypergeometric series arising in physical, astrophysical, and quantum chemical applications, Some results for a class of generalized elliptic-type integrals, On transformations and zeros of polynomials, Inductance and hypergeometric functions, Riemann zeta function: Rapidly converging series and integral representations, New results involving a certain class of \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials, Classical partition functions and the \(U(n+1)\) Rogers-Selberg identity, A triple product identity for Schur functions, Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations, Apéry numbers, Jacobi sums, and special values of generalized \(p\)-adic hypergeometric functions, From heat equations to wave equations: More on transmutation operators, A note on the identity operators of fractional calculus, Confidence intervals for the correlation coefficient, Kovacic's algorithm and its application to some families of special functions, Screw dislocation pile-ups in two phase materials of finite rigidity, Partially ordered sets and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Identities in combinatorics. I: On sorting two ordered sets, A generalization of the Gauß hypergeometric series, The b-transform, Computations and applications of linear hypergeometric transformations, Statistical inference for a certain class of bivariate distributions, A Watsonian theorem for multiple series, The structure of a viscous fluid flow near a rotating disk edge, A simple proof of Ramanujan's summation of the \(_1\Psi_1\), An application of Carlitz's formula, Further notes on the associated alpha-functions and related integrals in the theory of the light changes of eclipsing variables, Tau-function constructions of the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials, The number of rhombus tilings of a symmetric hexagon which contain a fixed rhombus on the symmetry axis. I, Identities for classical group characters of nearly rectangular shape, Some generating functions for the Laguerre and related polynomials, Transformations of multiple \(q\)-series with quasi-arbitrary terms, On the use of Mellin transform to a class of \(q\)-difference-differential equations, On the critical case of the Weber-Schafheitlin integral and a certain generalization, Hypergeometric series related to the \(9-j\) coefficient of \({\mathfrak{su}}(1,1)\), The number of centered lozenge tilings of a symmetric hexagon, Integration over positive matrices: comparative analysis of the Penner model and its modification, Application of the negative-dimension approach to massless scalar box integrals, Orthogonality of Racah and Wilson polynomials, Deformations of \(W\)-algebras associated to simple Lie algebras, New hypergeometric transformations, Summation formulae involving the Laguerre polynomial, A new two-term relation for the \(_3 F_2\) hypergeometric function of unit argument, Cones of cooperation, Perron-Fröbenius theory and the indefinitely repeated prisoners' dilemma, Eulerian numbers with fractional order parameters, Generalized \(q\)-Legendre polynomials, The reciprocal of the beta function and \(GL(n,R)\) Whittaker functions, A certain class of \(q\)-Bessel polynomials, Some \(q\)-generating functions associated with basic multiple hypergeometric series, Comparison of location parameters of two exponential distributions when scale parameters are different and unknown, A \(U(n)\) generalization of Ramanujan's \(_1\Psi_1\) summation, A new type of Taylor series expansion, On certain transformation formulas involving basic hypergeometric series, Proof of some conjectural supercongruences of Guo and Schlosser, Catalan numbers, \(q\)-Catalan numbers and hypergeometric series, Basic hypergeometric series very well-poised in U(n), Zeros of Racah coefficients and the Pell equation, Spanning forests on random planar lattices, Rational approximations of the number \(\root 3 \of {3}\), An integral representation and some transformation properties of q-Bessel functions, On the computation of Lauricella functions of the fourth kind, A \(q\)-analogue of Appell's \(F_ 1\) function, its integral representation and transformations, Euler numbers, Padé approximants and Catalan's constant, Which multivariate gamma distributions are infinitely divisible?, A pair of Calabi-Yau manifolds as an exactly soluble superconformal theory., Partitions with prescribed hook differences, The combinatorics of q-Hermite polynomials and the Askey-Wilson integral, A unified theory of polynomial expansions and their applications involving Clebsch-Gordan type linearization relations and Neumann series, An extension of the q-Saalschützian theorem, On the analytic continuation of certain Poincaré series of elliptic modular groups, Magnetograph transformation in MFD, An incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integral of \(K_ 0\), Association schemes and quadratic transformations for orthogonal polynomials, Generating functions for a class of \(q\)-polynomials, More on the umbral calculus, with emphasis on the \(q\)-umbral calculus, Short proofs of summation and transformation formulas for basic hypergeometric series, Weighted norm inequalities for analytic functions, Brill-Gordan loci, transvectants and an analogue of the Foulkes conjecture, On a unified mixture distribution, An Euler product transform applied to \(q\)-series, Some results for \(q\)-functions of many variables, A q-analog of the Gauss summation theorem for hypergeometric series in U(n), Basic bilateral very well-poised series and Shukla's \(_8\psi_8\)-summation formula, Special functions and infinite-dimensional representations of Lie groups, On certain products of hypergeometric series, On expected factors in reduced decompositions in type \(B\), Differential equations and high-energy expansion of two-loop diagrams in \(d\) dimensions, Two-loop vertices in quantum field theory: infrared and collinear divergent configurations, On a sequence transformation with integral coefficients for Euler's constant. II., Optimized negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) and multiloop Feynman diagram calculation, The generalization of special functions, The use of fractional derivatives to expand analytical functions in terms of quadratic functions with applications to special functions, Simultaneous Padé approximants to the Euler, exponential and logarithmic functions, Kontsevich-Zagier integrals for automorphic Green's functions. I, In memoriam: Mizan Rahman, The 3-loop non-singlet heavy flavor contributions and anomalous dimensions for the structure function \(\mathrm{F}_2(\mathrm{x, Q}^{\mathrm{2}})\) and transversity, The 3-loop pure singlet heavy flavor contributions to the structure function \(F_2(x, Q^2)\) and the anomalous dimension, Generalized Legendre curves and quaternionic multiplication, Doubling (dual) Hahn polynomials: classification and applications, Rényi entropies, \(L_q\) norms and linearization of powers of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials by means of multivariate special functions, Some supercongruences occurring in truncated hypergeometric series, An S-fraction and \(\ln ^ 2(1+x)\), Poincaré series for GL(3,\({\mathbb{R}})\)-Whittaker functions, Poisson kernel and multilinear generating functions of some orthogonal polynomials, Generalization of Bessel and