Masahito Hayashi

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zbMath Open hayashi.masahitoMaRDI QIDQ309716

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Bregman Divergence Based Em Algorithm and its Application to Classical and Quantum Rate Distortion Theory2024-03-21Paper
Analytical Algorithm for Capacities of Classical and Classical-Quantum Channels2024-03-19Paper
Tight Exponential Analysis for Smoothing the Max-Relative Entropy and for Quantum Privacy Amplification2024-03-19Paper
$q$-Racah probability distribution2023-11-16Paper
When quantum memory is useful for dense coding2023-06-19Paper
Pseudo standard entanglement structure cannot be distinguished from standard entanglement structure2023-05-10Paper
Special functions in quantum phase estimation2023-02-14Paper
Quantum state estimation with nuisance parameters2023-01-25Paper
Asymptotic properties for Markovian dynamics in quantum theory and general probabilistic theories2023-01-13Paper
Perfect discrimination of non-orthogonal separable pure states on bipartite system in general probabilistic theory2023-01-04Paper
Quantum verifiable protocol for secure modulo zero-sum randomness2022-12-06Paper
The Lie Group Structure of Elliptic/Hyperelliptic $\wp$ Functions2022-11-11Paper
Significance improvement by randomized test in random sampling without replacement2022-11-04Paper
Nearly tight universal bounds for the binomial tail probabilities2022-11-03Paper
Secure List Decoding and its Application to Bit-String Commitment2022-07-13Paper
The Half-period Addition Formulae for Genus Two Hyperelliptic $\wp$ Functions and the Sp(4,$\mathbb{R}$) Lie Group Structure2022-06-10Paper
Universal Classical-Quantum Superposition Coding and Universal Classical-Quantum Multiple Access Channel Coding2022-05-30Paper
Information geometry approach to parameter estimation in hidden Markov model2022-02-01Paper
Two Flows Kowalevski Top as the Full Genus Two Jacobi's Inversion Problem and Sp(4,$\mathbb{R}$) Lie Group Structure2021-11-18Paper
Capacity of Quantum Private Information Retrieval With Colluding Servers2021-09-07Paper
Quantifying time-varying sources in magnetoencephalography -- a discrete approach2021-08-04Paper
Permutation Enhances Classical Communication Assisted by Entangled States2021-07-23Paper
Finite Block Length Analysis on Quantum Coherence Distillation and Incoherent Randomness Extraction2021-07-23Paper
Single-Shot Secure Quantum Network Coding for General Multiple Unicast Network With Free One-Way Public Communication2021-07-23Paper
Differential Equations of Genus Four Hyperelliptic $\wp$ Functions2021-07-07Paper
Graph-Theoretic Framework for Self-Testing in Bell Scenarios2021-04-27Paper
Stochastic behavior of outcome of Schur-Weyl duality measurement2021-04-26Paper
Capacity of Quantum Private Information Retrieval With Multiple Servers2021-02-22Paper
Security analysis of the decoy method with the Bennett–Brassard 1984 protocol for finite key lengths2021-01-11Paper
Concise and tight security analysis of the Bennett–Brassard 1984 protocol with finite key lengths2020-12-02Paper
Additivity and non-additivity of multipartite entanglement measures2020-11-19Paper
Additivity and non-additivity of multipartite entanglement measures2020-11-19Paper
Secure Network Code for Adaptive and Active Attacks With No-Randomness in Intermediate Nodes2020-09-29Paper
Secure Communication Over Fully Quantum Gel’fand-Pinsker Wiretap Channel2020-09-29Paper
Perfect Discrimination in Approximate Quantum Theory of General Probabilistic Theories2020-04-10Paper
Elliptic Solutions for Higher Order KdV Equations2020-02-28Paper
Second Order Analysis for Joint Source-Channel Coding With General Channel and Markovian Source2020-01-28Paper
Secure Quantum Network Code Without Classical Communication2020-01-28Paper
Correction to ‘Quantum stopwatch: how to store time in a quantum memory’2019-12-06Paper
Common Hirota Form B\"{a}cklund Transformation for the Unified Soliton System2019-10-15Paper
Efficient Verification of Pure Quantum States in the Adversarial Scenario2019-09-04Paper
General framework for verifying pure quantum states in the adversarial scenario2019-09-04Paper
