Yuanling Niu

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open niu.yuanlingMaRDI QIDQ306773

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Mean-square convergence and stability of compensated stochastic theta methods for jump-diffusion SDEs with super-linearly growing coefficients2023-07-10Paper
Why Increase of Heterogeneity Signals Pre-Deterioration During Tumor Progression: A Unified Mathematical Model2023-05-26Paper
A CVAE-within-Gibbs sampler for Bayesian linear inverse problems with hyperparameters2023-05-22Paper
Corrigendum to: ``Fractional Crank-Nicolson-Galerkin finite element methods for nonlinear time fractional parabolic problems with time delay2022-06-10Paper
Convergence and stability of the semi-tamed Milstein method for commutative stochastic differential equations with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients2021-11-16Paper
Fractional Crank-Nicolson-Galerkin finite element methods for nonlinear time fractional parabolic problems with time delay2021-05-17Paper
Modelling biochemical reaction systems by stochastic differential equations with reflection2016-09-01Paper
Corrigendum for ``Modelling biochemical reaction systems by stochastic differential equations with reflection2016-09-01Paper
The phenotypic equilibrium of cancer cells: from average-level stability to path-wise convergence2016-08-19Paper
Strong Predictor-Corrector Approximation for Stochastic Delay Differential Equations2016-08-10Paper
A derivative-free explicit method with order 1.0 for solving stochastic delay differential equations2014-06-06Paper
Almost sure and moment exponential stability of predictor-corrector methods for stochastic differential equations2014-03-18Paper
A delay-dependent stability criterion for nonlinear stochastic delay-integro-differential equations2012-06-01Paper
The stability relation between ordinary and delay-integro-differential equations2009-07-20Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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