Strongly transitive geometric spaces associated to hypermodules. (Q731923)

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scientific article
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Strongly transitive geometric spaces associated to hypermodules.
scientific article


    Strongly transitive geometric spaces associated to hypermodules. (English)
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    9 October 2009
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    The characterization of derived hypergroup via strongly regular equivalence and strongly transitive geometric spaces was investigated for hypergroups by \textit{D. Freni} [see Commun. Algebra 30, No. 8, 3977-3989 (2002; Zbl 1021.20045) and ibid. 32, No. 3, 969-988 (2004; Zbl 1075.20028)]. This paper extends these notions to hypermodules (with canonical hypergroup) over a given Krasner hyperring. The main isomorphism theorems of such hypermodules and other results using the fundamental relation \(\theta^*\) are proved. Finally, a familly \(P_\sigma(M)\) of subsets of a hypermodule \(M\) is determined and sufficient conditions such that the geometric space \((M,P_\sigma(M))\) is strongly transitive and the fundamental relation \(\theta\) is transitive, are given.
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    strongly regular relations
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    fundamental relation
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    Krasner hyperrings
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    strongly transitive geometric spaces
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