Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Multiple connecting geodesics of a Randers-Kropina metric via homotopy theory for solutions of an affine control system | 2023-05-19 | Paper |
A note on the Sagnac effect in general relativity as a Finslerian effect | 2021-12-27 | Paper |
Connecting and closed geodesics of a Kropina metric | 2021-09-10 | Paper |
On the analyticity of static solutions of a field equation in Finsler gravity | 2020-04-22 | Paper |
Harmonic coordinates for the nonlinear Finsler Laplacian and some regularity results for Berwald metrics | 2020-03-24 | Paper |
Addendum to ``Morse theory of causal geodesics in a stationary spacetime via Morse theory of geodesics of a Finsler metric | 2014-05-14 | Paper |
On the energy functional on Finsler manifolds and applications to stationary spacetimes | 2011-10-25 | Paper |
Functional regularity properties for light rays in general relativity | 2011-01-24 | Paper |
Pseudo Focal Points Along Lorentzian Geodesics and Morse Index | 2010-09-02 | Paper |
Morse theory of causal geodesics in a stationary spacetime via Morse theory of geodesics of a Finsler metric | 2010-06-09 | Paper |
Finsler geodesics in the presence of a convex function and their applications | 2010-04-21 | Paper | | 2009-11-18 | Paper |
On the Geodesic Connectedeness of a Class of Lorentzian Manifolds with Boundary | 2006-07-11 | Paper | | 2006-06-26 | Paper |
On the spectral flow in Lorentzian manifolds | 2005-10-19 | Paper |
The Avez–Seifert theorem for the relativistic Lorentz force equation | 2005-06-30 | Paper |
On the number of solutions for the two-point boundary value problem on Riemannian manifolds | 2005-06-23 | Paper |
Causal properties of Kaluza-Klein metrics. | 2005-03-07 | Paper |
A timelike extension of Fermat's principle in general relativity and applications | 2004-12-14 | Paper |
Maslov index and Morse theory for the relativistic Lorentz force equation | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
On the Morse inequalities for geodesics on Lorentzian manifolds | 2004-03-25 | Paper |
Existence and multiplicity of normal geodesics in Lorentzian manifolds | 2004-03-15 | Paper |
Morse theory for trajectories of Lagrangian systems on Riemannian manifolds with convex boundary | 2003-09-25 | Paper |
Some global properties of static spacetimes | 2003-09-21 | Paper |
Trajectories of charged particles in a region of a stationary spacetime | 2002-11-21 | Paper |
A generalized index theorem for Morse-Sturm systems and applications to semi-Riemannian geometry | 2002-10-22 | Paper |
Trajectories for relativistic particles under the action of an electromagnetic field in a stationary space-time | 2002-08-25 | Paper |
On a Fermat principle in general relativity. A Ljusternik-Schnirelmann theory for light rays | 2002-04-23 | Paper |
On the finiteness of light rays between a source and an observer on conformally stationary space-times | 2001-09-09 | Paper |
A Morse theory for massive particles and photons in general relativity | 2001-08-02 | Paper | | 2000-06-29 | Paper |
Multiple critical points for indefinite functionals and applications | 2000-03-06 | Paper |
Convexity and the finiteness of the number of geodesics. Applications to the multiple-image effect | 1999-11-18 | Paper |
Solitons and the electromagnetic field | 1999-10-20 | Paper |
Some properties of the spectral flow in semi-Riemannian geometry | 1999-10-19 | Paper | | 1999-09-29 | Paper | | 1999-09-10 | Paper |
A timelike extension of Fermat's principle in general relativity and applications | 1999-05-05 | Paper |
Shortening null geodesics in Lorentzian manifolds. Applications to closed light rays | 1998-07-29 | Paper |
Critical point theory and global lorentzian geometry | 1998-07-06 | Paper |
A variational theory for light rays in stably causal Lorentzian manifolds: regularity and multiplicity results | 1997-11-06 | Paper |
A variational theory for hight rays on Lorentz manifolds | 1997-10-08 | Paper |
Asymptotically linear elliptic problems at resonance | 1997-06-01 | Paper |
On the existence of infinitely many trajectories for a class of static Lorentzian manifolds like Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström space-times | 1997-04-21 | Paper | | 1997-01-09 | Paper |
Morse relations for geodesics on stationary Lorentzian manifolds with boundary | 1996-12-15 | Paper |
On a variational theory of light rays on Lorentzian manifolds | 1996-10-27 | Paper |
On a Fermat principle in general relativity. A Morse theory for light rays | 1996-09-03 | Paper |
On the existence of a timelike trajectory for a Lorentzian metric | 1996-07-28 | Paper |
Geodesics on product Lorentzian manifolds | 1996-06-25 | Paper |
A Fermat principle for stationary space-times and applications to light rays | 1995-02-26 | Paper |
Convex regions of Lorentzian manifolds | 1995-01-15 | Paper |
On the geodesic connectedness of Lorentzian manifolds | 1994-12-21 | Paper | | 1994-11-22 | Paper |
Some results on lightlike geodesics on stationary lorentzian manifolds | 1994-09-19 | Paper |
Geodesics on Lorentzian manifolds with quasi-convex boundary | 1994-01-31 | Paper |
On the existence of a closed geodesic in stationary Lorentz manifolds | 1993-10-25 | Paper |
Time-like periodic trajectories in stationary Lorentz manifolds | 1993-04-01 | Paper | | 1992-08-13 | Paper |
On the existence of geodesics on stationary Lorentz manifolds with convex boundary | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
A Morse index for geodesics in static Lorentz manifolds | 1992-01-01 | Paper |