Local equivalence problem in hidden Markov model2019-08-12Paper
The construction of the mKdV cyclic symmetric N-soliton solution by the Bäcklund transformation2019-07-12Paper
The Unified Soliton System as the ${\rm AdS_2}$ System2019-06-25Paper
Attaining the ultimate precision limit in quantum state estimation2019-05-21Paper
Universal Channel Coding for General Output Alphabet2019-01-18Paper
The Static Elliptic $N$-soliton Solutions of the KdV Equation2018-12-23Paper
Quantum stopwatch: how to store time in a quantum memory2018-11-26Paper
Asymptotic and non-asymptotic analysis for a hidden Markovian process with a quantum hidden system2018-10-16Paper
Corrections to “Second-Order Asymptotics of Conversions of Distributions and Entangled States Based on Rayleigh-Normal Probability Distributions”2018-09-19Paper
Compression for Quantum Population Coding2018-09-19Paper
Corrections to “Random Number Conversion and LOCC Conversion via Restricted Storage” [Apr 17 2504-2532]2018-09-19Paper
Universal Secure Multiplex Network Coding With Dependent and Non-Uniform Messages2018-09-19Paper
Tight Asymptotic Bounds on Local Hypothesis Testing Between a Pure Bipartite State and the White Noise State2018-09-19Paper
Analysis of Remaining Uncertainties and Exponents Under Various Conditional Rényi Entropies2018-09-14Paper
Minimum Rates of Approximate Sufficient Statistics2018-06-27Paper
Operational Interpretation of Rényi Information Measures via Composite Hypothesis Testing Against Product and Markov Distributions2018-06-27Paper
Efficient Verification of Hypergraph States2018-06-14Paper
Optimal Mechanism for Randomized Responses under Universally Composable Security Measure2018-05-16Paper
Single-shot secure quantum network coding for general multiple unicast network with free public communication2018-03-16Paper
Attaining the ultimate precision limit in quantum state estimation2018-02-21Paper
Finite-length analysis on tail probability for Markov chain and application to simple hypothesis testing2017-08-08Paper
Information Spectrum Approach to Second-Order Coding Rate in Channel Coding2017-08-08Paper
Discrimination of Two Channels by Adaptive Methods and Its Application to Quantum System2017-08-08Paper
Second-Order Asymptotics of Conversions of Distributions and Entangled States Based on Rayleigh-Normal Probability Distributions2017-07-27Paper
Random Number Conversion and LOCC Conversion via Restricted Storage2017-07-27Paper
Capacity With Energy Constraint in Coherent State Channel2017-07-27Paper
Exponential Decreasing Rate of Leaked Information in Universal Random Privacy Amplification2017-07-12Paper
A Hierarchy of Information Quantities for Finite Block Length Analysis of Quantum Tasks2017-06-08Paper
Tight Exponential Analysis of Universally Composable Privacy Amplification and Its Applications2017-06-08Paper
Dual Universality of Hash Functions and Its Applications to Quantum Cryptography2017-06-08Paper
Equivocations, Exponents, and Second-Order Coding Rates Under Various Rényi Information Measures2017-06-08Paper
Information Geometry Approach to Parameter Estimation in Hidden Markov Models2017-05-17Paper
Large Deviation Analysis for Quantum Security via Smoothing of Rényi Entropy of Order 22017-05-16Paper
Secret Key Agreement: General Capacity and Second-Order Asymptotics2017-04-28Paper
Security Analysis of <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\varepsilon $ </tex-math> </inline-formula>-Almost Dual Universal2Hash Functions: Smoothing of Min Entropy Versus Smoothing of Rényi Entropy of Order 22017-04-28Paper
Secure Multiplex Coding With Dependent and Non-Uniform Multiple Messages2017-04-28Paper
Uniform Random Number Generation From Markov Chains: Non-Asymptotic and Asymptotic Analyses2017-04-28Paper
More Efficient Privacy Amplification With Less Random Seeds via Dual Universal Hash Function2017-04-28Paper
Asymmetric Evaluations of Erasure and Undetected Error Probabilities2017-04-28Paper
Local Hypothesis Testing Between a Pure Bipartite State and the White Noise State2017-04-28Paper
Quantum Wiretap Channel With Non-Uniform Random Number and Its Exponent and Equivocation Rate of Leaked Information2017-04-28Paper