hypergeometric functions, Factorial functions and Stirling numbers of fractional orders, An application of fractional calculus, Elements of q-harmonic analysis, Identity-type functions and polynomials, Transformations of Kummer-type for \(_2F_2\)-series and their \(q\)-analogues, Bivariate classical and \(q\)-series transformations, Sums of reciprocals of triple binomial coefficients, A nontrivial algebraic cycle in the Jacobian variety of the Klein quartic, Integral representation of the \(n\)-th derivative in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces and the norm convergence of its reproducing kernel, On the very-well-poised bilateral basic hypergeometric series, A refinement of Nesterenko's linear independence criterion with applications to zeta values, Triangular invariants, three-point functions and particle stability on the de Sitter universe, Two-loop massive operator matrix elements for unpolarized heavy flavor production to \(O(\epsilon)\), Ultraviolet behaviour of higher spin gauge field propagators and one loop mass renormalization, Towards all-order Laurent expansion of generalised hypergeometric functions about rational values of parameters, Asymptotic method for Dougall's bilateral hypergeometric sums, Recursion formulas for Appell's hypergeometric function \(F_2\) with some applications to radiation field problems, On an identity by Chaundy and Bullard. I, Bilateral Bailey lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Abel's lemma on summation by parts and terminating \(q\)-series identities, A determinant formula for a holonomic \(q\)-difference system associated with Jackson integrals of type \(BC_n\), On the Sears-Slater basic hypergeometric transformations, Hybrid modeling of noise reduction by a negatively autoregulated system, Abel's method on summation by parts and nonterminating \(q\)-series identifies, On a characteristic equation of well-poised Bailey chains, Solvable systems of linear differential equations, Modeling of the radial heat flow and cooling processes in a deep ultraviolet Cu\(^+\)Ne-CuBr laser, On Sears's general transformation formula for basic hypergeometric series, Random matrix theory of singular values of rectangular complex matrices. I: Exact formula of one-body distribution function in fixed-trace ensemble, Abel's Lemma on summation by parts and partial \(q\)-series transformations, Bilateral inversions and terminating basic hypergeometric series identities, A two-parameter generalization of the complete elliptic integral of second kind, Nonnegative kernels in product formulas for q-Racah polynomials. I, Some transformations and reduction formulas for multiple q-hypergeometric series, Hypergeometric functions in several variables, arising from connection problems for meromorphic differential equations, A queueing model and a set of orthogonal polynomials, A q-analog of the \(_5F_4(1)\) summation theorem for hypergeometric series well-poised in \(SU(n)\), An elementary proof of the Macdonald identities for \(A_{\ell}^{(1)}\), A new symmetry related to SU(n) for clasical basic hypergeometric series, A new symmetry for Biedenharn's G-functions and classical hypergeometric series, A q-analog of hypergeometric series well-poised in SU(n) and invariant G-functions, Secondary Whittaker functions for \(P_J\)-principal series representations of \(\text{Sp}(3,\mathbb R)\), A product formula for the continuous q-Jacobi polynomials, Eight-vertex SOS model and generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities, A bijective proof of the q-Saalschütz theorem, A linear Fuchsian equation with variable indices, Expansion formulas for terminating balanced \(_{4} F_{3}\)-series from the Biedenharn--Elliot identity for \(\mathfrak{su}(1,1)\), Euler transformation formula for multiple basic hypergeometric series of type \(A\) and some applications, A zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution of order \(k\) and its applications, Self-organization of knowledge economies, Expansions of the solutions of the general Heun equation governed by two-term recurrence relations for coefficients, On Van Hamme's (A.2) and (H.2) supercongruences, Anomalous dimensions from crossing kernels, The Clausenian hypergeometric function \({}_3 F_2\) with unit argument and negative integral parameter differences, Consequences of the \(A_ l\) and \(C_ l\) Bailey transform and Bailey lemma, Generalized hypergeometric functions and rational curves on Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric varieties, Gram-Charlier-like expansions of power-raised hyperbolic secant laws, Massive quantum fields in a conical background, Conformal field theories near a boundary in general dimensions, Interactions between interleaving holes in a sea of unit rhombi, Mellin transforms of Whittaker functions on \(\text{GL} (4,\mathbb{R})\) and \(\text{GL} (4,\mathbb{C})\), Reduction of a class of Fox-Wright Psi functions for certain rational parameters, Eigenfunction expansion associated with the Casimir operator on the quantum group \(SU_ q(1,1)\), Hypergeometric identities of Cayley and Orr types: Some alternative approaches, Representation of the Coulomb matrix elements by means of Appell hypergeometric function \(F_2\), A theorem concerning a product of a general class of polynomials and the \(H\)-function of several complex variables, CM periods, CM regulators and hypergeometric functions. II, The evaluation of integrals of Bessel functions via \(G\)-function identities, Nondiagonal quadratic Hermite-Padé approximation to the exponential function, Exact solutions of some quadratic and quartic birth and death processes and related orthogonal polynomials, \(U(n)\) very-well-poised \(_{10}\phi_ 9\) transformations, Fourth-order difference equation for the associated Meixner and Charlier polynomials, A hypergeometric version of the modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds, On a class of discrete distributions arising from the birth-death-with-immigration process, A unified approach to the summation and integration formulas for \(q\)-hypergeometric functions. I, A numerical evaluator for the generalized hypergeometric series, Operator coproduct-realization of quantum group transformations in two-dimensional gravity. I, New properties of a certain method of summation of generalized hypergeometric series, Robust linear static panel data models using \(\varepsilon\)-contamination, Analytic continuation of the Appell function \(F_1\) and integration of the associated system of equations in the logarithmic case, New Laplace transforms of Kummer's confluent hypergeometric functions, Iteration process for multiple Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Inequalities for series in \(q\)-shifted factorials and \(q\)-gamma functions, M. Jackson's bilateral \(_{3} H _{3}\)-series and extension with integer parameters, Contiguous relations for \(_{2}F_{1}\) hypergeometric series, Weighted norm inequalities for convolutions, differential operators, and generalized hypergeometric functions, Evaluating Feynman integrals by the hypergeometry, Values of the beta function: from Ramanujan's continued fraction to Hermite-Padé approximants, Extraction of orthogonal polynomials from generating function for reciprocal of odd numbers, Covariant structure constants for a deformed oscillator algebra, Laplace