Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Convergence Analysis of the Deep Galerkin Method for Weak Solutions | 2024-03-19 | Paper |
A distributed block Chebyshev-Davidson algorithm for parallel spectral clustering | 2024-03-04 | Paper |
Simultaneous neural network approximation for smooth functions | 2023-10-17 | Paper |
Nearly Optimal Approximation Rates for Deep Super ReLU Networks on Sobolev Spaces | 2023-10-16 | Paper |
Neural network approximation: three hidden layers are enough | 2023-09-28 | Paper |
PiPs: a kernel-based optimization scheme for analyzing non-stationary 1D signals | 2023-07-19 | Paper |
Friedrichs Learning: Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations via Deep Learning | 2023-06-29 | Paper |
A Finite Expression Method for Solving High-Dimensional Committor Problems | 2023-06-21 | Paper |
Stationary Density Estimation of Itô Diffusions Using Deep Learning | 2023-03-31 | Paper |
Deep Learning via Neural Energy Descent | 2023-02-20 | Paper |
On the convergence of orthogonalization-free conjugate gradient method for extreme eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices: a Riemannian optimization interpretation | 2023-02-09 | Paper |
The Discovery of Dynamics via Linear Multistep Methods and Deep Learning: Error Estimation | 2022-08-17 | Paper |
A Fast Petrov--Galerkin Spectral Method for the Multidimensional Boltzmann Equation Using Mapped Chebyshev Functions | 2022-06-24 | Paper |
Finite Expression Method for Solving High-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
Deep ReLU Networks Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality for Generalized Bandlimited Functions | 2022-05-27 | Paper |
Linear-scaling selected inversion based on hierarchical interpolative factorization for self Green's function for modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation in two dimensions | 2022-05-11 | Paper |
SelectNet: self-paced learning for high-dimensional partial differential equations | 2022-04-25 | Paper |
Generative imaging and image processing via generative encoder | 2022-04-22 | Paper |
Machine learning for prediction with missing dynamics | 2022-04-21 | Paper |
Structure probing neural network deflation | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Int-Deep: a deep learning initialized iterative method for nonlinear problems | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Combining 2D synchrosqueezed wave packet transform with optimization for crystal image analysis | 2022-01-28 | Paper |
Optimal approximation rate of ReLU networks in terms of width and depth | 2022-01-07 | Paper |
Interior eigensolver for sparse Hermitian definite matrices based on Zolotarev's functions | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
Error bounds for deep ReLU networks using the Kolmogorov-Arnold superposition theorem | 2021-12-03 | Paper |
Drop-activation: implicit parameter reduction and harmonious regularization | 2021-11-24 | Paper |
Rapid Application of the Spherical Harmonic Transform via Interpolative Decomposition Butterfly Factorization | 2021-11-16 | Paper |
Deep Network Approximation Characterized by Number of Neurons | 2021-11-02 | Paper |
Deep Network Approximation for Smooth Functions | 2021-10-07 | Paper |
Stationary Density Estimation of It\^o Diffusions Using Deep Learning | 2021-09-08 | Paper |
Multiscale and Nonlocal Learning for PDEs using Densely Connected RNNs | 2021-09-04 | Paper |
Deep Network With Approximation Error Being Reciprocal of Width to Power of Square Root of Depth | 2021-07-30 | Paper |
Fast algorithms for Jacobi expansions via nonoscillatory phase functions | 2021-03-31 | Paper |
Multiresolution mode decomposition for adaptive time series analysis | 2021-03-26 | Paper |
Fast algorithms for the multi-dimensional Jacobi polynomial transform | 2021-03-26 | Paper |
A hierarchical butterfly LU preconditioner for two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems involving open surfaces | 2021-01-27 | Paper |
A unified framework for oscillatory integral transforms: when to use NUFFT or butterfly factorization? | 2021-01-25 | Paper |
Structure Probing Neural Network Deflation | 2020-07-07 | Paper |
Deep Network with Approximation Error Being Reciprocal of Width to Power of Square Root of Depth | 2020-06-22 | Paper |
Nonlinear approximation via compositions | 2020-06-05 | Paper |
Interpolative Decomposition Butterfly Factorization | 2020-05-29 | Paper |
A Fast Algorithm for Multiresolution Mode Decomposition | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
\(3D\) crystal image analysis based on fast synchro-squeezed transforms | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
SelectNet: Self-paced Learning for High-dimensional Partial Differential Equations | 2020-01-14 | Paper |
Machine Learning for Prediction with Missing Dynamics | 2019-10-13 | Paper |
Int-Deep: A Deep Learning Initialized Iterative Method for Nonlinear Problems | 2019-10-03 | Paper |
Phase-Space Sketching for Crystal Image Analysis Based on Synchrosqueezed Transforms | 2019-08-22 | Paper |
Error bounds for deep ReLU networks using the Kolmogorov--Arnold superposition theorem | 2019-06-27 | Paper |
Removal of Canvas Patterns in Digital Acquisitions of Paintings | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
$3D$ Crystal Image Analysis based on Fast Synchrosqueezed Transforms | 2018-11-13 | Paper |
Statistical analysis of synchrosqueezed transforms | 2018-08-30 | Paper |
Diffusion forecasting model with basis functions from QR-decomposition | 2018-07-20 | Paper |
Multidimensional butterfly factorization | 2018-04-12 | Paper |
Recursive Diffeomorphism-Based Regression for Shape Functions | 2018-01-11 | Paper |
A cubic scaling algorithm for excited states calculations in particle-particle random phase approximation | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
Interpolative Butterfly Factorization | 2017-05-31 | Paper |
Preconditioning Orbital Minimization Method for Planewave Discretization | 2017-05-30 | Paper |
Interior Eigensolver for Sparse Hermitian Definite Matrices Based on Zolotarev's Functions | 2017-01-31 | Paper |
Crystal Image Analysis Using 2D Synchrosqueezed Transforms | 2016-01-11 | Paper |
A Multiscale Butterfly Algorithm for Multidimensional Fourier Integral Operators | 2015-07-30 | Paper |
Butterfly Factorization | 2015-07-30 | Paper |
Synchrosqueezed wave packet transforms and diffeomorphism based spectral analysis for 1D general mode decompositions | 2015-06-10 | Paper |
Synchrosqueezed Curvelet Transform for Two-Dimensional Mode Decomposition | 2014-09-05 | Paper |
Synchrosqueezed Wave Packet Transform for 2D Mode Decomposition | 2014-01-23 | Paper |
A fast algorithm for multilinear operators | 2012-06-13 | Paper |