Naming convention for Weekly — example: "Project:Weekly/20230612"
Basic Info
Attendees: Eloi, Daniel, Moritz, Tim, Johannes
Protocol by: Johannes
- Johannes: mhchemParser merged with GNU GPLv2 implicitly inherited by Math extension, re-release with Apache license as dedicated component
- Daniel: was at CoRDI, all infrastructure disciplines, math was well accepted since all representants have some mathematical data
Organizational Topics
- Discussion for Scholia Design
- How are the entries created, person profiles are a first example:
- Template:Person , Person Namespace with entries, AWikibase Page with Linked Person with SPARQL Queries which are polling specified data then
- Wikidata entries can also be added with specified SPARQL Queries on the page
- Content could be cyclically polled from Wikidata within fixed intervals
- Content from one content to another wikipage, transclusion
- SPARQL Drafting
- Eventualy cache has to be invalidated when making changes
- 04.10.23 takes place hybrid, people nearby in Berlin, other in
- ~Sentence for tomorrow: We are working on the person profiles,the structure is improved in mechanism for creating them is done, first 100k entries created
- Daniel creates portraits of DMV guests on Scholia,
Literature Review Topics
- Notes on the literature review
Any other business
- Things that do not fit neatly into the sections above
Next Steps
- Person 1: summary of next steps
- Person 2: summary of next steps