transforms of the Hulthén Green's function and their application to potential scattering, A note on linear independence of polylogarithms over the rationals, On an asymptotic analysis of polynomial approximation to halfband filters, On mini-superspace limit of boundary three-point function in Liouville field theory, Hypergeometric properties of genus 3 generalized Legendre curves, Archimedean zeta integrals for the exterior square \(L\)-functions on \(\mathrm{GL}_{n}\), Some iterated fractional \(q\)-integrals and their applications, Doubly infinite Jacobi matrices revisited: resolvent and spectral measure, Remark on certain transformations for multiple hypergeometric functions, Certain class of generating functions for the incomplete hypergeometric functions, The system of partial differential equations for the \(C_{0}\) function, Multipoint conformal blocks in the comb channel, Scalar 1-loop Feynman integrals as meromorphic functions in space-time dimension $d$, Graham type theorem on classical bounded symmetric domains, Some integrals of hypergeometric functions, The total angular momentum algebra related to the \(\mathrm S_3\) Dunkl Dirac equation, A kind of orthogonal polynomials and related identities, Non-local observables at finite temperature in AdS/CFT, Certain bound for \(q\)-starlike and \(q\)-convex functions with respect to symmetric points, Certain Laplace transforms of convolution type integrals involving product of two special \(_{p}F_{p}\) functions, Numerical computations of infinite products, Some reduction and transformation formulas for the Appell hypergeometric function \(F_{2}\), An entry of Ramanujan on hypergeometric series in his Notebooks, A Kummer-type transformation for a \(_{2}F_{2}\) hypergeometric function, Explicit construction of general multivariate Padé approximants to an Appell function, Transformation on infinite double series and applications to harmonic number identities, On the finite sum representations of the Lauricella functions \(F_{D}\), Some closed-form evaluations of multiple hypergeometric and \(q\)-hypergeometric series, Hypergeometric functions and parabolic partial differential equations, Motions about a fixed point by hypergeometric functions: new non-complex analytical solutions and integration of the herpolhode, Some determinants of path generating functions. II, The dimensional recurrence and analyticity method for multicomponent master integrals: using unitarity cuts to construct homogeneous solutions, Singular solutions to a (3 + 1)-D Protter-Morawetz problem for Keldysh-type equations, Orthogonality relations and generating functions for Jacobi polynomials and related hypergeometric functions, Some hypergeometric and other evaluations of \(\zeta (2)\) and allied series, A generalized formula for the integral of three associated Legendre polynomials, A simplified overview of certain relations among infinite series that arose in the context of fractional calculus, Lie algebras and recurrence relations. III: \(q\)-analogs and quantized algebras, Asymptotic behaviour of certain zero-balanced hypergeometric series, Summations for basic hypergeometric series involving a \(q\)-analogue of the digamma function, Shanks' convergence acceleration transform, Padé approximants and partitions, Some formulas involving q-Jacobi and related polynomials, Contiguous relations, basic hypergeometric functions, and orthogonal polynomials. I, Some simple algorithms for the evaluations and representations of the Riemann zeta function at positive integer arguments, Rogers-Ramanujan identities in the hard hexagon model, The number of rhombus tilings of a symmetric hexagon which contain a fixed rhombus on the symmetry axis. II, Pfaff's method. I: The Mills-Robbins-Rumsey determinant., Saalschützian transforms, On the sampling distribution of improved estimators for coefficients in linear regression, The \(\overline{\text{su}}(2)_{-1/2}\) WZW model and the \(\beta\gamma\) system, All-purpose numerical evaluation of one-loop multi-leg Feynman diagrams, The Saalschütz chain reactions and bilateral basic hypergeometric series., Hypergeometric symbolic calculus. I: Systems of two symbolic hypergeometric equations, Characterizations involving \(U|(U+V=m)\) for certain discrete distributions, Extended generalized hypergeometric probability distributions., Stochastic models for mainland-island metapopulations in static and dynamic landscapes, A Feynman integral and its recurrences and associators, Basic hypergeometric polynomials with zeros on the unit circle, Asymptotic distribution of zeros of a certain class of hypergeometric polynomials, Mixtures of \(t\)-distributions for finance and forecasting, Local smoothing estimates for the massless Dirac-Coulomb equation in 2 and 3 dimensions, On a new class of summation formulas involving the generalized hypergeometric \(_2F_2\) polynomial, Certain transformations for multiple hypergeometric functions, Elasticity solutions for orthotropic functionally graded curved beams, Laplace transforms of multiple hypergeometric functions using Mellin-Barnes type contour integration, Some unified and generalized Kummer's first summation theorems with applications in Laplace transform technique, Analysis of atomic integrals involving explicit correlation factors for the three-electron case. I: Connection to the hypergeometric function \(_{3}F_{2}\), Calculating three loop ladder and \(V\)-topologies for massive operator matrix elements by computer algebra, Arithmetic properties of mirror maps associated with Gauss hypergeometric equations, Sums of certain double q-hypergeometric series, Another method for a new two-term relation for the hypergeometric function \(_{3}F_{2}\) due to Exton, Produktintegration mit nichtäquidistanten Stützstellen, Counting points over finite fields and hypergeometric functions, Some properties of a family of incomplete hypergeometric functions, A Riccati differential equation and free subgroup numbers for lifts of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb Z)\) modulo prime powers, Orthogonality and asymptotics of pseudo-Jacobi polynomials for non-classical parameters, Bailey's well-poised \(_{6}\psi _{6}\)-series implies the Askey-Wilson integral, New curious bilateral \(q\)-series identities, Spectra and eigenvectors of the Segre transformation, A new hypergeometric transformation of the Rathie-Rakha type, Vertex algebras associated to modified regular representations of the Virasoro algebra, Stanley decompositions and Hilbert depth in the Koszul complex, Particle decays and stability on the de Sitter universe, On the gamma factor of the triple product \(L\)-functions, The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system, Certain values of Hecke \(L\)-functions and generalized hypergeometric functions, Three-term relations between interpolation polynomials for a \(BC_n\)-type basic hypergeometric series, The \(O(\alpha_s^3)\) massive operator matrix elements of \(O(n_f)\) for the structure function \(F_{2}(x,Q^{2})\) and transversity, On the solutions of the Cauchy problem for a class of partial differential equations with double characteristic at a point, Generalized basic hypergeometric equations, Adapted multivariate Padé approximation, Hypergeometric functions and a family of algebraic curves, Certain summation formulas involving harmonic