Hongying Shu

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zbMath Open shu.hongyingMaRDI QIDQ425941

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Viral infection dynamics with immune chemokines and CTL mobility modulated by the infected cell density2024-04-03Paper
Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China2023-09-04Paper
Effects of diffusion and advection on predator-prey dynamics in closed environments2023-06-12Paper
Traveling waves of nonlocal delayed disease models: critical wave speed and propagation speed2023-05-03Paper
The importance of quarantine: modelling the COVID-19 testing process2023-05-02Paper
Viral dynamics with immune responses: effects of distributed delays and Filippov antiretroviral therapy2023-02-15Paper
Spatiotemporal patterns of a structured spruce budworm diffusive model2022-08-31Paper
Diffusive host-pathogen model revisited: Nonlocal infections, incubation period and spatial heterogeneity2022-08-24Paper
Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal and delayed cholera model in a spatially heterogeneous environment2021-10-04Paper
Dirichlet problem for a diffusive logistic population model with two delays2021-09-17Paper
Global dynamics of an immunosuppressive infection model with stage structure2021-08-27Paper
Viral infection dynamics in a spatial heterogeneous environment with cell-free and cell-to-cell transmissions2021-08-27Paper
Joint impacts of media, vaccination and treatment on an epidemic Filippov model with application to COVID-192021-06-14Paper
Global Hopf bifurcation and dynamics of a stage-structured model with delays for tick population2021-04-01Paper
Complex dynamics in a delay differential equation with two delays in tick growth with diapause2020-10-13Paper
Viral diffusion and cell-to-cell transmission: mathematical analysis and simulation study2020-04-21Paper
Resonance of periodic combination antiviral therapy and intracellular delays in virus model2020-02-21Paper
Dirichlet problem for a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model2019-10-16Paper
Rich dynamics in a delayed HTLV-I infection model: stability switch, multiple stable cycles, and torus2019-08-21Paper
Traveling waves in epidemic models: non-monotone diffusive systems with non-monotone incidence rates2019-06-04Paper
Impacts of the cell-free and cell-to-cell infection modes on viral dynamics2018-11-06Paper
Dynamics of a ratio-dependent stage-structured predator-prey model with delay2018-02-08Paper
Bounded global Hopf branches for stage-structured differential equations with unimodal feedback2017-05-29Paper
Global dynamics of a coupled epidemic model2017-04-25Paper
Delay induced stability switch, multitype bistability and chaos in an intraguild predation model2015-11-20Paper
Global analysis on a class of multi-group SEIR model with latency and relapse2015-10-16Paper
Global stability and backward bifurcation of a general viral infection model with virus-driven proliferation of target cells2014-12-04Paper
Sustained and transient oscillations and chaos induced by delayed antiviral immune response in an immunosuppressive infection model2014-02-25Paper
Global dynamics of Nicholson's blowflies equation revisited: onset and termination of nonlinear oscillations2014-02-13Paper
Global Stability of a Nonlinear Viral Infection Model with Infinitely Distributed Intracellular Delays and CTL Immune Responses2013-09-30Paper
Global stability of multi-group SEIR epidemic models with distributed delays and nonlinear transmission2012-12-28Paper
Joint effects of mitosis and intracellular delay on viral dynamics: two-parameter bifurcation analysis2012-10-22Paper
Role of \(CD4^{+}\) T-cell proliferation in HIV infection under antiretroviral therapy2012-08-01Paper
Global dynamics of a mathematical model for HTLV-I infection of \(CD4^{+}T\) cells with delayed CTL response2012-06-10Paper
Multiple stable periodic oscillations in a mathematical model of CTL response to HTLV-I infection2011-08-25Paper
Impact of Intracellular Delays and Target-Cell Dynamics on In Vivo Viral Infections2011-04-08Paper
Bifurcation analysis in a discrete BAM network model with delays2011-03-28Paper
Global dynamics of an in-host viral model with intracellular delay2010-10-26Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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