An elliptic second main theorem (Q1999359)

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An elliptic second main theorem
scientific article


    An elliptic second main theorem (English)
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    26 June 2019
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    Let \(M\) be an elliptic projective plane and fix a configuration of \(q\) \(E\)-lines \(l_i\) in general position. Let \(f:\mathbb{C}\to M\) be a non-linear \(E\)-entire curve of infinite area. Denote its characteristic function by \[ T(r)=\int_1^r \int_{D_t} f^*\omega\, \frac{dt}{t}, \] where \(D_t\) denotes the disc of radius \(t\) centred at the origin in \(\mathbb{C}\), and the counting function with respect to \(l_i\) by \[ N_i^{[2]}(r)=\int_1^r n_i^{[2]}(t)\frac{dt}{t}, \] where \(n_i^{[2]}\) is the intersection between \(f(D_t)\) and \(l_i\) with \(2\)-truncated multiplicities, meaning that each intersection counts once if transversal and twice otherwise. In the paper under review it is shown that \[ (q-3)T(r)\leq \sum N_i^{[2]}(r) + o(T(r)) \] for all \(r\geq 1\) outside a set of finite Lebesgue measure.
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    \(J\)-holomorphic curve
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    elliptic structure
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