Newton process and semigroups of irreducible quasi-ordinary power series (Q742222)

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Newton process and semigroups of irreducible quasi-ordinary power series
scientific article


    Newton process and semigroups of irreducible quasi-ordinary power series (English)
    18 September 2014
    Let \(\mathbb C\{x_1,\ldots,x_d\}=\mathbb C\{x\}\) be the ring of convergent power series. Let \(f\in\mathbb C\{x\}[z]\) be a quasi-ordinary (q.o) polynomial, i.e., \(f\) is a Weierstrass polynomial in \(z\) with discriminant \(\Delta_z(f)=x^\delta u\) where \(\delta\in \mathbb Z^d_{\geq0}\) and \(u\in \mathbb C\{x\}\) is a unit. The Jung-Abhyankar theorem guaranties that the roots of \(f\), called quasi-ordinary branches, are fractional powers series in \(\mathbb C\{x^{1/m}\}\) for some integer \(m\geq1\). The difference \(\zeta^{(s)}-\zeta^{(t)}\) of two different roots of \(f\) has the form \(x^{\lambda_{st}}H_{st}\) where \(H_{st}\in\mathbb C\{x\}\) is a unit; \(\Lambda(f):= \{\lambda_{st}\mid f(\zeta^{(s)})=f(\zeta^{(t)})=0,\zeta^{(s)}\neq\zeta^{(t)}\}\subset \mathbb Q^d_{\geq0}\) is the set of characteristic exponents of \(f\). Let \(f\) be an irreducible q.o polynomial; then one may take \(m=\text{deg}(f)=:n\). In this case let \(\zeta\) be a root of \(f\); \(\text{frac}(\mathbb C\{x^{1/n}\})/\text{frac}(\mathbb C\{x\}[z]/(f))\) is a Galois extension, the roots of \(f\) are the conjugates of \(\zeta\), the fractional monomials \(x^{\lambda_{st}}\) (resp.\, the vector exponents \(\lambda_{st}\)) are called characteristic monomials (resp.\ exponents) of the q.o branch \(\zeta\), and we write \(M(\zeta)=M(f)\). We consider the preordering \(\alpha\leq \beta\) on \(\mathbb Q^d\) given by \(\alpha\leq\beta\) if \(\beta\in\alpha+\mathbb Q^d_{\geq0}\); the characteristic exponents can be ordered \(\lambda_1\leq\cdots\leq\lambda_g\). Let \(M_0=\mathbb Z^d\), \(M_j=M_{j-1}+\lambda_j\mathbb Z\), \(n_j=[M_{j-1}:M_j]\) for \(j\in\{1,\ldots,g\}\)---the integers \(n_j\) are called characteristic integers of \(f\). Set \(\gamma_1=\lambda_1\), \(\gamma_{j+1}=n_j\gamma_j+\lambda_{j+1}-\lambda_j\) for \(j\in\{1,\ldots,g-1\}\); the semigroup \(\Gamma=\mathbb Z^d_{\geq0}+ \gamma_1\mathbb Z_{\geq0}+\cdots+\gamma_g\mathbb Z_{\geq0}\) is the semigroup of \(f\). If \(f\) is not irreducible, then \(M(f)\) is, in general, not totally ordered. If \(\zeta\) is a q.o branch and \(f\) its minimal polynomial over \(\text{frac}(\mathbb C\{x\})\), then \(f\in\mathbb C\{x\}[z]\) is q.o, and we set \(M(\zeta)=M(f)\). Let \(f(x,z)=\sum c_{\alpha,\beta}x^\alpha z^\beta \in\mathbb C\{x\}[z]\) be q.o, let \(\Delta(f)\subset \mathbb N_0^{d+1}\) be the support of \(f\), and let \(\mathcal N(f)\subset \mathbb R^{d+1}_{\geq0}\) be the Newton polyhedron of \(f\). For any compact face \(\gamma\) of \(\Delta(f)\) set \(f_\gamma(x,z)=\sum_{(\alpha,\beta)\in\gamma}c_{\alpha,\beta}x^\alpha z^\beta\). There exist systems of P-good coordinates for \(f\) such that \(\mathcal N(f)\) is a monotone polygonal path (see Def.\ 2.13 for a definition of P-good. For the name P-good coordinates (cf. \textit{E. Artal Bartolo} et al. [Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 841, 85 p. (2005; Zbl 1095.14005), p.