numbers and generalized harmonic numbers, Some families of combinatorial and other series identities and their applications, A short proof for Dougall's \(_2H_2\)-series identity, Least squares estimator for the parameter of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck sheet, A new class of discrete distributions, A short proof for Gosper's \(_7F_6\)-series conjecture, Carlitz inversions and identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type, A family of identities related to zero-sum and team games, On two-dimensional \(q\)-differential transform method, Two-loop QED operator matrix elements with massive external fermion lines, Longitudinal vibrations of a Rayleigh-Bishop rod, On the Abel-Jacobi maps of Fermat Jacobians, An identity related to Wilson functions, Acceleration of generalized hypergeometric functions through precise remainder asymptotics, 4-dissections and 8-dissections for some infinite products, Integral transform approach to generalized Tricomi equations, The harmonic transvector algebra in two vector variables, Biorthogonal polynomials and zero-mapping transformations, Lappo-Danilevsky hyperlogarithm and period of the Calabi-Yau manifold, Infinite and finite orthogonal systems of continuous Hahn polynomials, Numerical methods for the computation of the confluent and Gauss hypergeometric functions, Baikov-Lee representations of cut Feynman integrals, Some families of generating functions and associated hypergeometric transformation and reduction formulas, Kontsevich-Zagier integrals for automorphic Green's functions. II, Constructive extensions of three summation formulas for \(q\)-series and their applications to bailey pairs, Periods and duality symmetries in Calabi-Yau compactifications, The \(C_ \ell\) Bailey transform and Bailey lemma, Three interactions of holes in two dimensional dimer systems, Proof of Sun's conjectures on integer-valued polynomials, A relation between triple products of weight 0 and weight 1/2 cusp forms, \(q\)-extensions of Dougall's bilateral \(_2H_2\)-series, Extended hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions, \(\pi\) and the hypergeometric functions of complex argument, Integral identities and constructions of approximations to zeta-values, Linear independence of values of polylogarithms, Arithmetic of linear forms involving odd zeta values, A triparametric discrete distribution with complex parameters, A class of discrete distributions of order \(k\), Moments of Ramanujan's generalized elliptic integrals and extensions of Catalan's constant, A result on \(q\)-series and its application to quadratic forms, A \(U(n+1)\) WP-Bailey lattice and its applications, Some Poisson mixtures distributions with a hyperscale parameter, Extension of a quadratic transformation due to Exton, Symmetry solutions of a nonlinear elastic wave equation with third-order anharmonic corrections, Solving the conformal constraints for scalar operators in momentum space and the evaluation of feynman's master integrals, Discrete analogues of Macdonald-Mehta integrals, Ramanujan type \(1/\pi\) approximation formulas, On simultaneous Diophantine approximations to \(\zeta(2)\) and \(\zeta(3)\), Two hypergeometric tales and a new irrationality measure of \(\zeta (2)\), A unified approach to bivariate discrete distributions, The \(O(\alpha_s^3 T_F^2)\) contributions to the gluonic operator matrix element, An integral equation solution to the Dirichlet problem for Laplace's equation in an ellipse, Laguerre polynomial expansions in indefinite inner product spaces, On confidence sequences for the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution, A class of finite q-series, Rationale Approximation des \(q\)-Analogons der Exponentialfunktion und Irrationalitätsaussagen für diese Funktion. (Rational approximation of the \(q\)-analogue of the exponential function and irrationality statements for this function), Functional estimates and integral inequalities for the Fox-Wright function, Ramanujan's ``lost notebook. IV: Stacks and alternating parity in partitions, On the paper a 'lost' notebook of Ramanujan, A certain class of q-series transformations, Solving the strongly coupled 2D gravity. I: Unitary truncation and quantum group structure, A certain family of infinite series associated with digamma functions, Differential equations, associators, and recurrences for amplitudes, Subresultants in multiple roots: an extremal case, Generating functions for some families of the generalized Al-Salam-Carlitz \(q\)-polynomials, Appell's and Humbert's functions of matrix arguments, Expressions of the Laguerre polynomial and some other special functions in terms of the generalized Meijer \(G\)-functions, A note on generalized \(q\)-difference equations for general Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials, A whipple \(_7F_6\) formula revisited, On generalized complete \((p, q)\)-elliptic integrals, Improved constants for effective irrationality measures from hypergeometric functions, Generalized homogeneous \(q\)-difference equations for \(q\)-polynomials and their applications to generating functions and fractional \(q\)-integrals, Some properties of generalized Srivastava's triple hypergeometric function \(H_{C,p,q}(\cdot )\), Hypergeometric decomposition of symmetric \(K3\) quartic pencils, Sampling by intersections with random geodesics, The polarized three-loop anomalous dimensions from on-shell massive operator matrix elements, Expectation values of coherent states for SU(2) lattice gauge theories, Generalized hypergeometric solutions of the Heun equation, On the discrete quasi xgamma distribution, Irrationality of the values of \(\zeta_p(4, x)\), Massive 3-loop ladder diagrams for quarkonic local operator matrix elements, Supercongruences for sums involving fourth power of some rising factorials, Direct proofs of the fundamental theorem of calculus for the omega integral, Barnes-Ismagilov integrals and hypergeometric functions of the complex field, Parameter estimation for non-stationary Fisher-Snedecor diffusion, \((q,c)\)-derivative operator and its applications, Measuring small distances in \(N=2\) sigma models, Solving the strongly coupled 2D gravity. II: Fractional-spin operators and topological three-point functions., Generalized hypergeometric functions and the evaluation of scalar one-loop integrals in Feynman diagrams, On the gamma factor of the triple \(L\)-function. I, GKZ-hypergeometric systems for Feynman integrals, The polarized transition matrix element \(A_{gq}(N)\) of the variable flavor number scheme at \(O(\alpha_s^3)\), Collider physics at the precision frontier, Efficient quadrature rules for the singularly oscillatory Bessel transforms and their error analysis, On some supercongruence conjectures for truncated hypergeometric series, A note on the Bailey transform, the Bailey pair and the WP Bailey pair and their applications, Extensions of classical hypergeometric identities of Bailey and Whipple, Hypergeometric series summations and \(\pi\)-formulas, A \((p, \nu)\)-extension of the Appell function \(F_1(\cdot)\) and its properties, Appell-Lauricella hypergeometric functions over finite fields, and a new cubic transformation formula, Hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Exponentially small expansions of the Wright function on the Stokes