Correlation detection and an operational interpretation of the Rényi mutual information2016-11-14Paper
Discrimination power of a quantum detector2016-10-24Paper
Fourier analytic approach to quantum estimation of group action2016-10-20Paper
A Group Theoretic Approach to Quantum Information2016-09-09Paper
Group Representation for Quantum Theory2016-09-09Paper
Information geometry approach to parameter estimation in Markov chains2016-09-07Paper
Optimal decoy intensity for decoy quantum key distribution2016-08-10Paper
Quantum Information Theory2016-08-04Paper
Optimal compression for identically prepared qubit states2016-06-09Paper
Limiting behavior of relative Rényi entropy in a non-regular location shift family2016-01-15Paper
Quantum Security Analysis via Smoothing of Renyi Entropy of Order 22015-12-03Paper
Precise evaluation of leaked information with secure randomness extraction in the presence of quantum attacker2015-02-03Paper
Relating different quantum generalizations of the conditional Rényi entropy2014-09-12Paper
Introduction to Quantum Information Science2014-06-04Paper
Quantum hypothesis testing for Gaussian states: quantum analogues of \(\chi ^{2}\), \(t\)-, and \(F\)-tests2013-03-18Paper
Practical Implementation and Error Bound of Integer-Type Algorithm for Higher-Order Differential Equations2012-02-19Paper
Global Information Balance in Quantum Measurements2011-12-26Paper
Large deviation theory for non-regular location shift family2011-12-14Paper
General Theory for Integer-Type Algorithm for Higher Order Differential Equations2011-07-15Paper
Comparison between the Cramer-Rao and the mini-max approaches in quantum channel estimation2011-06-17Paper
Two Non-Regular Extensions of Large Deviation Bound2010-08-19Paper
Quantum hypothesis testing with group symmetry2010-08-17Paper
The geometric measure of entanglement for a symmetric pure state with non-negative amplitudes2010-08-17Paper
Universal approximation of multi-copy states and universal quantum lossless data compression2010-07-02Paper
Universal coding for classical-quantum channel2009-07-24Paper
Differentiability of eigenfunctions of the closures of differential operators with rational coefficient functions2009-03-27Paper
Second-Order Asymptotics in Fixed-Length Source Coding and Intrinsic Randomness2009-02-24Paper
Asymptotic performance of optimal state estimation in qubit system2009-01-23Paper
General nonasymptotic and asymptotic formulas in channel resolvability and identification capacity and their application to the wiretap channel2008-12-21Paper
General formulas for fixed-length quantum entanglement concentration2008-12-21Paper
General formulas for capacity of classical-quantum channels2008-12-21Paper
On Error Exponents in Quantum Hypothesis Testing2008-12-21Paper
An Information-Spectrum Approach to Classical and Quantum Hypothesis Testing for Simple Hypotheses2008-12-21Paper
Quantum Network Coding2007-09-03Paper
A study of LOCC-detection of a maximally entangled state using hypothesis testing2007-02-06Paper
Coherent states and annihilation–creation operators associated with the irreducible unitary representations of 𝔰𝔲(1,1)2004-12-14Paper
Two quantum analogues of Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation2004-06-10Paper
Optimal sequence of quantum measurements in the sense of Stein s lemma in quantum hypothesis testing2004-06-10Paper
Error exponents for entanglement concentration2004-06-09Paper
Two non-regular extensions of the large deviation bound2002-12-05Paper
Asymptotics of quantum relative entropy from a representation theoretical viewpoint2001-09-11Paper
Subnormal operators regarded as generalized observables and compound-system-type normal extension related to 𝔰𝔲(1,1)2001-04-04Paper
Exact solubility of Chern-Simons theory with compact simple gauge group2000-03-05Paper
Asymptotic estimation theory for a finite-dimensional pure state model1999-11-30Paper
Algebraic equations determining quantum dimensions1996-02-12Paper
A note on vertex models and knot polynomials1990-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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