\ 23]; see \textit{J. McDonald} [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 104, No. 2, 213--233 (1995; Zbl 0842.52009)]) for the notion of monotone polygonal path.). Let \(N(f)\) be a monotone polygonal path. The one-dimensional (compact) faces \(\gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_n\) of \(N(f)\) can be ordered with respect to their slopes. Let \(s_i=(q_1/p,\ldots,q_d/p)\) with \(q_1,\ldots,q_d\in \mathbb Z_{\geq0}\), \(p>0\) and \(\gcd(q_1,\ldots,q_d,p)=1\) be the slope of \(s_i\) and \(h_i>0\) be the height of \(s_i\); \(h=h_1+\cdots+h_d\) is the height of \(N(f)\). Let \(f\in \mathbb C\{x\}[z]\) be q.o, and choose P-good coordinates for \(f\). We assume that \(f\) is of order \(>1\) in \(z\). Let \(s=(q_1/p,\ldots,q_d/p)=(\overline q_1/\overline p_1,\ldots,\overline q_d/\overline p_d)\) with \(\gcd (\overline q_i,\overline p_i)=1 \) for \(i\in\{1,\ldots,d\}\) be the slope of a line segment \(\mathcal E\) of \(N(f)\); then we may write \(f_{\mathcal E}(x,z)=x^nz^{n_{d+1}}\prod_{j=1}^k(z^p-\mu_hx^q)\) with \(n\in\mathbb Q_{\geq0}^d\) and \(\mu_j\in\mathbb C^*\). Now choose \(j\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\) and \(\alpha_j\in\mathbb C^*\) with \(\alpha_j^p=\mu_j\). The Newton map corresponding to these data is the morphism \(\sigma_{s,\alpha_j}: \text{Spec}(\mathbb C\{y\}[z_1])\to \text{Spec}(\mathbb C\{x\}[z])\) defined by \(x_i\mapsto y_i^{\overline p_i}\), \(z\mapsto \prod_i(y_i^{\overline q_i}(\alpha_j+z_1)\). Then \(f\circ \sigma_{s,\alpha_j}(y,z_1)\in\mathbb C\{y\}[z_1]\) can be written as \(y^ef_1(y,z_1)\) where \(f_1\in\mathbb C\{y\}[z_1]\) is q.o. In general, \(f_1\) is not in P-good coordinates; also, if \(f\) is irreducible, then \(f_1\) is, in general, not irreducible---a phenomenon of false reducibility which was detected and analyzed by the author in his thesis [Función zeta motívica de singularidades quasiordinarias irreducibles. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2010)]. Now we can repeat these steps for the q.o polynomial \(f_1(y,z_1)\). This procedure can be repeated until we reach some \(f_k\) of order \(1\) in \(z_k\). This situation always appears after a finite number of steps; such a sequence of iterations is called the Newton process for the q.o polynomial \(f\). From a result of \textit{P. D. González Pérez} [Can. J. Math. 52, No. 2, 348--368 (2000; Zbl 0970.14027)] it follows that the Newton process is independent of the choice of P-good coordinates. If \(f\) is irreducible, the output of the Newton process is a q.o branch \(\zeta\) from which one may read the characteristic exponents of \(f\) (Proposition 3.8). A Newton process determines also if \(f\) is irreducible (Theorem 4.9). In Proposition 5.3 the author shows under what conditions all the iterations of \(f\) in a Newton process remain irreducible. Lastly, the author---in case \(d=2\)---gives a sufficient condition for the normalization of a q.o surface singularity defined by an irreducible q.o polynomial \(f\) to be smooth; here he uses results of \textit{P. D. Gonzalez Perez} [Ann. Inst. Fourier 53, No. 6, 1819--1881 (2003; Zbl 1052.32024)] and \textit{P. Popescu-Pampu} [C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 336, No. 8, 651--656 (2003; Zbl 1038.32024)]. In an appendix the author illustrates graphically a Newton process associated to a q.o polynomial \(f\) and compares this illustration with the Newton trees introduced in the papers of \textit{E. Artal Bartolo} et al. [Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 841, 85 p. (2005; Zbl 1095.14005); Contemp. Math. 538, 321--343 (2011; Zbl 1214.14004)]; [Mosc. Math. J. 13, No. 3, 365--398 (2013; Zbl 1396.14006)]. Reviewer's remark: The correct references for Lemma 2.14 are [17], Lemma 3.6 and [5], Lemma 4.6.
    quasi-ordinary power series
    Newton process
    characteristic monomials