lines, Transformation and summation formulae for Kampé de Fériet series, A \(U(n + 1)\) Bailey lattice, A class of finite q-series. II, Generating functions for a certain class of incomplete hypergeometric polynomials, An expansion theorem concerning Wilson functions and polynomials, Saigo-Maeda operators involving the Appell function, real spectra from symmetric quantum Hamiltonians and violation of the second law of thermodynamics for quantum damped oscillators, Evaluation of integrals and the Mellin transform, Stirling numbers, central factorial numbers, and representations of the Riemann zeta function, Generating functions for plane partitions of a given shape, A three-term recurrence relation for accurate evaluation of transition probabilities of the simple birth-and-death process, Explicit fundamental solution for the operator \(L+\alpha |T|\) on the Gelfand pair \((\mathbb{H}_n,U(n))\)., On Laporta's 4-loop sunrise formulae, Time-non-local Pearson diffusions, Positive alternating sums of integer partitions, Hypergeometric expression for the resolvent of the discrete Laplacian in low dimensions, On a generalization of starlike functions, Hypergeometric solutions to a three dimensional dissipative oscillator driven by aperiodic forces, A symmetric formula for hypergeometric series, Pullback formulae for nearly holomorphic Saito-Kurokawa lifts, Ramanujan-like formulae for \(\pi\) and \(1/\pi\) via Gould-Hsu inverse series relations, Scattering with Manning-Rosen potential in all partial waves, Some summation theorems for generalized hypergeometric functions, A new identity for generalized hypergeometric functions and applications, Generalized-hypergeometric solutions of the general Fuchsian linear ODE having five regular singularities, A family of theta-function identities related to Jacobi's triple-product identity, Some supercongruences arising from symbolic summation, New generating function relations for the \(q \)-generalized Cesàro polynomials, Logarithmic-type and exponential-type hypergeometric functions for function fields, Hankel determinants for convolution powers of Catalan numbers, The \(C_n\) WP-Bailey chain, Extensions of the classical theorems for very well-poised hypergeometric functions, The analytic \(T\)-matrix for the Hulthén potential in all partial waves, Regulators of \(K_2\) of hypergeometric fibrations, A cubic transformation formula for Appell-Lauricella hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Generalized-hypergeometric solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation, On special values at integers of \(L\)-functions of Jacobi theta products of weight 3, Properties of the Appell-Lerch function (I), Discrete fractional calculus and the Saalschutz theorem, \(L\)-values for conductor 32, Demazure flags, \(q\)-Fibonacci polynomials and hypergeometric series, A class of orthogonal polynomials related to the generalized Laguerre weight with two parameters, Conformal field theory in momentum space and anomaly actions in gravity: the analysis of three- and four-point function, The special values of \(L\)-functions at \(s=1\) of theta products of weight 3, Monotonicity of asymptotic relations for generalized hypergeometric functions, Congruence relations for \(p\)-adic hypergeometric functions \(\widehat{\mathscr{F}}_{a,\ldots,a}^{(\sigma)}(t)\) and its transformation formula, Valuation of volatility derivatives with time-varying volatility: an analytical probabilistic approach using a mixture distribution for pricing nonlinear payoff volatility derivatives in discrete observation case, Generalized confluent hypergeometric solutions of the Heun confluent equation, Certain transformations and values of \(p\)-adic hypergeometric functions, On the Cauchy problem for a class of iterated Fuchsian partial differential equations, Summation formulas obtained by means of the generalized chain rule for fractional derivatives, Autocatalytic genetic networks modeled by piecewise-deterministic Markov processes, The Bailey transform and Hecke-Rogers identities for the universal mock theta functions, Fermions in AdS and Gross-Neveu BCFT, Summation formulas for GJMS-operators and \(Q\)-curvatures on the Möbius sphere, Domain of existence of the Laplace transform of negative multinomial distributions and simulations, The generalized lucky ticket problem, perfect matchings, and closure relations satisfied by the Chebyshev and \(q\)-Hermite polynomials, Differentiation identities for hypergeometric functions, A note on triple hypergeometric series \(H_B\) and \(H_C\), The fractional orthogonal difference with applications, Certain new results involving multivariable aleph \((\aleph)\)-function, Srivastava polynomials, hypergeometric functions and \(\overline{H}\)-function, Certain transformations and special values of hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Clausen's series3F2(1) with integral parameter differences and transformations of the hypergeometric function2F2(x), Harmonic number identities via hypergeometric series and Bell polynomials, Two new multivariable generating relations, PREDICTING PATTERN FORMATION IN PARTICLE INTERACTIONS, Recursion formulas for Appell functions, On a new class of summation formulae involving the Laguerre polynomial, The incomplete Pochhammer symbols and their applications to hypergeometric and related functions, An identity of Andrews, multiple integrals, and very-well-poised hypergeometric series, Some curious \(q\)-series expansions and beta integral evaluations, Nonterminating q-Whipple Transformations for Basic Hypergeometric Series in U(n), A \(q\)-Clausen-Orr type formula and its applications, A generalization of the Sears-Slater transformation and elliptic Lagrange interpolation of type \(BC_{n}\), An algorithm for the calculation of the partial wave expansion of the Coulomb-distorted plane wave, Generalized hypergeometric functions: product identities and weighted norm inequalities, Appell hypergeometric expansions of the solutions of the general Heun equation, Open strings in Lie groups and associative products, Terminating ₂𝐹₁(4)-series perturbed by two integer parameters, Two new transformation formulas of basic hypergeometric series, On the Height and Length of the Ancestral Recombination Graph, Whittaker functions for \(P_J\)-principal series representations of \(\text{Sp}(3,\mathbb R)\), On the Exponential Transform of Lemniscates, q-analogue of de Rham cohomology associated with Jackson integrals. I, Further summation formulae related to generalized harmonic numbers, The Bailey transform and false theta functions, A new lower bound for \(\|(3/2)^k\|\), Series expansions for the third incomplete elliptic integral via partial fraction decompositions, Contiguous relations and their computations for \(_2F_1\) hypergeometric series, Rotational Crofton formulae for Minkowski tensors and some affine counterparts, An alternative proof of the extended Saalschütz summation theorem for the r + 3 F r + 2 (1) series with applications, A note on the generalized-hypergeometric solutions of general and single-confluent Heun equations, Pattern avoidance in ordered set partitions and words, Identities for Catalan's constant arising from integrals depending on a parameter, Geometric properties of basic hypergeometric functions, Heavy-tailed fractional Pearson diffusions, Hypergeometric