Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Local smoothing and Hardy spaces for Fourier integral operators on manifolds | 2024-01-25 | Paper |
Weak type \((1,1)\) bounds for Schrödinger groups | 2023-06-22 | Paper |
Pointwise decay of solutions to the energy critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations | 2023-06-12 | Paper |
Characterizations of the Hardy space $\mathcal H_{\rm FIO}^{1}(\mathbb R^{n})$ for Fourier integral operators | 2023-05-10 | Paper |
The Garnett-Jones Theorem on BMO spaces associated with operators and applications | 2023-04-17 | Paper |
Lp bounds for Stein's spherical maximal operators | 2023-03-15 | Paper |
Dirichlet problem for Schr\"odinger operators on Heisenberg groups | 2022-10-13 | Paper |
The CMO-Dirichlet problem for the Schrödinger equation in the upper half-space and characterizations of CMO | 2022-03-21 | Paper |
A \(q\)-atomic decomposition of weighted tent spaces on spaces of homogeneous type and its application | 2021-03-26 | Paper |
\(L^p\) bounds of maximal operators along variable planar curves in the Lipschitz regularity | 2021-01-04 | Paper |
BMO spaces associated to operators with generalised Poisson bounds on non-doubling manifolds with ends | 2020-11-03 | Paper |
$L^p(\mathbb{R}^2)$-boundedness of Hilbert Transforms and Maximal Functions along Plane Curves with Two-variable Coefficients | 2020-07-10 | Paper |
Coordination of a Socially Responsible Two-Stage Supply Chain Under Random Demand | 2019-10-30 | Paper |
Comparison of three different types of two-implant-supported magnetic attachments on the stress distribution in edentulous mandible | 2019-07-09 | Paper |
Frame decomposition and radial maximal semigroup characterization of Hardy spaces associated to operators | 2019-05-31 | Paper | | 2019-02-22 | Paper |
Weighted inequalities for bilinear rough singular integrals from \(L^2\times L^2\) to \(L^1\) | 2019-02-15 | Paper |
Carleson measures, BMO spaces and balayages associated to Schrödinger operators | 2018-07-25 | Paper |
Weighted local Hardy spaces associated with operators | 2018-05-31 | Paper | | 2018-05-25 | Paper |
Maximal function characterizations for Hardy spaces associated with nonnegative self-adjoint operators on spaces of homogeneous type | 2018-04-18 | Paper |
On characterization of Poisson integrals of Schrödinger operators with Morrey traces | 2018-04-11 | Paper |
The Euclidean vehicle routing problem with multiple depots and time windows | 2018-03-26 | Paper |
Weighted inequalities of bilinear rough singular integrals | 2017-08-27 | Paper |
A lower bound for the adaptive two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem | 2017-08-03 | Paper |
Boundary Korn inequality and Neumann problems in homogenization of systems of elasticity | 2017-05-02 | Paper |
Solving Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Window by iLNS and hPSO | 2017-02-01 | Paper | | 2017-01-06 | Paper |
Approximation schemes for Euclidean vehicle routing problems with time windows | 2016-11-29 | Paper | | 2016-10-06 | Paper |
The atomic decomposition of weighted Hardy spaces associated to self-adjoint operators on product spaces | 2016-06-20 | Paper |
A Hybrid Large Neighborhood Search for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Deadline | 2016-02-05 | Paper |
Set covering in fuel-considered vehicle routing problems | 2015-12-11 | Paper |
A maximal function characterization for Hardy spaces associated to nonnegative self-adjoint operators satisfying Gaussian estimates | 2015-12-03 | Paper |
The bilinear Bochner-Riesz problem | 2015-11-17 | Paper |
The Boundedness of the Commutator for Riesz Potential Associated with Schrodinger Operator on Morrey Spaces | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
A Quasi-polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Euclidean CVRPTW | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
A Bicriteria Approximation Algorithm for DVRP with Time Windows | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Limited-view multi-source quantitative photoacoustic tomography | 2015-07-27 | Paper |
Besov and Hardy spaces associated with the Schrödinger operator on the Heisenberg group | 2014-11-18 | Paper |
Preduals of quadratic Campanato spaces associated to operators with heat kernel bounds | 2014-10-20 | Paper |
On \(L^p\) estimates in homogenization of elliptic equations of Maxwell's type | 2014-04-14 | Paper |
An atomic decomposition of weighted Hardy spaces associated to self-adjoint operators | 2014-03-21 | Paper |
Efficient semantics-based compliance checking using LTL formulae and unfolding | 2013-09-09 | Paper | | 2012-10-05 | Paper |
Hardy spaces associated to Schrödinger operators on product spaces | 2012-05-10 | Paper |
Boundedness of functional calculi of Schrödinger operators on generalized Lebesgue spaces \(L^{p(\cdot)}(\mathbb R^n)\) | 2012-04-26 | Paper |
Uniform \(W^{1,p}\) estimates for systems of linear elasticity in a periodic medium | 2012-03-05 | Paper |
VMO spaces associated with divergence form elliptic operators | 2012-01-12 | Paper |
Various characterizations of product Hardy space | 2011-12-13 | Paper |
Riesz transforms associated to Schrödinger operators on weighted Hardy spaces | 2010-09-06 | Paper | | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
Functions of vanishing mean oscillation associated with operators and applications | 2009-02-20 | Paper | | 2008-05-14 | Paper |
L P boundedness of area function associated with operators on product spaces | 2008-01-28 | Paper |
Duality of Hardy and BMO spaces associated with operators with heat kernel bounds on product domains | 2007-11-09 | Paper | | 2007-07-30 | Paper | | 2007-05-29 | Paper |