Maggy Tomova

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open tomova.maggyMaRDI QIDQ357214

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Kirby–Thompson distance for trisections of knotted surfaces2023-08-24Paper
The relative \(\mathcal{L} \)-invariant of a compact 4-manifold2022-02-24Paper
Tunnel number and bridge number of composite genus 2 spatial graphs2021-11-15Paper
Distortion and the bridge distance of knots2020-05-06Paper
Additive invariants for knots, links and graphs in 3-manifolds2018-09-28Paper
Neighbors of Knots in the Gordian Graph2018-07-13Paper
Thin position for knots, links, and graphs in 3-manifolds2018-05-03Paper
Representativity and waist of cable knots2018-04-25Paper
Exceptional and cosmetic surgeries on knots2017-03-01Paper
The Radio Number of $C_n \square C_n$2016-05-04Paper
Distance two links2016-02-10Paper
Essential surfaces in highly twisted link complements2015-06-29Paper
A gap in the achievable radio number line2014-04-25Paper
The Radio numbers of all graphs of order $n$ and diameter $n-2$2013-12-19Paper
Heegaard surfaces for certain graphs in compressionbodies2013-09-04Paper
High distance bridge surfaces2013-08-13Paper
C-essential surfaces in (3-manifold, graph) pairs2013-07-30Paper
Width is not additive2013-04-09Paper
Radio numbers for generalized prism graphs2011-10-05Paper
Flipping bridge surfaces and bounds on the stable bridge number2011-08-02Paper
Thin position for knots in a 3-manifold2009-07-31Paper
The \(N\)-queens problem on a symmetric Toeplitz matrix2009-04-09Paper
Cut-disks for level spheres in link and tangle complements2009-03-06Paper
Conway products and links with multiple bridge surfaces2009-01-22Paper
Distance of Heegaard splittings of knot complements2008-11-14Paper
Uniqueness of bridge surfaces for 2-bridge knots2008-06-13Paper
Multiple bridge surfaces restrict knot distance2007-12-17Paper
Compressing thin spheres in the complement of a link2006-09-13Paper
Alternate Heegaard genus bounds distance2006-09-11Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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