functions at unit argument: simple derivation of old and new identities, The three-loop splitting functions \(P_{q g}^{(2)}\) and \(P_{g g}^{(2, \operatorname{N}_{\operatorname{F}})}\), Unnamed Item, Approach of \(q\)-derivative operators to terminating \(q\)-series formulae, Partial sums of Bailey's6ψ6-series to faster convergent series, Branching form of the resolvent at thresholds for multi-dimensional discrete Laplacians, Jacobi's triple-product identity and an associated family of theta-function identities, \(\epsilon\)-expansion of multivariable hypergeometric functions appearing in Feynman integral calculus, Invariance groups of three term transformations for basic hypergeometric series, Fast evaluation of the hypergeometric function \(_pF_{p-1}\)(a;b;z) at the singular point \(z = 1\) by means of the Hurwitz zeta function \(\xi(\alpha,s)\)., Generalized \(q\)-difference equations for \((q, c)\)-hypergeometric polynomials and some applications, A note on Kummer-type II transformation for the generalized hypergeometric function \(_2F_2\), On \(q\)-series identities related to interval orders, Closed-form integration of a hyperelliptic, odd powers, undamped oscillator, The transition matrix element \(A_{gq}(N)\) of the variable flavor number scheme at \(O({\alpha}_s^3)\), Some properties of Wilson functions, A q-analogue of the (A.2) supercongruence of Van Hamme for any prime p ≡ 3(mod4), Necessary Condition for the Existence of an Intertwining Operator and Classification of Transmutations on Its Basis, Formulas and Inequalities for Some Special Functions of a Complex Variable, Noncommutative Hypergeometric and Basic Hypergeometric Equations, Explicit logarithmic formulas of special values of hypergeometric functions 3F2, The convex hull of random points in a tetrahedron: Solution of Blaschke's problem and more general results, Sum of multiple zeta values of fixed weight, depth and \(i\)-height, Generalizations of Clausen's Formula and algebraic transformations of Calabi–Yau differential equations, Abel's lemma on summation by parts and basic hypergeometric series, NEW PROPERTIES OF THE P. E. APPELL HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES F2(α;β, β′;γ, γ′;x, y) TO THE VICINITY OF THE SINGULAR POINT (1, 1) AND NEAR THE BOUNDARY OF ITS DOMAIN OF CONVERGENCE D2:|x|+|y|<1, Continued fraction of \(e^{2}\) with confluent hypergeometric functions, The transient behaviour of the Moran model in population genetics, Quadratic transformations and Guillera's formulas for \(1/\pi^2\), Sufficiency for hypergeometric transforms to be associated with conic regions, On regularity of semiclassical functionals of class (2,2), Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey type, Variable \(G\) and \(\Lambda\): scalar-tensor versus RG-improved cosmology, Pointed and multi-pointed partitions of type \(A\) and \(B\), A further generalization of mixture distributions, Invariant trilinear forms for spherical degenerate principal series of complex symplectic groups, A Modified Version of Logarithmic Series Distribution and Its Applications, Lattice Green's function for the diamond lattice, THE QCD COUPLING AND PARTON DISTRIBUTIONS AT HIGH PRECISION, Nontrivial algebraic cycles in the Jacobian varieties of some quotients of Fermat curves, Statistical Inference for Student Diffusion Process, On Gauss-Type Quadrature Rules, On an Integral Identity, Integral operators involving hypergeometric functions, Integral representations for Jacobi polynomials and some applications, Certain sums of double hypergeometric series, Numerical calculation of three-point branched covers of the projective line, A new property of partitions with applications to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities, The Jacobi polynomial and some hypergeometric type distributions, On finite forms of Bailey's 2ψ2 transformation formulae and their applications, Partition identities, Generalizations of classical summation theorems for the series2F1and3F2with applications, A generalization of a formula due to Kummer, Five patterns of terminating3F2summation formulas, Bivariate hypergeometric \(D\)-modules, On principal series Whittaker functions on \(\text{Sp}(2,\mathbb R)\), Extension of some classical summation theorems for the generalized hypergeometric series with integral parameter differences, Duality for finite multiple harmonic \(q\)-series, Harmonic sums and polylogarithms generated by cyclotomic polynomials, On a generalized mixture distribution, On convergent series representations of Mellin-Barnes integrals, Heine-euler extensions of the poisson distribution, On a new Theorem Involving Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type of Contour Integral and Srivastava Polynomials, Applications of Some Hypergeometric Summation Theorems Involving Double Series, Unnamed Item, Some summation theorems for Clausen's hypergeometric functions with unit argument, Generalization of spherical Bessel's differential equation to functions of order zero, Geometric Langlands for hypergeometric sheaves, Hirschhorn's identities, Discontinuous solutions to hyperbolic systems under operator splitting, Convergence regions for some multiple Mellin‐Barnes contour integrals representing generalized hypergeometric functions, On Meijer's G function Gm,np,p for m + n = p, Unnamed Item, The computation of multivariate archimedean zeta integrals on ${GL}_2 \times {GSp}_4$ and ${GL}_4$, On unbiased estimation of gini index and yntema-pietra index of lognormal distribution and their variances, Systems of multidimensional volterra integral equations and inequalities, Analytic computing methods for precision calculations in quantum field theory, Multivariable orthogonal polynomials associated with tensor products of the oscillator algebra 𝖇(1), Iterated elliptic and hypergeometric integrals for Feynman diagrams, On integrals involving quotients of hyperbolic functions, Some convolution identities based upon Ramanujan's bilateral sum, Intégrales de Nilsson et faisceaux constructibles, A nonterminating 7F6-series evaluation, Infinite summation formulas related to Riemann Zeta function from hypergeometric series, Enumeration of trees by inversions, Hypergeometrics and the cost structure of quadtrees, Stochastic frontier models with dependent error components, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fourier series for elliptic integrals and some generalizations via hypergeometric series, Modeling Under- and Over-Dispersion Usingq-Analogues of the Poisson Distribution, Generalized 6j-coefficients and their symmetries, Fonctions symétriques et séries hypergéométriques basiques multivariées, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Determinants of Matrices Whose Elements Decrease Geometrically in Diagonal Direction, Unnamed Item, Construction of Approximations to Zeta-Values, ANALYTICAL APPROXIMATIONS TO THE l-WAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION WITH A HYPERBOLIC POTENTIAL, Unnamed Item, BCn-type Jackson integral generalized from Gustafson'sCn-type sum, Variations on a hypergeometric theme, A massive Feynman integral and some reduction relations for Appell functions, Séries hypergéométriques multiples et polyzêtas, Six unified results for reducibility of the Srivastava's triple hypergeometric series H_A, Generalized Srivastava's triple