New lower bounds for optimal horoball packing density in hyperbolic \(n\)-space for \(6\le n\le 9\) (Q6038633)

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scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7681244
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New lower bounds for optimal horoball packing density in hyperbolic \(n\)-space for \(6\le n\le 9\)
scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7681244


    New lower bounds for optimal horoball packing density in hyperbolic \(n\)-space for \(6\le n\le 9\) (English)
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    2 May 2023
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    In hyperbolic space the notion of packing density involves the local densities of balls with respect to their Dirichlet-Voronoi cells. For the study of horoball packing, the authors of the paper use an extended notion of local density. A Coxeter simplex is a simplex with dihedral angles being equal to either integral submultiple of \(\pi\) or zero. Noncompact Coxeter simplices which have some ideal vertices (or Koszul type Coxeter simplices) exist only for dimensions \(2\le n\le 9\). Moreover, in dimension \(n\ge 3\) their number is finite. In particular, there are 14 noncompact Coxeter simplices with some ideal vertices for dimensions \(6\le n\le 9\). The paper under review is the fourth article in a series of papers. The previous three works were devoted to horoball packings in hyperbolic \(n\)-space for dimensions \(n=3\), \(4\) and \(5\). \par In the present paper the authors determine the optimal horoball packing desities of Koszul type simplex tilings in dimensions \(6\le n\le 9\), yielding new lower bounds for optimal packing density in each dimension. The symmetries of the packings are given by Coxeter simplex groups. Isometry invariant Busemann functions are used, and a parameter related to them provides a description of different optimal horoball packing configurations.
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    packing density
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    horoball packing
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    Busemann function
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    Coxeter group
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    hyperbolic geometry
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