The Coburn lemma and the Hartman-Wintner-Simonenko theorem for Toeplitz operators on abstract Hardy spaces (Q6113048)

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scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7709576
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The Coburn lemma and the Hartman-Wintner-Simonenko theorem for Toeplitz operators on abstract Hardy spaces
scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7709576


    The Coburn lemma and the Hartman-Wintner-Simonenko theorem for Toeplitz operators on abstract Hardy spaces (English)
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    10 July 2023
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    Let $X$ be a Banach function space on the unit circle $T$, let $X'$ be its associate space, and let $H[X]$ and $H[X']$ be the abstract Hardy spaces built upon $X$ and $X'$, respectively. Let $P$ denote the Riesz projection $P$, which is bounded on $X$, and \(a \in L^\infty \setminus {0}\). The significant main result of the paper is that $P$ is bounded on $X'$. As an example, the authors consider the Toeplitz operators \(T(\overline{a})f=P(\overline{a}f)\) and \(T(a)g=P(ag)\) acting on $H[X]$ and $H[X']$, respectively. Moreover, an extension of Coburn's lemma [\textit{L. A. Coburn}, Mich. Math. J. 13, 285--288 (1966; Zbl 0173.42904)] and a generalisation of the Hartman-Wintner-Simonenko theorem [\textit{P. Hartman} and \textit{A. Wintner}, Am. J. Math. 76, 867--882 (1954; Zbl 0056.11301); \textit{I. B. Simonenko}, Math. USSR, Izv. 2, 1091--1099 (1970; Zbl 0186.13601)] are obtained. The results are very well presented and there some corollaries and remarks can be considered for future work.
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    Coburn's lemma
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    Banach space
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    Toeplitz operator
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    normal solvability
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