hypergeometric functions and their associated properties, Gauss's theorem and harmonic number summation formulae with certain mathematical constants, The inverse and derivative connecting problems for some hypergeometric polynomials, An application of q-Sumudu transform for fractional q-kinetic equation, Unnamed Item, ANALYTIC PROPERTIES OF MIRROR MAPS, Marshall–Olkin Laplace transform copulas of multivariate gamma distributions, Pages from the Computer Files of R. William Gosper, Limiting measure and stationarity of solutions to stochastic evolution equations with Volterra noise, Empirically Determined Apéry-Like Formulae for ζ(4n+3), BILATERAL BAILEY LEMMA AND FALSE THETA FUNCTIONS, On an integral of product of laguerre polynomials, Taylor-like expansion in terms of a rational function obtained by means of fractional derivatives, A new Leibniz rule and its integral analogue for fractional derivatives, THE BAILEY TRANSFORM AND D.B. SEARS, A Q-EXTENSION OF A PRODUCT FORMULA OF WATSON, Some aspects of the kemp families of distributions, A note on Padé approximations and generalized hypergeometric functions, On the asymptotic expansions of solutions of an nth order linear differential equation, Some combinatorial series identities and rational sums, The modified Abel lemma on summation by parts and terminating hypergeometric series identities, Hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Unnamed Item, Hurwitz continued fractions with confluent hypergeometric functions, A new proof of the M-R-R conjecture-including a generalization, An introduction to hypergeometric functions for economists, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Phase diagram and correlation functions of the anisotropic imperfect Bose gas in d dimensions, Rigid-drift magnetohydrodynamic equilibria for cylindrical screw pinches, Certain applications of WP-Bailey pairs, Corollaries and multiple extensions of Gessel and Stanton hypergeometric summation formulas, Large Scale Analytic Calculations in Quantum Field Theories, EVALUATION OF A NEW CLASS OF EULERIAN'S TYPE INTEGRALS INVOLVING GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, Some identities for terminating q-series, Transient dynamics of an elastic Hele-Shaw cell due to external forces with application to impact mitigation, Effective solution of a linear system with Chebyshev coefficients, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A (p,ν)-extension of Srivastava’s triple hypergeometric function HC, On a generalisation of a result of Ramanujan connected with the exponential series, Analytic continuation of the Horn hypergeometric series with an arbitrary number of variables, Zeros of expansions in orthogonal polynomials, Padé error estimates for the logarithm of a matrix, NEW REPRESENTATIONS FOR APÉRY‐LIKE SEQUENCES, Generalized Hankel operators on the Fock space, A study of q-Laguerre polynomials through the T k,q,x-operator, ON THE VALUES OF CONTINUED FRACTIONS: q-SERIES II, An extension of Pochhammer’s symbol and its application to hypergeometric functions, On the L4 norm of spherical harmonics, On some operational representations of $q$-polynomials, Regulators of K1 of Hypergeometric Fibrations, Certain derived WP-bailey pairs and transformation formulas for q-hypergeometric series, NEW SERIES IDENTITIES FOR ${\frac{1}{\Pi}}$, Analytic Integration Methods in Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction, Hypergeometric Functions and Feynman Diagrams, A spherical rearrangement proof of the stability of a Riesz-type inequality and an application to an isoperimetric type problem, Pastro polynomials and Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle based on a q-difference operator, On the approximation of highly oscillatory Volterra integral equations of the first kind via Laplace transform, ON ROGERS-RAMANUJAN-SLATER TYPE THETA FUNCTION IDENTITY, ON CERTAIN RESULTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES, CERTAIN UNIFIED INTEGRALS INVOLVING A PRODUCT OF THE FOUR-PARAMETER BESSEL FUNCTION AND JACOBI POLYNOMIAL, Hypergeometric structures in Feynman integrals, Distributional properties of continuous time processes: from CIR to bates, Lattice Paths and Branched Continued Fractions: An Infinite Sequence of Generalizations of the Stieltjes–Rogers and Thron–Rogers Polynomials, with Coefficientwise Hankel-Total Positivity, A new class of lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate: Properties and applications, Bifurcations and spectral stability of solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Bootstrapping the relativistic two-body problem, Closed-form formulae for inflation correlators, Supercongruences involving Domb numbers and binary quadratic forms, On the characterization properties of certain hypergeometric functions in the open unit disk, Laguerre–Freud equations for three families of hypergeometric discrete orthogonal polynomials, A generalization to zero-inflated hyper-Poisson distribution: Properties and applications, A new identity for the sum of products of the generalized basic hypergeometric functions, Utility of integral representations for basic hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials, Spectral decomposition of discrepancy kernels on the Euclidean ball, the special orthogonal group, and the Grassmannian manifold, Cyclic Pólya ensembles on the unitary matrices and their spectral statistics, On \(q\)-starlike functions, Bootstrapping one-loop inflation correlators with the spectral decomposition, Elastic scattering of proton from oxygen at astrophysical energies, On irrationality criteria for the Ramanujan summation of certain series, A NOTE ON ROGERS-RAMANUJAN-SLATER TYPE THETA FUNCTION IDENTITY, \texttt{MultiHypExp}: a \textsc{Mathematica} package for expanding multivariate hypergeometric functions in terms of multiple polylogarithms, A GENERALISATION OF A SUPERCONGRUENCE ON THE TRUNCATED APPELL SERIES, First-passage time statistics for non-linear diffusion, Euler-type integral representations for the Kampé de Fériet functions, On Bailey pairs for \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) supersymmetric gauge theories on \(S_b^3/\mathbb{Z}_r\), Zeros of hypergeometric functions in the \(p\)-adic setting, Average energy and Shannon entropy of a confined harmonic oscillator in a time-dependent moving boundary, The Popoviciu type inequalities for s-convex functions in the third sense, Some new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type, The Beta‐Pochhammer and its application to arbitrary threshold phase error probability of a vector in Gaussian noise, On the matrix \(q\)-Kummer equation and its solutions, On a continued fraction of Ramanujan, two and four-square theorems and bibasic \(q\)-Appell functions, Weyl time evolution operator in planar Bianchi-type-I universes, An interesting integral involving product of two generalized hypergeometric function, Some Summation Theorems for Truncated Clausen Series and Applications, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Transformation formula for a double Clausenian hypergeometric series, its \(q\)-analogue, and its invariance group, Three-point functions and operator product expansion in the SL(2) conformal field theory, Arbitrary-order trigonometric Fourier collocation methods for multi-frequency oscillatory systems, A