Francesca Albertini

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open albertini.francescaMaRDI QIDQ186560

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Subspace controllability of multi-partite spin networks2021-11-10Paper
Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in $SU(n)/S(U(n-1) \times U(1))$ and Optimal Control of Three Level Quantum Systems2020-10-07Paper
Corrigendum to ``Subspace controllability of bipartite symmetric spin networks2020-08-28Paper
Subspace controllability of bipartite symmetric spin networks2019-11-04Paper
The $K\hbox{--}P$ Problem on Tensor Products of Lie Groups and Time-Optimal Control of $n$ Quantum Bits With a Bounded Field2018-06-27Paper
Controllability of symmetric spin networks2018-06-12Paper
On symmetries in time optimal control, sub-Riemannian geometries, and the \(K-P\) problem2018-03-01Paper
Notions of controllability for bilinear multilevel quantum systems2017-06-20Paper
Time-Optimal Control of a Two Level Quantum System via Interaction With an Auxiliary System2017-05-16Paper
Time optimal simultaneous control of two level quantum systems2016-11-14Paper
Exact Algebraic Conditions for Indirect Controllability of Quantum Systems2015-06-12Paper
Time optimal simultaneous control of two level quantum systems2015-02-11Paper
Control of the evolution of Heisenberg spin systems2014-08-07Paper
Control of a two-level quantum system in a coherent feedback scheme2013-05-17Paper
Controllability of quantum walks on graphs2012-07-31Paper
Discrete-time controllability for feedback quantum dynamics2011-11-17Paper
Analysis of quantum walks with time-varying coin on d-dimensional lattices2010-08-17Paper
Input-Output Model Equivalence of Spin Systems: A Characterization Using Lie Algebra Homomorphisms2009-07-22Paper
Non-stationary quantum walks on the cycle2007-12-07Paper
Quantum symmetries and Cartan decompositions in arbitrary dimensions2007-03-16Paper
Input-output equivalence of spin networks under multiple measurements2005-04-14Paper
Model identification for spin networks2005-02-23Paper
Observability and forward-backward observability of discrete-time nonlinear systems2003-11-18Paper
The Lie algebra structure and controllability of spin systems2002-08-28Paper
Small parameter limit for ergodic, discrete-time, partially observed, risk-sensitive control problems2002-01-03Paper
Continuous control-Lyapunov functions for asymptotically controllable time-varying systems2000-06-12Paper
Small Parameter Limit for Discrete-Time Partially Observed Risk-Sensitive Control Problems1999-03-31Paper
Asymptotic stability of continuous-time systems with saturation nonlinearities1997-02-27Paper
Recurrent neural networks coupled with linear systems: Observability in continuous and discrete time1997-02-27Paper
Forward accessibility for recurrent neural networks1997-02-25Paper
Further results on controllability properties of discrete-time nonlinear systems1994-10-26Paper
State observability in recurrent neural networks1994-05-24Paper
Discrete-Time Transitivity and Accessibility: Analytic Systems1994-02-07Paper
Logarithmic transformations for discrete-time, finite-horizon stochastic control problems1988-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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