transport process on graphs and its limiting distributions, Reduction and transformation formulas for the Appell and related functions in two variables, Summation formula for generalized discrete $q$-Hermite II polynomials, Some Fractional q-Integrals and q-Derivatives, THE QUINTUPLE PRODUCT IDENTITY, A reduction formula for the hypergeometric function using gamma random variables, Computational techniques in the study of discrete distributions generated by the function3F2, On some aspects of a general class of Yule distribution and its applications, Unnamed Item, HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND SINGULAR SOLUTIONS OF WAVE EQUATIONS WITH LORENTZ-INVARIANT POTENTIAL, Generalized hypergeometric identities with extra parameters, A new transformation formula involving derived WP-bailey pair and its applications, INFINITE SERIES WITH HARMONIC NUMBERS AND CENTRAL BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS, On zero-inflated hyper-Poisson distribution and its applications, An extension of Pochhammer’s symbol and its application to hypergeometric functions, II, On inverse-power Poisson functionals, Some hypergeometric transformations and reduction formulas for the Gauss function and their applications involving the Clausen function, A contiguous extension of Dixon’s theorem for a terminating 4F3(1) series with applications, Some new representations of Hikami’s second-order mock theta function D5(q), A New Subclass of Certain Analytic Univalent Functions Associated with Hypergeometric Functions, Unnamed Item, APPLICATION OF q-SHEHU TRANSFORM ON q-FRACTIONAL KINETIC EQUATION INVOLVING THE GENERALIZED HYPER-BESSEL FUNCTION, Unnamed Item, Modeling over-dispersed datasets using generalized geometric distributions, Incomplete symmetric orthogonal polynomials of finite type generated by a generalized Sturm–Liouville theorem, Some properties of extended $tau$-hypergeometric function, A FUNCTIONAL LOGARITHMIC FORMULA FOR THE HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTION, AN ALGEBRO-GEOMETRIC STUDY OF SPECIAL VALUES OF HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, On Schur's second partition theorem, The Inversion Number and the Major Index are Asymptotically Jointly Normally Distributed on Words, Analytic continuation of the Lauricella function with arbitrary number of variables, On integral representations and asymptotics of some hypergeometric functions in two variables, Values of globally bounded $G$-functions, CERTAIN INTEGRALS INVOLVING THE PRODUCT OF GAUSSIAN HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTION AND ALEPH FUNCTION, q-difference equations for homogeneous q-difference operators and their applications, An order k version of the alternative zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution and its applications, On the Global Solutions of the Higgs Boson Equation, Generalization of a quadratic transformation due to Exton, SUMS OF PARTIAL THETA FUNCTIONS THROUGH AN EXTENDED BAILEY TRANSFORM, Mathematical Models for the Propagation of Stress Waves in Elastic Rods: Exact Solutions and Numerical Simulation, A study of generalized summation theorems for the series 2F1 with an applications to Laplace transforms of convolution type integrals involving Kummer's functions 1F1, ON HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES REDUCTIONS FROM INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS, THE KAMPÉ DE FÉRIET FUNCTION AND ELSEWHERE, Analytic and algorithmic aspects of generalized harmonic sums and polylogarithms, The oscillator model for the Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak {sh}(2|2)$sh(2|2) and Charlier polynomials, Spectral representation of transition density of Fisher–Snedecor diffusion, Differential equations for generalized Jacobi polynomials, Analyticity of AdS scalar exchange graphs in the crossed channel., Non-planar massless two-loop Feynman diagrams with four on-shell legs, Loop integrals in three outstanding gauges: Feynman, light-cone, and Coulomb, Legendre's relation and the quantum equivalence osp\((4|4)_1 = \text{osp}(2|2)_{-2} \oplus su(2)_0\), On certain Ramanujan's mock theta functions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Zeros of hypergeometric polynomials \(F(-n,b;-2n;z)\), Evaluations of some terminating hypergeometric 2 F 1 (2) series with applications, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Zeros of \({}_3 F_2\) hypergeoemtric polynomials, A note on the summation of an infinite series involving a hypergeometric function, Finite sample efficiency of OLS in linear regression models with long-memory disturbances, Asymptotic expansion of a Bessel function integral using hypergeometric functions, Enumeration of Lozenge tilings of hexagons with a central triangular hole, A generalization of two \(q\)-identities of Andrews, Abel's method on summation by parts and hypergeometric contiguous relations, Enumeration of rhombus tilings of a hexagon which contain a fixed rhombus in the centre, Off-shell Jost function for the Hulthén potential in all partial waves, A Simple Algorithm for the Evaluation of a Class of Generalized Hypergeometric Series, Unnamed Item, NEW GENERALIZATIONS OF EXTENDED BETA AND HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, Special matrix functions: characteristics, achievements and future directions, Congruences for the truncated Appell series F3 and F4, Unnamed Item, Supercongruences for truncated Appell series, Supercongruences for truncated hypergeometric series and p-adic gamma function, Some results on the first Appell matrix functionF1(A,B,B′,C;z,w), On zero - inflated logarithmic series distribution and its modification, Some properties of Kemp family of distributions, An alternative version of zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution and some of its applications, Infinite Summation Formulas Involving Riemann-Zeta function, Stochastic Gene Expression with a Multistate Promoter: Breaking Down Exact Distributions, Aircraft planar trajectories in crosswind navigation: some hypergeometric solutions, On a Modified Yule Distribution, A Higher Order Painlevé System in Two Variables and Extensions of the Appell Hypergeometric Functions <i>F</i><sub>1</sub>, <i>F</i><sub>2</sub> and <i>F</i><sub>3</sub>, Unnamed Item, Explicit solutions for a characteristic Cauchy problem, Unnamed Item, ON CONTIGUITY RELATIONS FOR GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, Unnamed Item, INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS FOR HORN'S <i>H</i><sub>2</sub> FUNCTION AND OLSSON'S <i>F<sub>P</sub></i> FUNCTION, HYPERGEOMETRY INSPIRED BY IRRATIONALITY QUESTIONS, A survey for generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Two-loop Feynman integrals for ϕ4 theory with long-range correlated disorder, Duality relations for hypergeometric series, Unnamed Item, SERIES SOLUTIONS OF CONFLUENT HEUN EQUATIONS IN TERMS OF INCOMPLETE GAMMA-FUNCTIONS, Efficient Bayesian inference in generalized inverse gamma processes for stochastic volatility, On a ℂ2-valued integral index transform and bilateral hypergeometric series, On the transformation fromO 3 toO 2,1 bases inSL 2,0, A procedure for deriving inversion formulae for integral transform pairs of a general kind, The SAGEX review on scattering amplitudes Chapter 4: Multi-loop Feynman integrals